SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS (since January 2017)
Since early 2017 Saturn entered into the Vedic (Sidereal) constellation of Sagittarius.
Saturn represents democratic rule, facing up to your karma, responsibility, hard work, reality, truth, pressure, change & transformation. Saturn brings delay, obstacles and difficulties.
Sagittarius (and ruling planet Jupiter) represents justice, faith, optimism, philosophy, beliefs, religion, the Monarchy & royalty.

During this time, Saturn asked us to look at what we have believed about certain areas of our life until this point.
Throughout his transit he demanded authenticity, integrity & justice.
He taught lessons about those we look up to and admire and any false sense of faith in these figures came crumbling down; ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN'T GOLD.
We learnt about where we should be focusing our time and energy. If our commitments in love or business were based on an unstable structure, Saturn's reality check would have forced change.
The pressure to transform (Saturn) has played out for each of us in different ways depending on our natal charts, and on a Global level we have seen the manifestation through:
- Donald Trump's behaviour whilst in power (he was inaugurated at the same time Saturn moved into Sagittarius in January 2017)
- Brexit
- #metoo movement
- Climate change
- Scandals in the church
- Changes within the royal family with the meeting and marriage of Harry & Meghan

From January 24th 2020 , Saturn will move out of Sagittarius and transit through Capricorn – its own ruling sign. Specifically his transit will commence in Capricorn at 10 degrees within Uttara Ashada Constellation where Saturn will be in ‘dignity’; he will be home. Capricorn is a powerful sign for Saturn and will deliver a powerful and raw energy fueled with hard work, practicality and truth. He will retrograde back and forth, dipping in and out of Aquarius which we will cover at a later time.
As we complete the cycle of lessons around what inspires us, our vision and what we think is worth believing in, focusing on and committing to, Saturn in Capricorn for the next 3 years will challenge us to commit and "focus on bringing these new insights into form" (as described by Sam Geppi in this video).
This is time to make the next 5 year plan based on these new understandings. What started a few years ago is now culminating and we are now being asked to commit our time and energy to the truth of what has been revealed and take action into what will serve us in the long term. And to do it with LESS.

2020 will see many Capricorn themes with both Jupiter (learning, teachings, travel, gurus, spirituality, fatherly figures) and Mars (surgeries, accidents, sexuality, fiery energy, action) all joining Saturn throughout the year. Jupiter and Saturn have not been conjunct in Capricorn since 1961.
With old illusions shattered, what we have been working hard to understand about ourselves and what inspires us has brought understanding that the ‘old ways’ aren’t working anymore; we need to take this new inspired purpose and take action for the benefit of younger generations.
Saturn represents the karma we have to deal with and usually its not the easiest energy to handle. Saturn is represented by an old man with a walking stick to whack anyone who isn’t learning their lesson. The next few years is the time to make decisions that revolve around hard work. If you are going through Sade Sati (7.5 year transit of Saturn over your moon), you can read more about it here.
There is sometimes unnecessary fear around Saturn but its important to understand the planet’s qualities and work with its energy rather than resist and struggle.
Saturn (Shani) makes us deal with our karma throughout our life and we feel the most pressure when he transits our ascendant and planets. Whether rich or poor, these challenges are faced by everyone, and are only as hard as you make it and how you react to it.
Some lessons to remember for those experiencing Saturn’s aspect to natal planets is that the pressure you feel or the changes experienced that may not feel good is part of the karmic lessons you need to 'pay back'. It is not worth fighting against what Saturn is trying to teach you during this time but to work with the intensity.

As advised by the great Astrologer Komilla Sutton, the best remedy for the nest 3 years is all forms of Karma Yoga and giving back to others through charity or donation of time or other resources. Community and environmental support is ideal as well as any form of self sacrificing assistance.
A less is more attitude will help you move away from unrealistic expectations and a focus on those less fortunate and the action you take in order to help others will alleviate the pressure of Saturn's influence.
