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I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many incredible souls in this lifetime whom I can only describe as utterly wise and gifted eccentrics.
If you’re smiling right now, I’ll see you in hell 🥂…
Or at least isn’t that supposed to be what happens to those of us who see and read beyond the physical?
Perhaps I’ll ask God for a full recollection of Jesus’s travels along the Silk Road. Surely the missing years deliberately left out of the story provide insights as to why love is love and that religions are a way to bring non-believers back to the same place.
This is also why books on sexual tantra were written.. or didn’t you know?
The 'powers that be' realised the ignorance and hedonism of mankind and so - even way back then - used the lowest common denominator: sell sex first. They labelled it ‘sexual tantra’, then once engaged, steered audiences attention towards proper ancient spiritual teachings.
The hypocrisy of it all is astounding.
For the psychics; those with a host of the Clair’s, artists and designers, practitioners of medicinal psychedelics and white magic, spiritual healers, energy release therapists, Yogis, astrologers, students and seekers that read my material, you were born to possess and use your gifts (see title 'Moksha' below) despite whatever backlash received throughout your life from the Chad’s and Karen’s living in spiritual poverty.
Navigating energy entering your sphere is a second full-time job operating just below the surface. They don’t teach this in schools, and without training, can feel daunting, despite the magnitude of insights revealed on a daily basis.
However, when you reach a point where you don’t mind what happens to you because of these insights and hidden truths, and have zero expectations of anyone, the universe starts speaking to you, loudly.

For those of you working in this space, many of your clients are desperately seeking attention and are unaware that they’re operating from a state of lack. They’re essentially communicating:
“I am not enough as I am, therefore I need others to validate my existence.” - A. Goddard
This state consequently attracts and further exacerbates the issue of reinforced insecurity.
Everything presented on the outside is therefore fake as f*.
This constant need for validation [in person or online] is a sick, self perpetuating and never ending cycle that keeps the soul trapped, leading to addiction and various health issues.
Healers & creatives, this is where your deep work teaches people to connect with their authentic selves, untouched by what is dictated from the echoes of societies projected fear.

Saturn will solidify your practices in the next 2-3 years as you sit back and watch the puppets debate these topics.
Let Saturn's waves help develop a renewed sense of confidence by doubling down on your power, strength and resilience.
I have been completely blown away by those of you with these exceptional abilities. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your expertise in this lifetime.
A doctor once said to me, ‘You know it's a curse’, after I 'read' him within 5 minutes of meeting him. His mother was a respected seer. We both just giggled.
Saturn will transit through the Vedic Sidereal sign of Pisces from March 2025 to February 2028. For Western astrologers, the degrees of the planets in the Vedic Sidereal system are in short, minus 24 degrees to Tropical astrology and align to the fixed house system used for thousands of years, which pre-dates the Western ‘wheel’ system.
Pisces rules the natural 12th house in Vedic Astrology. It is symbolically represented by 2 fish - continually moving, metaphorically flowing within the creative and spiritual depths of the ocean.
Saturn transiting through this sign brings a powerful force, hard work, calling out of/bringing to ‘court’, responsibilities and burdens to the sign of Pisces.

Pisces being a water sign is known for its emotional sensitivity and compassion.
Though we think Pisces are these soft little fish, for those of you with planets in Vedic Pisces (Aries in Western Astrology), it probably would be best to remember during this time that sharks are also fish.
You rule the waters.
Saturn is the governing body of karma. It commands cosmic truth and judges what is beneficial for society as opposed to what is fundamentally inhumane and/or out of hand.
In Pisces, Saturn will do so in the following areas:
- Worldwide human aid from war
- Healthcare
- Brothels/strippers/sex workers
- Paedophile rings
- Addressing fear & addiction
- Assisted dying & the afterlife
- Intoxication/whatever numbs reality
- Ocean & seas, marine life, rivers
- The Navy & shipping industry
- Overseas travel/space travel
- Refugees

