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The Self-help Era


If we delve into our history and the mythology of the human race where we were once communicating with the Gods, why was this level of experience destroyed followed by thousands of years into the “Dark Ages”? This is not what we are discussing in this article, but Astrolada summarises the time period wonderfully in this article for those interested.


Since approx. 2012, we commenced the age of ‘Ascension’. In short, an increase in spirituality, self-awareness and the search and connectivity with something higher which we have witnessed in several areas of life.

This includes a higher sense of consciousness as we have seen play out in recent years; mindfulness, #metoo movement, Yoga now mainstream practice, climate change, sustainable practices and many other social awareness activities which has forced us to a good look at ourselves and how we have lived in a state of ignorance.

Politically speaking, some explain how Trump has undoubtedly played out a role that has ultimately destroyed the ‘old way’ and in a brilliant circus act; a show to entertain and delight audiences around the world that has opened new doors into understanding corruption. Almost comically. No one said the Ascension process was a simple task.


We have a lot of work to do – or undo! From centuries of materialism, exploitation, human trafficking, animal torture, and a limited sense of understanding the cosmos in the ridiculous pop cultural view of Astrology and its corruption through ‘Chinese whispers’ effect of translation, we have only just begun the journey of healing and understanding ourselves.

The interesting and rather ironic methods we see now with this ‘backlash of power’ against Patriarch and Masochistic ways of the world is the exploitation of fooling millions of people into believing that there are ways to ‘act/be/think/feel’ in order to create peace and happiness. But this does not come from any book or article, it starts from within.

We see publications that go like this “Become a Queen, and stop X” or “10 steps to ultimate success” or “Kings don’t let b*tches win”. All these references to stepping up, acting like Kings and Queens which can help people temporarily to some degree, but has anyone explained to these authors that every King and Queen that ever existed had to endure every infidelity, drug abuse, failure etc that we all as a human race try to avoid?


Despite what religion or status in life or efforts to control others, unless we look to ourselves, and what is possible for our body and soul to positively change in this world, then no self help publication is going to work. Not until we face the hardest tests that take us out of our ego and push us into helping others. This is how we help thy self.

Our society is SO determined to find solutions which aren’t tailored to each persons Karma through the use of Astrology. You may have the mindset, skills, drive, determination, but no book, quote, amount of money, talent or gift is going to get you through when the universe puts up an unbreakable wall in front of you because you’re being guided down an alternate path.


Often, only when one has suffered from an unexpected situation resulting in a loss of finances or love is there a complete ego transformation. It is a shame that we cannot see that some people are living out some of the cruellest of Karma, and that we cannot simply accept what is, and focus on helping and not condemning their issues. However, many leading spiritual workers and Astrologers explain that each one of us experience a series of circumstances that make us suffer and thrive at different stages in life. These circumstances; those we are born into as well as those we create, and how well we are able to manifest in this life are a result of all our past life/lives deeds, as infuriating as it sounds.

This Author once asked a security guard at a Volunteer Soup Kitchen why one woman was behaving so violently. She was under the influence of the drug Ice, throwing chairs and threatening the other patrons. She had been a victim of sexual rape by her father and uncle for most of her life and turned to drugs and became homeless. Where is the humanity and justice in reading an Astrology chart like this? There isn't. You firstly thank the universe for living in a society (if you are) that includes organisations whom provide for victims of abuse. Secondly you open your eyes to the reality of this world, and thirdly you become part of the problem, or part of the solution.


Life lessons will hit you a million times over until you are ultimately dragged down your destined path whether you're ready for it or not. People use every method known to man to ‘deal with their problems’; alcohol, drugs, stay in abusive or controlling relationships – and yes, this is part of their Karma, but we’ve only just begun to realise how the eastern scientific intelligence of Astrology bridges the gap between eastern and western science and can change lives by aligning the conscious mind with one's most rewarding path of inner truth and Dharma (what they are here to do).

There is a fine line between a drug dealer and a Pharmacist. When given the right guidance by a Guru you can help people on their path to live their greatest life. Tears roll down this Authors face when I think of those close to me whom I've seen in their charts come close to destruction but through understanding their energy, encouraged into focusing destructive energy into spiritual practices that has seen them thrive.

We love specialists because they pinpoint an issue and give us options of how to cure the problem. There is no difference with an Astrologer, they see the mind, obsessions, losses, physical ailments, love life, career and almost every aspect of a person's life but what matters is whether that person is properly guided to understand themselves better and how to progress through upcoming transits of the Grahas (planetary energies) which bring lessons.

We are grateful and fortunate to write, to learn and share with those of you as lucky to own a phone or computer. You could have been born into far more limiting circumstances.

Despite what we 'have', how we feel about ourselves and how we treat others despite our luck and misfortunes is all that matters.


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