Everyone can make even the simplest of changes to contribute to a better planet.
(Sidereal Vedic Astrology - this is different from your star sign or Western Astrology Rising or Moon sign! Do NOT apply to your sun sign as this may not resonate). For more information on the difference between Vedic and Western Astrology, click here.
Aries Rising or Moon Sign ♈
For Aries Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 10th house of your career, authority, status, how the public see you, who you are in the world and how you present yourself to the world!
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 9th house testing your faith, belief system, religion, long distance travel and all forms of higher knowledge. Whether you went back to school, learnt lessons about other people's belief systems or way of living, traveled or met someone from afar, or felt pressure to change the way YOU thought the world worked, the lesson was to change and transform in these areas.
By removing old structures that no longer served a purpose in these 9th house areas, you were taught either through an actual teacher, father or father figure, or a relationship that didn't quite work the way you expected, that sometimes what we believe and as hard as we try to think we know what's good for us, the universe has its own plan. It's easier to accept the lesson and learn that what we have gained (and perhaps lost) was in our greatest favour.
The time now is to focus this new learning into your work as you discover new opportunities in your career. This will require discipline, structure and determination. Whether this will be a positive time or not will depend on your individual chart, the Ashtakvarga scores given to the 10th house and of course the time period (Mahadasha/Antardasha) period you are running.
Taurus Rising or Moon Sign ♉
For Taurus Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 9th house of faith, belief system, publishing, fatherly figures, religion, long distance travel and all forms of higher knowledge.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 8th house of transformation, other people's money, taxes & insurance, life & death scenarios, sex & the occult as well as your insecurities. The pressure that Saturn brought to your 8th house together with the collection of planets in Sagittarius toward the end of 2019 was an incredibly transformative time for you in these areas.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 8th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting (either through endings, divorce, surgeries, questioning one’s life, deep learning into occultic topics & tantra), there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' which made you question your own deepest insecurities, and yet blessing you at the same time with Jupiter the planet of luck & abundance. So the lack you may have felt, was also met with a catalyst that helped you throughout 2019 through your transformation.
With Saturn entering your 9th house, the next couple of years will see you working hard to gain new learning through study, teachings, beliefs systems, travel for work, issues related to the father, publishing and the way you approach self-care. Whether that means structuring new businesses goals, life goals and value systems, or removing older structures that no longer work with your higher self, Saturn is bringing lessons to the work required in all your relationships and especially the one with yourself as you re-organise your approach to life.
Gemini Rising or Moon Sign ♊
For Gemini Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 8th house of transformation, other people’s money, taxes & insurance, life & death scenarios, sudden change, sex & the occult as well as your insecurities.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 7th house of other people, partnerships of all kinds; marriage or business, your grandmother (maternal), fame, love interest and the public in general.
The pressure that Saturn brought to your 7th house together with the collection of planets in Sagittarius toward the end of 2019 was a wake up call to the other people in your life, who you kept around you, and how your choices affected others.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 7th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play bringing up old past life and past 'people' who taught you about your beliefs in how you interact with others and what others expect from you.
There may have been turbulent energy with another or many others who questioned your behavior and beliefs. Jupiter blessing the 7th house may have brought an opportunity or partnership that was both painful (Saturn/Ketu) and yet highly spiritual (Jupiter). Sagittarius also rules education and some of you may have returned to University in 2019 and are now on the path to juggling work, family, marriage and 'everyone else' in your life to accommodate your new studies. You may have learnt a lot about yourself in 2019.
This could even have resulted in Marriage where you began to settle into the new relationship and understand how you and your partner relate to each other, or a shorter term relationship, association or partnership that didn’t last long, but taught you a lot about yourself.
With Saturn entering your 8th house, the next couple of years will bring opportunity, lessons and effort toward your shared finances with another, your sex life, how you deal with unexpected changes, your health, and those things you keep secret including your insecurities. The structured, no-nonsense approach of Capricorn is in for a treat with Saturn, although in its own sign, still has a job to do and he will ensure that whatever you haven't been paying attention to in these 8th house areas will need to be worked on.