- Societies ‘fails’ (systems perpetuating fear)
- Secret affairs/scandalous dealings
- Psychedelics industry/micro dosing benefits
- Jails
- Hospitals
- Massacres/major disasters
- Alien life
- Bed pleasures (sleep, bonding)
- Dreams and the subconscious mind
- Loss/donations of money
- Dark spell work/negative magic
- Magic; fantasy meets reality
- Spiritual/religious cults
- Connecting with spirits/NDEs
- Extremist spiritual groups
- Yogi’s too focused on image over substance
- Finding ones feet in the ‘real world’
- The feet - any issues with your foot/feet
- Dance/‘spirit warrior’ entities/battles
The above will present a lengthy and unique set of challenges related to physical and emotional boundaries, self-expression and navigating the depths and fears of the psyche.
Positively, Saturn rules hard work and structure; those working to uplift humanity in the above areas will see an increase in workload and pressure in the upcoming cycle.

If you are between the ages of 62-64 and also 31-33 years old, you’re completing your Saturn Return in Vedic Aquarius, which began in 2022.
The last 2.5 years significantly tested your strength by applying pressure and responsibility in all areas of your life where you needed to step up and take charge of ‘groups’ in some way.
This process involved weeding out the selfish from circumstances that required common sense, order and progress.
This pressure will begin to lift specifically for you beginning in March 2025.
If you are between the age of 52-55 Saturn will be transiting over your natal Chiron in the next 2.5 years.
Chiron is the ‘wounded healer’; ones sore spot. It is where everyone has the ability to heal others by drawing from their own pain.
In Pisces, for those experiencing Saturn's transit over this sensitive point; you will be reminded that you were born with an ability to unlock looping cycles in others by psychically connecting to their wounds. Look up "Chiron in Pisces".

Lessons and new experiences will demonstrate how your abilities may cause harm within yourself as you connect emotionally and psychically to others.
Despite this, your responsibilities will also increase, designed to simultaneously heal your own inner wounds whilst protecting your energetic boundaries.
For context purposes, in the previous cycles of Saturn in Pisces, the following world events occurred:
Saturn in Pisces (Vedic)
February 1996 to April 1998
US Communication Decency Act to regulate pornographic material online
106 civilians were killed in Lebanon; IDF bombed the UN compound accidentally

Port Arthur massacre; the Aussie government acquires more than 640,000 firearms
Tupac is shot multiple times in LA
USA law only to sell Cigarettes to over 18+
The Phoenix Lights witnessed by millions
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Diana, princess of wales is killed
Mother Teresa died
Titanic premier
39 ritual mass suicide in order to reach an ET spacecraft following Comet Hale-Bopp
19 Euro nations agree on forbidding human cloning
Bill Clinton lies “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
The first legal brothel opens in Switzerland, in Zurich
Saturn in Pisces (Vedic)
April 1966 to March 1969

Luna 10 - the first spacecraft to orbit the Moon
Medicare in the US takes effect
Premier of Star Trek
Arno River flood causes countless pieces of art works to be destroyed, and kills 113 people
In Wales, a colliery spoil tip collapsed, killing 116 children and 28 adults
Ages of 29-31, and 56-58
Anyone between the ages of 29 - 31 and 56 - 58 will be entering their first or second Saturn Return.
The cosmic 'test' is in your response to setting boundaries, responsibilities in creative or humanitarian work, secret dealings, handling substance or other types of addictions and your spiritual progress.

There is no choice now between dreams and reality; the dream either becomes reality or the fear placed behind the dream must be shattered.
The truth of what is 'real ‘vs. imagined’ becomes SO evident that drastic measures are taken to... Well, ask yourself (and I quote J. Peterson);
“What really dumb thing am I doing, that I should fix, that I would fix”
...and ill add to this - if I had no fear?
Pisces abhors the monotony of daily life (in its opposing sign Virgo) and in order to fulfill its duty, it must be allowed the space to imagine and think in peace and in isolation.

