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Synastry: You make me feel...

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

Synastry readings look at 2 individuals’ birth charts to determine how their energies will play out. Whether it is sexual attraction, romantic, professional or friendship based, Astrology provides a no-bull insight into the partnerships we attract, what we are physically attracted to and whom we enter into a serious relationship/marriage with.

Whether you’re into:

  • Guys, girls or both

  • Cheaters, swingers or open to suggestion

  • Love marriage, arranged marriage

  • Forever looking and searching

  • Crazy cat lady who never understood love

  • Casanova or Peter Pan who’ll never settle

…..or whether you’re familiar with:

  • Mr. & Mrs. Everything looks perfect on the outside but im screaming from within…

  • Ms. I’ll never have a man propo…….oh look he proposed; life is sweet

  • Mr./Ms I’ll pick one 20 years my junior/senior cause it feels good

  • Mr./Ms I can’t get no…

There are countless articles on the internet about love and romance and Astrology, but here we’ll list a few of the basics which correlate with the common synastry aspects between 2 people, and the potent mix of energy that brings about sexuality and love that has nothing to do with conscious effort.

When the planets and their degrees in our natal birth chart make a major aspect to another persons planets or Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or Imum Coleli degree by either:

Conjunction (within 10 degrees) - enforcing existing energy

Square (close to 90 degree angle) - challenging and compromising energy

Sextile (close to 60 degree angle) - opportunistic and growth experience energy

Trine (close to 120 degree angle) - comforting and ease of expression energy

Opposition (close to 180 degree angle) - conflicting and mirroring energy

this results in specific behavioural triggering between 2 people, and provides insight into how we connect with the people we meet. It determines whether we get along with people, what we think and feel about them and how we value them.

There are several other crucial angles within Tropical astrology for consideration however the above mentioned aspects are the most common in synastry.

The major planets affecting our love style on a day to day basis with another include:


Mode: Emotion and instinct share between 2 people

Good synastry = We get along so well, we are so similar

Challenging synastry = We're just different people


Mode: The way we flirt, what women are physically attracted to and how we like it in the bedroom (or anywhere else)

Good synastry =

We are at it like rabbits.

We are just so into each other.

We just want to touch and hold and do things together.

Challenging synastry =

He does this weird thing/habit that just puts me off.

Our timing isn’t quite right.

He can’t get it up without XYZ.

She takes forEVER to finish, we aren’t that well connected.


Mode: I love, I like, I want to share and create with you

Good Synastry =

When I do the things I love, he loves it too.

We just adore each other.

We both enjoy our time together to do XYZ.

We both find pleasure in X.

Challenging Synastry =

Its best she does her thing and I do mine, our tastes differ dramatically.

I like her and we have great sex, but im not really in love with her.

He’s so hot, but I just don’t understands why he always goes and does X, why can't he enjoy X with us instead?

We will be going into detail about other planets in the chart in another article, however these inner planets are crucial when it comes to attraction, flirtation, sex and how we ‘do’ marriage and relationships.


The astrological houses show us how exactly these energies play out within another chart. If we place one chart over another and assess how each planets energies are working in another's astrological houses we see the following themes:


How they make us feel about ourselves, our life/ego and physical appearance.

If ones Venus is in your first house that person will find you very attractive in the way you are physically presented.

If a heavier and restrictive planet like Saturn sits in another's 1st house then it is felt as pressure from that person to take care of ones physical image.



How they make us feel and use our money, resources, family, the way we speak, eat, talk.

With a 2nd house interaction, it will be about food, sex, more food, money money money, and I need you (over I love/want you). A deep bond usually exists.



How we communicate and put effort into each other.

With a 3rd house interaction this will make a couple want to talk, play games, put effort into things, hang out with cousins and close neighbourhood friends, get busy with hands 😉 and all things 3rd house related.

Activity and communication are key in this interchange of energy.



How we feel, how we nurture, and bring mum along with you.

With a 4th house interaction one or both parties will want you to meet their mother and will want to hang out at home all the time or build a home with you.

The couple will want to discuss emotions, or on the flip side this is can lead to an emotionally entangling experience that feels almost too close for comfort.

Either way, this is a deep 'feeling' experience that can often cause a 'parenting style' to the relationship.



How we have fun, do romance, play, make love, get creative. The 5th house is where it's at in terms of romance.

These are the fun times, and often represents our first love. This exchange is flirtatious and creatively romantic. Sports, games and entertainment all play a part.



How we get active in our active wear together. Meet Mr. and Mrs. PT.

The 6th house rules our diet, our daily routine as well as our disputes and small animals.

Synastry here can show a highly active couple that also fight a lot, but are heavily involved in each others day to day activities. Not so romantic but a very practical union.



How we behave with others, our partners, and all one to one relationships.

There is a natural flow of give and take with planets in another’s 7th house and the indicator of the qualities that our marriage or business partnerships entail.

It’s a mutual feeling and flow of energy where the way one projects themselves (7th house) resonates with the other person.



How we do intimacy, other people’s finances, tax, and our deepest darkest secrets.

Planets here in exchange can become highly addictive. The 8th house is one of the most mysterious houses where transformation occurs. People never forget others with whom they have shared an 8th house exchange due to its depth, secretive nature and intensity.

The positive side to this house is the sexual experience which is often off the charts. This is that guy or girl who just turns you on in a way you can’t control. It's not exactly roses, but its steamy…if you like that sort of thing.



How we inspire, teach, believe, learn, grow and travel!

Ones planets here in synastry can have you questioning your beliefs, make you more religious, spiritual, and the best part – can put you on a plane to Paris very quickly.

9th House is a positive trinal house where we experience learning and growth through travel, higher learning and religion. An interchange of planets here make us see the world from a higher perspective through lessons from those wiser than us (our Gurus). These relationships entail growth and teaching to elevate our perspectives.



How we project ourselves and the responsibility we face in the world.

Synastry with planets in the 10th house can represent the guy or girl whom you meet somewhere relating to your work or career and who want to help you grow in this area of life.

Their energy in your life will amplify your career and social standing, or at least make focus your energy towards this area.

They will make you more aware of your place within your chosen profession and if well placed will encourage development and growth.

We often meet our mentors and bosses with planets in our 10th house who are here to teach how to develop this area of our chart.



How we connect with friends, larger groups, gain big money and grow our network circles.

Planets in the 11th house of synastry will make you feel like you’ve met a friend as well as a companion.

You’ll help each other in many ways, but the connection is a little tricky because you’re not sure if you’re together for gain or for pleasure.

At its best, this exchange can bring you massive gifts and gains beyond your imagination.



How we let go, connect to the Divine and practice our spirituality and sense of compassion to the world.

Planets in the 12th house of synastry is the most difficult to understand, and you’ll literally be wondering if the 2 of you knew each other in a past life as often there is a sense of intuition with fewer words and more conversation of an unspoken kind!

Dreams, visions and mystical experiences affect these 2, as well as drugs and other addictive substances. Although there’s a level of disconnection in the physical world, an undeniable connection on the spiritual level is well understood with this placement.


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