May and June present us with 2 eclipses, Saturn stationing and turning retrograde, Mercury retrograde, and more...
"What should have been a simple transit turns complex" – Komilla Sutton
Taurus energy is wonderfully grounding and comfortable. With traits of consistency and satisfaction in the people and things that please the senses, the inner planets entering into Taurus in May are a welcome change to the heated and fast-moving energy we’ve felt since mid-April.

Taurus energy slows down our thought processes and movement to enjoy and take pleasure in our immediate surroundings.
Happiness and contentment in the little things, our creature comforts, what tastes, smells, sounds, looks and feels good. And the vibe of course…its all about the vibe, and the money.
10th - 12th MAY
Mercury conjunct Rahu in Rohini (Ruled by Moon)
Mercury, the planet of thought processing, communication, intelligence, IT/Internet, gossip and ideas will meet up with the North Node of the moon (Rahu) between 10th-12th May.

Rahu’s energy is explosive and does not take no for an answer as he forcefully takes what he wants.
He is also known to take shortcuts to achieve his goal.
Rahu is the ‘head of the snake without the body’; all-consuming and responsible for our obsessions in this lifetime.
Wherever Rahu is in your Vedic chart is where we are learning things for the first time and as a result we forcefully peruse whilst repeatedly making mistakes.
Throughout life, and especially around the age of 32-33, when Rahu matures, we begin to learn how to master this energy in balance with the expert skills we bring into this life from our previous life and are naturally gifted at (south node Ketu). We begin to accept that this balancing act is part of our karma in this life.
KRS Channel often refers to Rahu as the energy of NOS Gas.
Between 10th and 12th May when Mercury joins with this NOS Gas energy in the Vedic constellation of Rohini, ideas and communication around sensual pleasure, food, sex, music, art, drama and acting will be stimulated.
Intensity in communication/expression of how all sexes are treated may be seen.
Heated discussions around these topics may be a little difficult to contend with, but necessary to talk through at this time.

Feel a little raw? Our desirous nature within each of us is open for discussion. We'd be kidding ourselves if we think we can control ourselves 100% of the time.
Give yourself a pat on the back for having some sort of control in order to appease societies expectations of your role and to make a living.
Everyone must ‘put on a show’ in one way or the other despite the level of authenticity you are able to bring to the table on a daily basis.
Be grateful that you can; we’re only here for a short while…just passing through. Have fun with it.
The Mercury/Rahu conjunction in Taurus/Rohini has us thinking and discussing our value, our pleasure state, how we get it, how it feels, and other things I can’t write about here.
The best way to use this energy, is the best way that the true Taurean’s know how – by creatively expressing themselves, as a whirlwind of ideas and artistic talent is due for display!
Just be prepared for the influx of responses from others, where being a little OTT with your ideas and expressions may rub some people the wrong way. Play it safe if need be :)
It's probably a good idea to pay attention to any mis-information that may be misconstrued at this time from those who may blow things completely out of proportion. Wait until the energy passes before making a judgement call.
18th - 24th MAY
Saturn will station at 19 degrees and 20 minutes in the constellation of Shravana in preparation for its retrograde on the 24th May. The effects will be felt from 18th May.

Saturn slowing down to turn retrograde is like feeling a giant boulder (representing our commitments) that we’ve been pushing up a hill since January 2020 reach one of several peaks, only to realise it cannot be pushed over the edge…so where else does it have to go?
You’re suddenly scratching your head, taking a moment to pause and breathe before realising you can’t stay at the top of the hill forever and you’ll need to descend eventually so you slowly backtrack whilst allowing the boulder to backtrack with you.
Saturn stationary retrograde will feel all that heavy energy of where you’ve worked your butt off so far pause, and ask you to integrate your efforts to date within the ‘overall life plan’.
It’s time to take stock, review and re-connect with ‘the mission’ – Is all the hard work you’re applying match up with your life goals? We’ve been under so much pressure since January 2020. We have been asked to sacrifice, release, consolidate and work smarter.
It may not seem comfortable or progressive, but as Sam Geppi describes in this video, Saturn retrograde will gives us time and opportunity to recalibrate our commitments and the ways in which we establish security in our endeavours.
What are we working hard for? Is it working? What are we missing? Are we paying attention to whom our actions are influencing? How is your heart really feeling?
Saturn turning retrograde is a regular occurrence and on its own generally doesn’t hold a high significance of change. However when he transits over a natal planet and especially your moon degree, 99% of the time one is diagnosed with some form of mental depression which lasts during their Sade Sati period. How much ‘pressure’ from Saturn can your planets take?
Wherever Saturn is transiting in your Vedic chart will tell you what areas you will look to review your commitments and strategy. Read here for the current Saturn transit based on your Vedic rising or moon sign from Jan 2020 until 2023.
The annual eclipses are designed to bring swift change through intense emotional states and energetic portals where new doors to opportunity open and we become are aware of what is working, and what no longer serves us on our journey.
Eclipse energies provide us with the courage to take action and most evidently when they occur in close proximity or join with a personal planet in the natal chart.