This process fuels a unique creative process which then generates solutions that manifest everything we see into existence.
If you have children with planets in Vedic Pisces, this process will help you make sense of their learning abilities, and hidden genius (Einstein had Mercury in Vedic Pisces).
Saturn is the planet that forces boundaries, and yet the ocean of Pisces does not like to be restrained…
Work with Saturn by strengthening your will and disciplining any tendency or addiction to ‘tapping out’ (drugs, sugar, alcohol, social media, external distractions, seeking validation etc.).
With most illnesses manifesting from stress, FOCUS on deepening your own self care practices that also demonstrate to your family or children how to fall in love with life with simple self regulating practices including dance, comedy and games.

Regular Pranayama (breath-work) works brilliantly to alleviate stresses that cause muscular tension.
Simple box breathing twice daily can help to reduce anxiety;
With a straight spine, sitting or laying down:
Inhale deeply into the lower abdomen for 4 seconds
Hold for 4 seconds
Exhale for 4, focusing on emptying from the lower abdomen all the way up the navel
Hold for 4 seconds
Repeat 8-10 rounds
*Slowly increase the second count over time and with practice
Shallow breathing is a likely culprit behind neck tension.
This simple, yet effective technique is one of many practices that help increase the intake of oxygen into the body to help activate the parasympathetic nerves that help relax the body, stop the mind chatter and alleviate aches.
Saturn will oppose the sign of Virgo during this transit, causing ‘opposing pressure' and questioning matters relating to:

Health care systems
Efficiencies at work/workflow
Daily routines
‘Devil in the details’
Chronic OCD like behaviour
‘Keep it in order’, ‘must be perfect’, ‘must be on time’
OnlyFans style workers who encourage perverts
Co-workers, workplace
Gym, fitness, health routines
Mother earth/nature
Ayurvedic healing
Massage and hand therapies/Reiki etc.
Perfecting one's looks through obsessive means/extremes
Holistic healing

Pisces relies on intuition and the vibe, whilst Virgo, with 2 feet firmly in the ground, relies on order and perfecting details.
This time will also bring... how do I say this nicely…what can only be described as a ‘bit of a pickle’ to anyone who’s in any type of relationship where on one hand we have an empath and the other we have the overly critical partner.
For couples with Vedic Pisces/Virgo in their charts (or Navamsa chart), the projection on both ends of each one's inner inadequacies will force issues around boundaries, and more importantly, what else is going on behind the scenes, the true intention of the union, and for many, secret prostitutes/sex workers/closet relationships they’re hiding (and hiring).

Saturn will also 'prepare' in Pisces as it works to come to various agreements with Virgo's perfectionism; like a dancing Picasso painting rejuvenating each stroke within the boundaries of the frame.
Saturn's dive bomb into the ocean will guarantee a magnitude of emotional waves for those who live and die by their routines.
The psychological and empathetic depth of Pisces is a boundless, humanitarian loving energy.

The price that these 'hypersensitive/psychic empaths' pay for either being in a crowd, receiving attention, being around others in general, in group chats, or watching news/social media (even for a short duration) is by requiring and prioritising hours of rest, isolation, meditation, working out and freedom from the noise.
You’re lucky when you find another fellow free soul ♥️
Their self-discipline and personal boundaries bring them bliss, safety, rejuvenation and peace which then brings out their loving side.
“True love is the sweetness of your own emotion...[your] love, happiness, joy, peacefulness or anything else that happens within you. Why is it determined by someone else or your surroundings? What happens within you, if it is determined by someone else or external, this is the worst form of slavery. And yet we are a free country?” - Sadhguru
Planets in 4th 8th and12th houses (Vedic Astrology)
If you have planets in Pisces or the 4th, 8th, or 12th houses, these are the ‘Moksha houses’, you must understand that the soul has literally immersed itself on earth in this lifetime to evolve by letting go of material desire and experiencing a spiritual path.
They may struggle in marriage or being with partners or business arrangements that stifle their freedom or demand too much from them.
Click here to enter your exact date and time of birth to see if you have planets in these houses (see below):

Internally these people prefer being behind the scenes, away from the spotlight, sometimes (or always) wearing clothing to ‘hide’ in some aspect, disliking having to follow a crowd and despise conformity. If they do, it's a façade 99% of the time.

