From 30th June to 17th August 2023 Mars will transit through the sign of Leo and form a 180 degree opposition to Saturn (Vedic Sidereal Astrology). The conjunction will peak between 19th to 21st July.
Whenever a planet opposes another it creates tension as a cosmic tug of war builds up, peaks and slowly dissipates. The closer the planet is to Earth, the quicker the transit.

Mars rules the head and the sexual organs (Aries and Scorpio) and is the planet that drives you to select unique experiences in life that bring you physiological and psychological pleasure and a sense of achievement.
When mars is in transit and opposes another planet however, it creates tension and frustration as it 'tempts' the opposing energy to step outside it's comfort zone. This occurs with Mars and Saturn approximately 1-1.5 years.
Those born during Mars and Saturn in opposition live life with a level of agitation due to life circumstances that challenge their ability to do what they want (Mars) and their need to take responsibility for their actions (Saturn).
The result is an inner sense of frustration however, as they mature they learn to integrate these polar opposite energies through self discipline.
When Mars and Saturn are in opposition in the sky this is externalized throughout the world through outbursts, protest, aggression, sexual temptation and other occurrences that reflect this build up of inner turmoil.
Now with Mars in Leo opposing the sign of Aquarius (the sign ruling the people we serve and social groups at large) we may see those in Royalty or those that are looked upon in some way be confronted with the collective or the responsibilities required to run a 'kingdom' effectively.
This includes the Monarchy, your own workplace, community as well as your own family or network.
Who's in charge? Are they fit to rule?
Thankfully Mars' opposition will run for approximately 6 weeks with some key lessons in expression and managing change.

Significant weather and stock market fluctuations usually occur during planetary war and the industry of stock/share affected is dependent upon the elements at play.
For more information on Vedic Astrology and the stock market/sports gambling as well as your Dharma click here for Author Simon Chokoisky’s books on Gambler’s Dharma; Sports Betting with Vedic Astrology and The Five Dharma Types.
When it comes to the outer planets that take longer to move through the sky, if and when they form an opposition to the same degree that a planet was placed on the day you were born (your birth chart), this is when clients experience significant and/or crucial life events.
For example:
Saturn transits = Restriction, delay, lessons, removal of something. Depression, divorce, marriage, legal matters or the ending or commencement of long term change, new business and long term contracts. Click here for more on Saturn transits.
Uranus transits = Sudden, unexpected, out of this world, demonic or psychotic episodes; Schizophrenia etc. from the person themselves or outer influences (in 2021 a male client's fiancé ran off with another man when Uranus formed opposition to his Venus which represents the 'lover' in a man’s chart).

Neptune transits = The great dissolve and disappearing act. Highly spiritual, deep and psychic in nature, Neptune rules illusion; suddenly what was is, is no longer and only exists as a dream. Unexplained or cold file reports. Why? Sometimes Neptune wants to remind us of the unseen world that rules over mankind. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions; these usually take place unexpectedly with Neptune involved.
Chiron transits = Want to feel ugly, isolated and unloved for a few years? Welcome to Chiron’s lair. THIIIIS guy… the cosmic weak spot. Put it this synastry, when someone’s Chiron aspects the other person's planet, the Chiron person dreams of embodying these skills that the other possesses. Like being born without a limb only to look upon others in awe of their fully functioning body. The purpose however is to learn to love yourself fully and completely and not to try to 'become' like anyone else.
Pluto transits = The undertaker; the bomb that ends all wars. A Pluto transit will literally bring you the closest to death, disease or other forms of destruction to make way for the new. For those who have survived a Pluto transit, it’s like walking around with the Grim Reaper just over your shoulder whispering in your ear just how close you are to the afterlife. You can’t move. When you come out the other side however you have a much greater appreciation for life...
The positive part of all this is understanding that nothing is personal.

The universe will bring what it will bring in the form of people, places, jobs, experiences etc. in order for the experience to be played out.
This is why it’s so important to regularly place oneself in the position of the ‘observer’ through introspection and to essentially watch the existence or play of mankind.
Relax for a moment, roll your shoulders up and away from your ears. Take a deep inhalation, into your belly. Hold for 5 seconds, and release from the belly. Do this another 2 times…deeply inhale.
This moment is all that is happening right now. Everything else is happening in the mind.
Thankfully Elmo started teaching children how to Belly Breathe back in 2012 which saw the commencement or the first trickle of change through educational systems to teach kids to self-regulate :)
Love, Sex & Dating of Leo’s Nakshatras
Leo consists of 3 Nakshatras; Lunar Mansions. These lunar mansions show us the characteristics and occurrences of an individual’s life.
Those that are born with one or more of the love or sexual planets (Mars, Moon or Venus) in these Nakshatras either in the Birth Chart, Navamsa D9 or Saptamsa D7 chart tells us a lot about one's preferences.
For example, clients with planets in the x3 Leo Nakshatras (Vedic Sidereal Astrology) in their chart reported the following:
1. Magha (0 to 13°20' Leo)

