What happens when we find out that the truth is nothing but a complex web of others projected perspectives on what is right and wrong?

Some may quietly question authority, but is it not our basic human right to feel anger when what is revealed shows us a level of deception and dishonesty that we've completely missed?
This also applies to our one on one relationships and partnerships of all kinds.
At what point do we say 'enough'?
An individual who insists that being spiritual means not standing up for yourself and calling out the BS of others is only deluding themselves.
If someone tries to harm you, you don't become Buddha by shrinking, you reveal your inner God/Goddess of strength so that the attacker understands they cannot mess with you. Period.
We aren't here to shrink, we're here to grow.
September will reveal to us through our closest relationships where we may be under an illusion, and where we may need to stand up for ourselves.

Throughout the month, Mercury which rules our comprehension faculties and communication (the messenger) is operating in it's full dignity in Virgo, where ongoing critique and analysis of vaccinations and other drug related affects will continue to dominate Global headlines.
Neptune which rules drugs, illusions, great storms, weather and floods etc. will face opposition to Mars in early September and join together with the Full Moon on the 20th.
The most significant transit this month however is when Jupiter will re-enter its debilitated sign from the 14th September until late 2021.
Major data analysis of the effectiveness of our efforts since late 2020, push backs from extremist groups and crazy weather are just a few of the expected events as part of the September energetic cocktail.
That, and being blinded... in love and war.
2nd September
What often happens when humans experience an inferiority complex or a general sense of insecurity and constant worry?
Often they make up for this lack of self confidence by asserting acts of false bravery and power.
Unfortunately these acts are ultimately thwarted by opposition by those with the ability to both logically and emotionally sense dishonesty.
In other words they can "smell a rat" a mile away.

On the 2nd September, Mars that represents our drive/adrenaline, action, ambition, courage and sexual energy faces off with Neptune, God of illusion, drugs, dreams, fantasy, oceans, water and rain. Both planets will form a 180 degree opposition.
Often transits to Neptune trigger major thunderstorms, heavy rains (tsunamis etc.) or volcanic activity to a level of devastation, as cities experience flooding and drownings.
In addition, drugs, alcoholism, and addictive behaviours can be revealed i.e. significant drug use, bust ups and opposition with authorities around these matters.
In late August and in the days surrounding the 2nd September, watch for deceptive behaviour, or falling victim to habits that trigger and undermine confidence levels.
A great way to offset these negative impacts is to either conserve or focus your energy in all forms of dance, music and writing that will alleviate the frustration from Mars' opposition.
6/7th September

The New Moon on the 6/7th September will take place in the Vedic constellation of Purva Phalguni (20 degrees Leo), which is ruled by Venus and sets the stage for the cosmic influences of the next 30 day cycle.
Purva Phalguni means the "fruits of the tree" and is ruled by the Deity Aryaman; God of good fortune, marital bliss, inheritances, and contracts.
The New Moon forms a supportive trine to Uranus (by a 0 degree orb) where good fortune and excitement to express ourselves is given a boost by the planet of unexpected surprises - pleasant ones.
The energy is positive, however we may find that over optimism may be somewhat blinded by reality or in other words, we may be wearing rose coloured glasses at this time.

Emotional blindness can easily occur by the most charming of characters, especially those in leadership roles.
But hey, considering the world's current events, this may not be such a bad thing!
Whenever the monthly moon cycle transits Purva Phalguni, we see a positive time of hiring new employees, working in a team and establishing new rules/authority that takes priority over sales/money targets.
Being center stage and showing off is also heightened in this constellation, as is all forms of gambling and stock trades.
On the same day Venus will enter into Libra, and continue through Chittra which rules the skills to act quickly, the skill to design, sculpting, weaponry, and seeking pleasure outside established partnerships.

Chittra also rules social intelligence and natural born leaders.
As Venus enters Libra, the God of Love is now at home. We are ready to share our talent and craftsmanship and formalize new relationships we've established during Venus's 'analytical time' throughout August' transit though Virgo.
We also will feel a renewed sense of leadership through working with others.
On the downside, Libra also shows us where we've perhaps acted too hastily for our own agenda without considering 'the other'.
Balance is never quite maintained perfectly. We can only strive for balance by addressing what requires the most attention at any given moment whilst juggling all our responsibilities and doing our best to accommodate others.
From 14th September to 21st November, Jupiter will make us look at the themes that took place from 20th November 2020 to mid June 2021.
What this has meant and will mean for you depends on your Vedic rising and moon sign (more info here).