Having planets in the 12th house or Pisces possesses you with the gift of 'psychic insight', 'spiritual nurturing’ and creative artforms that comes through isolation.
More importantly, you simply cannot live for long within the boundaries of society's expectations.
You have earned it and will live it in this lifetime.
You are original in every aspect (those that influencers and sheep steal ideas from and claim as their own).
Others may be unaware that your intuitive nurturing and care is raw; stripping others of their b*llsh*t in order to get to the root of their issues.

This love is not demonstrative; not there to show off, but completely transformative.
It responds to and provides care to others truth; then moves on to help the next lost soul.
Where others often fail with superficial and insecure forms of love, you’ll always get the facts from these people. They are in touch with spirit and easily heal with their presence.

Those throughout the West, unaware of what is happening in Vedic culture, are only beginning to comprehend these gifts and ability to tap in to the death and rebirth cycles.
Where society and capitalism have traditionally viewed letting go and focusing on spirituality as a ‘downgrade’, this juxtaposition of ideologies will emphasise the radical differences in generational ideas around what it means to be successful.
If you are yet to ‘contemplate these things,’ you will be forced to take a reaaally hard look at it, because you’ll be asking yourself this question during moments throughout this transit to help you heal any blockages...or stupidity that comes with an inflated sense of self.
The spiritual marketplace is still a marketplace; don’t let anyone convince you you need ongoing ‘healing’ from people trying to take your money in some way or who claim to know you better than you know yourself and your own intuition.

True healers give and heal as this is who they are, they have no intention of taking anything from you and act as a guiding light for you to discover your inner rock star.
Those that do make money successfully from these industries are supposed to; this is both their burden and livelihood. Though not one to be taken lightly.
Much like every other industry, however, spiritual practitioners are here to teach and guide you by unlocking parts of your psyche that are impossible to achieve on your own; like an accountant, lawyer, doctor, builder, etc.
The marketplace exists for a reason. As does it's shady characters that get off on causing trouble; you wouldn't pay for a plumber to visit you 5 times to look at your busted pipe and discuss where the problem might be each time without diagnosing and fixing the leak.
You need to discern, fix and move on. You don’t remain stuck in fear of the issue at hand getting worse.

The power that comes from intense fear, if it activates the heart, will override almost any other decision, even if it's something you have been working on for decades.
The heart has the ability to literally override a neurological decision; according to “Science of The Heart” by Hearth Math Institute:
"...the heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs…[it's] electrical field is about 60 time greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain."

Ironically, just prior to explosive changes in life is when the universe places you in a position (or forces you) to listen to your heart - you're essentially being prepared.
When changes strike, your heart is filled with a supernatural light or energy that profoundly unlocks hidden aspects of your power and natural gifts, revealing the very reason for your existence.
Saturn, whilst navigating the intentions of sharks vs. bait will help you release your hidden fears that stem from following others false beliefs, trends, fake news, social or religious guilt/pressures to act a certain way etc. These are all 'routine things' that make people nothing but weak.
They steer you to believe and follow everything other than your own inner guidance.
Once your heart is clear, the rest will follow.
The entire system was built on the fact that people will react. Rebels that reject forces which feed off emotional chaos slip through the worlds grip. They are fearless. Internally they are free.
Pisces consists of 3 Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) with their own unique influences. Saturn will specifically deliver its message throughout Pisces through each Nakshatra's characteristics.
NOTE: If planets were in these Nakshatras at the time of birth, these experiences will be evident throughout your life depending on which planet is placed here, i.e.
Moon= through the mother
Sun= through the father
Venus = through the wife/women/love etc.
20°00' degrees in Aquarius to 03°20' in Pisces (Vedic)
Saturn Transit Dates: 30 March to 27 April 2024 - mid-October 2025 to 20 January 2026
Deity: Aja Ekapada

