4th August - Explosive Communication
Since late March, Venus has been transiting for an extended period in Taurus, and spent over 1 month in retrogade motion. This brought themes of ‘grounding’ in comfort, food and money but also a sense of stubbornness and 'feeling stuck' in these areas which is a common occurrence with any planet moving through Taurus.
This changes on the 1st August when Venus moves into Gemini (Vedic Sidereal). This would usually see the Goddess of love and money enhance efforts in communication, exchange of ideas, collaborations, listening as well as speaking, and understanding others in our love, money and creative projects.

This year however Rahu (where the collective consciousness flows) has also been transiting through Gemini (and has been since March 2019) which has brought our attention, obsession and intensified focus into new ideas, listening to new streams of entertainment, marketing and social media efforts; all forms of news, gossip and communication.
Wherever Rahu has been transiting in your chart in Gemini since 2019, you have been obsessively following an idea, new interest, following, group, teaching, or seen an increased effort towards the way you market yourself or your passion through various forms of communication.
Now bring Venus joining Rahu exact on the 4th August 2020 and we will see the usual ‘we need to talk’ or ‘we need to discuss this’ turn into ‘you need to hear this!!’ or 'can you believe they just said this!?' in the 1st week of August.
Explosive ideas and information when properly channelled however will favour the release of electrifying design, arts, music and creativity. Just ensure you listen to others as much as you wish to bring your ideas across.
17th August - Leading or Dictating?
Gemini is ruled by the planet mercury and when mercury is transiting too close to the Sun it loses power to a certain degree as it gets 'burnt up by the sun'. The messenger, the one who is responsible for delivering us news and information will be 'out shined' by the Sun; our leaders and their agendas.

The conjunction of Mercury and the Sun will occur at 0 degrees of Leo, a powerful 'Gandanta Point' in Vedic Astrology which historically has brought significant destruction, rebirth, transformation etc., depending on the planet transiting these points throughout the Zodiac.
Sam Geppi in this video explains how our Leaders, Bosses, Presidents, Rulers, and those in power will be communicating ideas in an almost dictatorship manner during this time; their words will be fiery and fierce.
And there will be backlash..
Venus in Gemini means 'the people' want to speak, discuss ideas and options and most importantly, to be heard. But with mercury not doing his job effectively in August, this will further exacerbate the problem of how our leaders are leading. Do we really have freedom of speech? Seems we are living in a world so overly sensitive to any perceived slight, that unless we play by the rules, our true opinions are forced to be kept to ourselves. And this aggravates many, many people.
18th August - Cue the Warrior
Mars the ruler of Aries moves into his own sign on the 18th of August...he loves it here. The soldier within is ready for battle, our energy is ready to be released and needs to be channelled constructively.

May the fire that burns within us all with the onset of news from August have a healthy outlet to be released as it comes out of the calm, watery, understanding depths of Pisces it has been swimming in and a little lost in July.
The frustration in communications driven by ego in August will see us needing to fuel our aggression, energy and drive into activities which provide a safe and healthy expression; Pranayama, resistance training (bands at home), walks, keeping your hands busy with garden work, cleaning, painting, and almost any other creative project that focuses ones attention away from the chattering mind and into a challenging task.
What happens if you aren’t doing any of these things?
Well..we will see more fighting, battle of will and ego, aggressive behaviour and rebellion.
Use this powerful energy in August wisely.