As we approach the Pushya Full Moon on the 29th January we are being asked to look into our heart space and connect with our deep emotions which will likely see the release of any trapped negativity.
Located in the Vedic Constellation of Cancer and making us look at ‘what really matters’, the Full Moon on the 29th January is bringing full force of human emotion to the table in sheer contrast to the ebb and flow of current events.
This is the Cancer/Capricorn polarity.

In addition to the Full Moon, on the 29th both the Sun (Ego, Power) and Jupiter (Teacher, Luck) will come together, as well as Venus (Love, Money) and Pluto (Obsession, Transformation).
These energies bring light and passion to the dedication of work we’ve been applying in our current projects and life circumstances, where most of the concentrated energy has been guiding us since early 2020.
This energy is also the entry point into a rare event occurring in February when 6 planets enter into the 1 sign of Vedic Capricorn; not experienced since 1962.
Enforcement of concentrated effort 9-12th February
Between the 9th-12th February there will be 6 planets in the Vedic Sidereal sign of Capricorn.
With Saturn, Jupiter, and most recently Pluto entering this sign, and the inner planets coming in to play we will see the love and money (Venus), power and purpose (Sun), emotion and feeling (Moon) transit in the same sign bringing in intensification and ‘shining a light’ on our efforts in the areas of our lives we have applied hard work, resourcefulness, structure and strategy.
For some this has been easier than others. For those who have misunderstood the concept of ‘back to basics’ will experience ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Depending on what house Capricorn rules in your chart, the strength of the house and planets that aspect this sign, this will explain exactly where this energy is directed for you; your forced focus that the Universe is asking of you, your attention, your work and discipline you’ve had no choice but to face since early 2020 which will further intensify during this time. Some major milestones may be reached, shared and be brought to light – for better or worse.

Continue your disciplined approach wherever you’re investing most of your time, and allow for what isn’t working to fall away – this is a time for shedding what isn’t necessary and showing the world what you have achieved from what has been your greatest source of inspiration in the last few years (when planets transited Sagittarius ruling hope, inspiration and teaching).
Komilla Sutton advises in this video, that this 6 planetary pile up that dominates during February is known as “Yuga Yoga” and previously occurred in Vedic Capricorn in1962..
Some of the more commonly known events from 1962 (focusing away from topic of War) include:
Oral Polio Vaccine developed to give to children
Maralyn Monroe singing “Happy Birthday” to you to President Kennedy
Consumer “Bill of Rights” Speech by Kennedy
First use of Silicone breast implants
First K-Mart store opens
First American to Orbit the earth in space
United Nations General Assembly and calls for all UN member states to cease military and economic relations in South Africa and pass a resolution to the countries racist apartheid policies
Cuba invasion attempt (to overthrow Castro) where 1,113 prisoners were taken in exchange of $53 million food and medicine

The brilliant, down to earth and highly intelligent Sam Geppi explains in this video about the Capricorn planetary intensity and the consequences that Saturn is teaching us at this time. Do not be fooled by the title of his videos. Sam wittily discusses, and quite frankly nails each and every one of his predictions as he acknowledges the Global-reaching relentless fear based information fed to us by those who lack the knowledge and experience in providing helpful and practical advice.
Conspiracy is so loud at this time, and we need to cut away from much of the noise caused by those projecting fear based anger if we want to see constructive change.
Sam Geppi is the renowned author of Yoga and Vedic Astrology. If you're a practicing Yogi, this book may be the last you will need to answer any pressing questions about what this world is all about :)
On the 12th February the New Moon will be in the Vedic Constellation of Dhanishta, represented by a drum or in other words ‘spiritual rhythm’.. a metaphor for the qualities and gifts that this constellation brings, namely insight, listening, putting theory into practice, dancing and singing talents, and an uncanny ability to know the truth of most things.

Those with planets in Dhanishta are highly attuned to rhythm and beats…everywhere, and this also applies to the ‘rhythms in behavioural patterns’ in others which they use to their advantage.
These people are quite often in the music & dance industry and are usually those people we turn to for their playlist 😊.
The new moon will square Mars in Aries; the warrior. Although quite strong at the moment in its own sign and allowing us forward movement in our energy expression, our passion and drive toward the self, acknowledging our body’s needs, our “I am” which are all energies of Aries, Mars has to work at slight odds with the x6 planetary pile up in Capricorn enforced by the New Moon on the 12th.
Picture a single Police officer having an argument with a Judge, a Minister, The Queen and King, the Messenger, and the High Priestess…

