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We're here to help...Astrology your way


Trying to explain what Astrological system to use would be like asking if cardio is better than weights... it is completely up to seeker and what they are trying to discover within themselves. We use systems what we have practised and where we have seen results - in both Tropical and Vedic systems.

Each offer their own distinct analysis of a clients chart, with experienced specialists offering profound answers to the difficult questions we face in life.


March 22nd represents the Vernal equinox where there is equal length of day and night which determines the first Zodiac sign of Aries in Western Tropical Astrology.

As described in this article by indastro, this is does not take into account the slight shift in position of around 50 seconds of arc each year towards the west direction, opposite to the motion of the Sun. Put simply, the earths axis rotates every year and completes one full rotation every 26,000 years, and continues to make a minor shift each year.

Vedic astrology DOES take this yearly shift into account, and fast forward 2000 years at a rate of 1 degree every 72 years in rotation, the zodiac position has shifted to approx.. 23-24 degrees further down the zodiac, which is the calculation of the planetary placements in Vedic Astrology.

Western astrology also uses progressions, transits, asteroids and aspects (sextile, trine, quincunx, squares etc) in ones birth chart to paint the picture of the nature of an individuals personality and horoscope. It also uses the outer planets; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to offer insights into how an individual's psyche is operating (which is shared with those born within the same few years/generation) with relation to their inner planets functionality.

To all followers of Vedic Astrology; do not underestimate the power of the outer planets, you will know this when Uranus or Pluto hit yours or your loved ones natal planets in transit. These are the times when people come face to face with the dark night of the soul in ways they never imagined. It can take them to some of the most profound pathways where their very sense of reality will experience significant change.


It is wise to accept all forms of Astrology; Chinese, Persian, Tropical, Sidereal etc. and find one which works for you.

To view Western Astrology, daily forecasts and short term forecasts click here

To view Vedic Astrology placements and Hora charts (time prediction) click here

There are thousands of sites which offer automated readings, but none will offer as much value as a private reading. Each system provides a different perspective and although Vedic astrology is rather confronting within the translations from its historical texts, it does provide practical truths which many people may not want to know.

The Vedic system focuses on the Lagna (the physical manifestation map) and the moon sign (emotional and instinctual state) of an individual which pinpoints how a person perceives their reality and Karma, than from the Sun (ego) sign perspective. The Hindu lunar mansions (27 Nakshatras) are crucial in determining the characteristics of a person and the circumstances that they will come across.

Some of the worlds most brilliant Astrologers such as this man use the Tropical Zodiac using Siderial Nakshatras.

Whichever system is used, the greatest and most beneficial readings look at the birth and divisional charts as a whole, without negative judgement and provide practical remedies to alleviate difficult transits.

Some Astrologers are brilliant at determining the clients physical ailments using health based Astrology and can prescribe excellent remedies. Others are brilliant career and financial (share/stock market) Astrologers and best to discuss your future financial goals with.


At Loka, we pride ourselves on professional readings and an 'all systems approach' view to share upcoming Astrological news. We use both Tropical (Western) and Sidereal (Vedic) transits and aspects after many years of practice.

We represent the wider Astrological community and guide people to specialist Astrologers for very specific questions. These Astrologers have used thousands of charts over decades of practice and are able to provide insights and remedies to help you on your journey.

Think of a Yoga class, or any class for that matter where some of us connect better with some teachers methods over another. Astrology is no different, we will connect with some Astrologers better than others.

We chose to place emphasis on Vedic Astrology as not only are the planetary placements required to analyse a chart, but the 16 Divisional Charts (example below image), Nakshatras and hundreds of Yogas (planetary combinations within a chart) are what show us the difference whether one will become a millionaire or if one will be materially challenged for a certain period. If a woman will have struggles on the path to marriage or have children, or give birth to 5+ children.

These areas of analysis of Vedic Astrology, together with the Mahadasha/Dasha periods, which are the major and sub and sub-sub time periods show when these major life events will manifest. In addition, the Ashtakvarga points system shows the strengths and results of the time period, and transits.

These powerful tools are applied in a reading to assess and bring to light what clients may request information on. Equally, we approach readings with compassion and a focus on empowerment to work with upcoming energy shifts.


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