Magha rules our Ancestors and family lineage. These people act with a king/serve me attitude. In dating they are the prince or princess on your hands; they can’t handle any disrespect or joke made against their family.
They have a 'royalty' feeling about them and their family usually come from some sort of ancient royal bloodline, old money or higher rank (i.e. ancient Egyptian/pharaoh bloodline).
I recently read for a woman I met at a party that had transits to planets in Magha in her birth chart - I let her know she would be meeting with and receiving an opportunity to engage with high profile and well established entertainment groups. She later told me she was offered to play in one of Australia’s most notorious bands at the age of 55 and is now touring around the country:) This is often how Magha plays itself out.

2. Purva Phalguni (13°20' to 26°40' Leo)
People with planets here date dancers, strippers, visit prostitutes/massage with benefits etc. or have some sort of toy boy / sugar lady on their arm or on the side. It comes naturally to them.
Some are the committed type and usually themselves like to hang around these types of people or industries that allow them to delve into these areas.
For the more conservative types, they’ll always want their men/women to dress like….well, flashy. They’ll even go so far as to buy items of clothing that they think will make them stand out provocatively just because that’s how they like their men/women to be.
3. Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo to 10°00' Virgo)

These people want an immediate bond, yet are the most nit picky and critical of their partners. They feel they have the right to pick apart and critique every little thing in their partners. From manicure to pedicure...
They’re loyal and the settling type, but be prepared to be continually dissected; either through every dollar you spend or they're secretly wanting you to aspire to the Barbie/Ken style of perfection and for you to transform them into one too. In their mind, this is the type of love and affection they're seeking.
They may struggle to feel a natural flow of divine beauty and love within themselves, and abhor anything that could be improved that isn’t ‘fixed’ so to speak. If not them; the people around them will display these traits towards them.
Mars opposite Saturn
30th June to 17th August 2023
Peak period 19th to 21st July
Mars rules desire, war, sexuality and drive; Saturn rules responsibility, practicality and the removal of outdated systems or processes.

On 30th June, Mars will enter and transit through the sign of Leo. Mars in Leo wants respect, loyalty, affection and BIG displays of love and adoration.
Saturn in Aquarius however couldn't give a crap about any of that.
It’s a fully functioning AI system that uses logic, science and fact to bring the collective together in order to expand and upgrade.
Usually when Mars transits in Leo, it’s a time for fun, healthy competition, creativity and grand displays of authority/superiority in any field etc.
However when opposing Saturn it immediately receives backlash from anyone that demonstrates such displays of superiority that winds up looking like desperate attempts for attention; outdated social norms, label whores, tackiness, pride, arrogance, clout chasing etc.

Saturn in Aquarius seeks responsibility, discernment, cold hard truths, removal of that which does not serve for good, hard work, discipline and structure.
There is no need for a grandiose display of superiority here if it does not help elevate humanity.
On the flip side, individuals, Government, businesses, leaders etc. will be forced to focus on situations that bring ‘Leo’ energy for 6 weeks that are trying to demonstrate, prove, create or dramatically demand respect for their right to be seen or to be acknowledged.
So what do we do when metaphorically speaking we have The Hulk taking up the Royal Throne, making commands against the almighty Superman?
The advisors nor the kingdom are listening. For more on Saturn 2023-2025 click here.

Another way of looking at it on a Global scale is battling the speed at which AI is in control and questioning the integrity of that which is being created.
The great masterminds know they’re slowly weakening people’s ability to think and act for themselves but we’re already seeing significant backlash by intelligent freethinkers and religious groups. The Jordan Peterson’s of this world.
The irony however is that their message still uses AI to reach Globally, and simultaneously creates a profit.

To lose in life is to think and act in accordance to what everyone other than your own envisioned image of happiness is. Log in to any ideology and you've lost what is ultimately a rigged game.
Adapt, or be left behind?
There’ll be some very clear boundaries pushed during this period.
Some effective methods to integrate this opposing energy for yourself during this time include:
Leo rules the heart and spine. Aquarius rules the calf muscles. Slow down and take extra care to prevent injury!
Don’t resist the cosmic whiplash; observe
Don’t defend, don’t engage, don’t explain and don’t personalise; look after yourself
For free thinkers/lovers; cut the strings
Take care of your emotions; if triggered - resist temptation to argue against idiots
If you feel held back; have patience, grab some tea/popcorn and watch the show
If you're forced to upgrade or make change, voice your opinions - they matter
Challenge any negative thought with the exact opposite thought and repeat it
Bring yourself back to your own heart through movement and music - Magic :)