Or in other words this energy says to us, ‘I know you are all working hard in your own Martian energy to build, physically apply yourself in a beneficial way, but there’s a sh*t load of work to do still, and plenty of responsibly that is in focus now and required of you which you must attend to. I know you want to party too but lets celebrate the hard work and reveal what we’ve been working on and put effort into the things we need to take care of first in order to bring in change, even if this means going against you just wanting to do your own thing for now. Make it work within your schedule.’
Feel this, love it, play some music and get into your ‘working rhythm to get sh*t done.
On 27/28th February the Full Moon will be in the Vedic Constellation of Purva Phalguni.
The Full Moon will also be in trine (supportive aspect) to Mars and Pluto. Venus and Sun will also sextile (opportunities) to Uranus (Sudden unexpected opportunities).
This will be a Full Moon of sensual excitement that is fully supported by the inner planets assisting us express our good fortune.

Purva Phalguni also represents inheritances, contracts and unions, but needing to keep an open eye out for shady business.
Showing off is fully supported at this time, as is emotionally connecting with friends, hiring new employees, presenting achievements, appreciating actors and performers, going to the movies, or just chilling at home with Netflix with your favourite food are all themes of this fun Full Moon.
Your place or mine?

On the 13/14th March the New Moon will be in the Vedic Constellation of Purva Bhadrapada and the running theme for the next 30 day moon cycle. Purva Bhadrapada rules Tantra, and is a rebellious, hot, intense and passionate constellation.
It also rules meditation, occult practices, cult groups, dancers, Yoga and is connected with the Godess Durga; the Hindu Goddess of War. Or if you’re not into religion – think Wonder Woman..
One of the more magical things to note for this New Moon is that it is conjunct the pleasure, musical, dance, drink, escapism, bliss super combo of both Neptune AND Venus…
Umm..mmm…yep. You’re going to feeeeel things. This is certainly going to be a March to remember.
To wrap it up in a nice little package, Neptune and Venus with a Full Moon in the most ‘spiritually hot’ constellation can be one of the most Tantric experiences of the year, or if you’re not into that, you’ll likely find something to indulge in which will keep you spaced out for enough time to forget why you ever disliked anything or anyone to begin with 😊
Enjoy, and don’t party too hard..
I was recently was advised by Dennis Harness Ph.D to explore Durga’s energy who is called the ‘Divine Shakti’ that protects mankind from evil and misery by destroying evil forces (negative energy).
This is an important thing to remember when exploring any occult practice – we’ve all heard of energy vampires which is an extreme term for "drainers"; quite simply others energies we feel drained from after interaction.
It's not that bad, it’s simply their vibration not operating at a healthy level, so the ego seeks to take its sense of lack from others.
If this occurs for you at this time, bless them, and focus back on the good vibes you generate within and that you naturally give to others.
As once told 'if you don't like something, change it'. Quite funny how we complicate this simple remedy...
In the meantime never place expectations on others as this creates your own suffering and brings down your own energetic vibe.
We create the magic within. Everything is happening within you.
VENUS EXALTED 16th March to 8th April
The new moon sets off Venus transiting through its exaltation point from 16th March to 8th April 2021.
The last time Venus was exalted was in January 2020…did we indulge a little then?

Venus wants pleasure, money, good food, good sex, good wine, and all the luxury of the world. Well, that is certain if it’s in Taurus, or Libra to some extent.
Now, transiting through its highest exaltation point in Pisces, Venus the Goddess of Love doesn’t need anything or anyone to feel good… Venus exalted (and for those born with Venus exalted in their Vedic birth chart) it’s like this..
She’s/he is so loving, on her own, without anyone or anything... she’s free to love, she’s in love with what she feels connected to, and its not some shitty temporary kinda love, she’s just doing love, cause she knows love is all there is. She sees you, more than you see yourself, yet that which she sees isn't through her eyes.
Those that stay will stay, those that leave will leave – but she loves you, your stupid jokes, your crazy ways, your lies, your projections, your good and bad days.
She only knows love, and she’s here to bring you into love, to heal you from your hurt, your pain, and you’ll realise what she’s done for you only when you’ve found yourself.
She never loves for looks, for money, for achievements, where you came from or where you’re going…she connects on a whole different level and understands your suffering, she sees the love in all.
She’s impressed with the way you are, your soul…the energy in between your words…not in who you try to be. You meet her in this space, otherwise it isn’t real.
Despite many not understanding this Venus…put it this way…nothing tangible lasts forever, yet near or far she is the only one who will always bring you back to the source of love.
Enjoy this time x