Some of the most loyal, dedicated and beautiful souls born with Jupiter in Capricorn meet with some of the greatest challenges in growth and in finding partnerships due to the Great Guru functioning at its lowest point.
This translates to finding people and situations that may seem great, but ultimately turn out as shady in some way i.e. the other party has secret issues of addiction, secret affairs, abuse etc.
Jupiter first entered Capricorn on 20th November 2020, and moved into Aquarius in 2021 (read more here).
Similarly to the energy for those born whilst Jupiter was in it's debilitated state as mentioned above, we assumed things were progressing fairly reasonably in 2021; we believed we had a handle on what we were trying to achieve and where we tried to grow, but Jupiter's retrograde cycle since mid June has so far proven to be be quite challenging.
Jupiter in retrograde has asked us to integrate, reflect and re-assess what we believed was right for us and where we externally were seeking growth, learning and expansion.
Have we been heading in the wrong direction?
Have we allowed our inner demons to fight a war that no one else but we are fighting? What exactly supports our well being and the well being of others?
How long exactly are we supposed to live for again?
Who's battle is this anyway?

Globally, we've been feeling the effects all year of our hope and optimism thwarted by critical review of what actually is assisting us become 'better and more healthier' people.
We've sacrificed our freedom, and now our own judgement of what's best for us.
With mental health issue rising, decisions made by our leaders is showing us our weakest points and challenging our very right to be human.
Returning to Capricorn, Jupiter will force us look again at our own leadership, where we went wrong, whilst reflecting on how we lead and take control of our business.
Don't be surprised if shady characters make a reappearance at this time. They're here to test and teach us what we didn't quite learn earlier.
The Guru is uncomfortable once again, and the best example of this energy projected onto the Western World stage was Meghan Markle, and the Royal Family kerfuffle; Black Lives Matter, and a host of political and social issues.
It's like talking to a brick wall when ones agenda for positive growth, change and tackling greater issues for the greater good is thwarted by the authorities who's language is power, money and control.

Those that we look up to as our greatest hope for inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and abundance for a better place saw major backlash by those in established constructs of power and influence (Capricorn).
We will see more of this influence as we approach the end of 2021.
It's like talking to a brick wall when the agenda is positive growth, change and tackling greater issues for the greater good is thwarted by the authorities who's language is power, money and control.
From 14th September to 20th November Jupiter has a final shot to inspire real change to the most difficult audience.
Now's your time. It may feel uncomfortable, but this is your shot.
Prepare to make some heads spin, this is a 12 year cycle closing out, so make it count.
Where in your life have you played it too safe?
Made the same old decisions out of fear?
Who's war are you really battling here?
Still going to bed at night wondering about that thing you should and could have taken a chance on?
If you're prepared to rub people the wrong way, and accept the darker side of your ego then you're good to go.
The universe is testing you now - will you accept your hearts desire and take a chance to stand up, or shrink before its too late?
20th September

The September Full Moon will take place in the Vedic Constellation of Purva Bhadrapada (4 degrees Pisces).
Purva Bhadrapada is ruled by the God of Fire; the spiritual fire that purifies the soul, where many martial artists, dancers, and tantric/occultists professionals are seen and express this energy through these activities on a daily basis.
It also rules extremists and the notion of living in 2 worlds at the same time; one of the earth, whilst being 'tapped' in to heavenly (or devilish) energies at the same time.
It is a fiery electrical current that runs through the body that needs an outlet.

With the Full Moon making a conjunction to Neptune, in the days surrounding the 20th we can expect heightened emotional sensitivity, vulnerability and paranoia/suspicion that will reach a culmination point.
This will result in the collective consciousness experiencing major ah-ha moments as realisations of where we have been deceived will come to light.
Remedies for the Purva Bhadrapada Full Moon:
Spinal meditation; focus from tailbone to the brain (inhale), brain to tailbone (exhale)
Focus on spine flexibility/stretches
Rock/mountain climbing
Salt-water foot baths
Durga or Kali mantras performed at midnight
Walking barefoot on fresh grass/earth
Make peace/connect with older siblings
Donating for national disasters causes
AVOID black magic or spiritual practices driven by ego, greed & destruction