Sounds: Se (से), So (सो), Da (दा), Di (दी)
Planet: Jupiter
Colour: Silver Grey
Animal: Male Lion
Body: Ribs, Abdomen, sides of legs, left thigh, soles of feet
Purva Bhadrapada in the birth chart:
Ref: Rahasya Vedic Astrology:
Skilled at making money
Black Magic and left-handed tantra
Hot, intense, critical and passionate
Disturbed souls, extreme, volatile forces
Alienation, desperation, violence, betrayal
Rebellious, eccentric and sexual pervert
Purva Bhadrapada supports risky and dangerous activities. It is an auspicious time for ending things. Agricultural, technological and water-related activities are supported.
03°20' to 16°40' in Pisces (Vedic)
Saturn Transit Dates: 28 April to 3 Oct 2025, 27 Jan to 17 May 2026, 10 Oct 2026 to 7th Feb 2027
Deity: Ahir Budhyana
Sounds: Du (दू), Tha (थ), Jha (झ), Jna (ञ)
Planet: Saturn
Colour: Purple
Animal: Female Cow
Body: Sides of the Body, shins, soles of feet, (inc.) ribs, sides of legs
Uttara Bhadrapada in the birth chart:

Ref: Rahasya Vedic Astrology:
Black magic, occult and lechery
Connected to Shiva Tandava, dance
God of fertility, connected to children
Associated with Goddess Lakshmi, rich with both money and knowledge
Connected to spirituality, temples (Deity Ahirbudhnya; the spiritual warrior)
Happy people
Eloquent speakers
Virtuous nature
Able to conquer enemies
Uttara Bhadrapada supports strength and determination; they're a guiding star that influences those connected to them. They're able to access spiritual ascension after death. They need to watch for addictions by using fire rituals and worshipping Durga. They love being on their own, but do not underestimate their outward calmness. Wherever there is green grass, high mountains or fresh water, this provides them peace and harmony.
16°40' in Pisces to 0°00' degrees Aries (Vedic)
Saturn Transit Dates: 18 May to 9 Oct 2026, 8 Feb to 2nd Jun 2027, 20 Oct 2027 to 23 Feb 2028

Deity: Pushan
“Sun God”
“The Animal Keeper of the Gods”
“The Protective Deity of Cattle and the Paths”
“The Nurturer and Protector of Flocks and Herds”
“Protector of Wayfarers and their Belongings”
“One Who is usually invoked for Safe Travel”
He is “The Measurer of the Skies”
He is “The Protector of the Soul in its Journey to the next World”
“God of Meetings”
Sounds: De, Do, Chaa, Chee
Planet: Mercury
Colour: Brown
Gana: Deva Gana
Animal: Female Elephant
Body: Abdomen, Groin, Ankles, Feet
Revati in the birth chart:
Ref: Rahasya Vedic Astrology:
Problems with teeth or dental issues
Traffic lights, roads and accidents
Foster parenting and surrogacy
Nurturer and protector of flocks and herds
Protector of wayfarers and their belongings
One of the 12 Adityas, gives good body & health
Perfect limbs genial manners
Deep learning
Does not covet others
Counselling, charity work, spiritual initiation, astrological guidance, offering divine remedies, humanitarian work, urban planners, psychic work, hypnosis, work related to travel and most importantly, nurturing others are all beneficial for this Nakshatra. They are encouraged to see people as they truly are and respond to this truth rather than the image they portray.