This year’s eclipses will see the collective energy assess what and whom we really value.
Where is the money going?
Where is our time spent?
Does our loving energy equate to long lasting personal and business relationships?
Or does our fear and insecurities keep us beholden to those things that are here to teach us a lesson only?
If we understand that our relationships require dedication, commitment, time, money and sacrifice (and a list of other things that they don’t tell you about in the movies), then we can look at what determines their longevity during testing times.
The projects and people that we value, whom are in it for the long haul will work with us during these changes because quite simply they chose to do so with authenticity, flexibility, and an open heart.
20th - 26TH MAY
Lunar Eclipse 26th May
The polarising emotional energy of the Lunar eclipse in Scorpio to the planets transiting in Taurus act as a focal point to our sense of security, money, and what we need whilst diving into what we ‘think’ we need in order to feel secure.
The Lunar eclipse on the 26th May is in Anuradha Nakshatra at 11 degrees of Scorpio using the Sidereal Nakshatra system. Some astrologers will look at the significance of the following constellation Jyeshta Nakshatra where the eclipse is occurring with Ketu which can also be analysed.
Anuradha is the constellation of devotion, research, organisation, friendship and deep, often volatile emotion. Jyeshta nakshatra is the constellation of taking the 'father figure' role with others, the alcohol industry, affairs and secrets as well as the military/police.
We can expect significant events this week that will deeply shake the emotional foundation of the collective consciousness.

These energies that will last From 20th May through to the end of May, where the moons eclipse and transit with Saturn will see volatile and intense feelings bubble up within us all, resulting from deep and heavy emotional states.
What exactly are your expectations?
Where are you self-sabotaging?
Is it time to let go of any fear-based control of situations or people?
We are being asked at this time to review toxic emotions and entanglements in order to purify thoughts based on irrational fears and insecurities that affect our psychological state and behaviour.
Not fun.. but..
Look deeply into your own behaviour.
We all have a side to us that we’d rather not face.
Stand up to your emotional vulnerability, because the inner fear of being overwhelmed or dominated or whatever it is that you’re afraid of is most likely somewhat irrational.
The way to use this Eclipse in Anuradha/Jyeshta constructively is being consistent and honouring your spiritual practice which allows you to ‘drive the vessel’ in a way that connects you with the divine and allows heavy energy (whether external or internal) to be purged.
This is an extremely difficult thing to do when you’re faced with your own b*llsh*t and areas of yourself you’d rather not face.
Your childhood is over. The past pain is over. It is absolutely relevant, but it does not exist in the present moment. All we have right here and now is access to truth, love and our own inner peace. Work with your own negative thinking to access this strength from within rather than project your insecurities onto others.
For other Nakshatras, the themes of friendship, love and connection is light hearted and free to come and go easily, with little depth of emotion or consequence should one choose to say no and walk away.

This energy will be felt collectively after the dramatic and emotional intensity of the May Lunar Eclipse, and in the lead up to the JUNE 10TH SOLAR ECLIPSE in Mrigasira.
Mrigasira will reveal changes via a burst of curiosity and ‘window shopping’ for new ideas, new partnerships (sexual/business/friendship), collaborations, and dramatic scenes of Wolf of Wall Street style energy in business and love with the freedom to do whatever TF you want, whilst likely putting certain figures including yourself up on a pedestal.
After the heavy intense energy of mid-late May, we may see the reactionary spread of 'quick fix' energy that may not quite cut it.
Do we need to open up?
Or will that just create more drama?
What would you say to someone else you care about going through the same situation?
Ever written out a message with everything you ever wanted to say and do then review it, burn the paper then leave it up to the universe?

Power in self-reflection and devotion to body/mind research and journaling is favoured now.
There’s tremendous power in releasing stored mental energy.
Ask yourself what you most fear…you’ll reach a point where it comes back to some sort of child wounding that never really leaves us.
We are often reminded of it every now and then which acts as the catalyst for our own power or destruction, depending on how well we handle our own scars.
Your gut instinct is usually right, but it doesn’t mean it’s an excuse not to act in order to resolve the internal conflict.
Until we reach a point where we are happy either way if something works out or not (true enlightenment), then the journey will continue to be bumpy internally.
Time will tell, reach out and seek to resolve.
Only then will the magic begin.