There are hundreds of Yogas in Vedic Astrology. These are the planetary combinations in a person's chart which produces certain characteristics, behavioural traits and give certain results within the corresponding time period (Mahadasha/Antardasha).

Often there is too much emphasis on the strength of common Yogas which if not correctly explained can give false hope and weak predictions due to other key Astrological variables.
The greatest readings analyse the following factors in a chart to paint an overall picture of how one's Karma is manifesting in any given time:
a) The strength and dignity of planets and their aspects
b) The divisional charts (x16)
c) The current time period running
d) The current transits of Saturn and Jupiter
e) Yoga-karakas for each ascendant and house rulership influences
Some ancient texts translated into English exaggerate the effects common Yogas in a chart. For example the Sun (Aditiya) conjunct (within 10-15 degrees) of Mercury (Buddh) in a chart causes Buddhaditiya Yoga. This Yoga means that the Sun is providing strength and light to the intellectual faculties (Mercury), however this Yoga affects 60-70% of the world population.

Variables such as combustion, negative and positive aspects, planet dignity as well as the houses they sit, their placement in the divisional charts will all affect the Yoga's strength for better or worse. It is for this reason we aren't all a bunch of Einstein's with PhD's placing even more importance of an in depth Astrological reading.
Some of these more commonly known Yoga’s include:
- Raj Yogas; powerful status like qualities
- Dhan Yogas; yogas for wealth
- Parivartan Yoga; exchange of planets in signs, the exchange of their lords giving strength
Up to date Astrological software calculates the Yogas formed within a birth chart that are noteworthy, and used by the Astrologer to counsel people to develop their gifts and guide them to manage difficult Yogas by offering spiritual remedies.

Yogas are not only used in the birth chart, they are applied within each Divisional chart of a horoscope to further analyse the strength of any given prediction.
There are Sixteen divisional charts used to dissect the horoscope in detail. The more commonly used charts include:
- D1 Birthchart; the main chart to see the physical manifestations
- D9 Navamsa; the core of the 9th house of luck in life, marriage prospects and soul nature
- D10 Dasamsa; the 10th house of career, status in life, Karma to the outer world
- D7 Saptiamsa; the sexual partners and progeny of a person (children)
- D60 Shastiamsa; the “All areas” soul of a person and the final decider
If you’ve ever wondered how some people thrive in their professional life but not in their home life or love live or vice versa, the strengths and weaknesses of the Divisional chars and the Yogas which exist within them show us a comprehensive view on how these areas of life are operating and the challenges to overcome to make progress.
It serves no one to create a false image of who you really are.
Come to terms with your truth by placing less emphasis on fear based living by (living by other people's standards and not your own). Our greatest gifts can seem so simple yet not be socially acceptable or good enough, or be the most popular, but if it brings us closer to our truth, it is only then that we begin to feel whole.
Nothing stays with us forever. If we achieve something now, or in 10 years, we will still lose it one day.
The more materialistic we become, the more of it we seek and the more we attain, the more we realise it is an endless road to contentment. This is why we see those with so much wealth suffer; it is inevitable. Spiritual practices need to be instilled within that person and an understanding that happiness comes from within and the gifts they are able to share that benefit others. Not for attention but to serve.

If we understand (and yet are quite frankly sick of hearing from others) that people create their own peace and happiness from within, we can accept that most people require a little assistance, especially during challenging times. Just like anyone in therapy, it takes a willingness to look at one's weaknesses to systematically develop an action plan of healing.
Astrologers are given the tools to work with people through their journey to face the good, bad, ugly and magnificent.
Astrological assessments used together with other traditional forms of healing can speed up consciousness, acceptance of Karma and the healing process.