Do not fear the changes that Saturn brings, what he puts in place in the next couple of years will last for a long time. It is advised to follow the remedies suggested to keep a level head during this time.
Cancer Rising or Moon Sign ♋
For Cancer Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 7th house of other people, partnerships of all kinds; marriage or business, your grandmother (maternal), fame, love interest and the public in general.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 6th house of day to day work, health and diseases, obstacles, enemies, disputes, subordinates at work and daily routines. The pressure that Saturn brought to your 6th house together with the collection of planets in Sagittarius toward the end of 2019 was a pressure filled time with people at work or matters relating to your health. For some it was a wakeup call to troublemakers or enemies around you and a time when some of you were experiencing litigation.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 6th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs in the way you structure your routine, health regime and deal with people at work may not have worked to your favour asking you to transform and remove old ways of thinking. Jupiter blessing the 6th house may have brought an abundance of options of how to work with others, how to take better care of yourself, and opportunities to serve others in some way that worked in your favour.
The 6th house also rules stomach related issues (digestion), so there may have been some trouble in these areas requiring an overhaul of diet. For others, the realisation that other people may not have your best interests at heart may have pushed you to become more competitive in your work or for non-profit organisations.
With Saturn entering your 7th house, the next couple of years will bring opportunity, lessons and effort toward your 7th house of other people, partnerships of all kinds; marriage or business, your grandmother (maternal), fame, love interest and the public in general. Saturn will focus your attention and work toward other people in your life and bring realisations about those who you keep around you and if they bring positive growth in your life, as well as how your choices affected others.
Leo Rising or Moon Sign ♌
For Leo Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 6th house of day to day work, health and diseases, obstacles, enemies, disputes, competition, subordinates at work and daily routines.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 5th house of education, children, love & romance, creativity, sports & betting and fun! You may have felt pressure in these areas to transform the way you believed your self-expression needed to be released and also the way you handle children.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 5th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs about creative self-expression, your kids, your romantic and dating life or your sporting activities affected how you feel about yourself. Jupiter blessing the 5th house could have brought either a romantic or 'fun' person into your life to help you transform these areas whilst teaching you how to better express yourself.
With Saturn entering your 6th house, the next couple of years will bring lessons and effort toward your daily routines, work and your ability to control the opposition and competition. For those of you with a job, lessons around your team or subordinates will come up for review/re-structuring. You will need to be mindful of your health too and watch for burnout, as it will be am incredibly busy time for you juggling your daily schedule. Things that are no longer in your best interest will be removed to help you re-structure your day to day routine.
Virgo Rising or Moon Sign ♍
For Virgo Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 5th house of education, children, love & romance, creativity, sports & betting and fun!
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 4th house of motherly figures, home, property & real estate, deep feelings, childhood memories, and all things related to 'the homeland'. There may have been a house move, or pressure to spend time with those of your early childhood to understand a greater perspective of your connection to your home, your mother and emotional state.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 4th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs and emotions affected your life and perhaps a change of residents that taught you about your feelings, and how you take care of yourself. Jupiter blessing the 4th house could have brought either a motherly figure, or a new home which you loved spending time in the kitchen cooking, or a greater connection to your family which brought you a sense of emotional abundance or change in your beliefs.
With Saturn entering your 5th house, the next couple of years will bring opportunities, lessons and effort toward your romantic and creative life, as well as yours or others children. You may learn ancient knowledge, have a baby, start a new romance or pick up a new sport - either way, these activities will be enjoyed as Saturn is in good dignity as long as you find practical ways to use your creativity to help people.
Libra Rising or Moon Sign ♎
For Libra Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 4th house of motherly figures, home, property & real estate, deep feelings, childhood memories, and all things related to 'the homeland'.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 3rd house of younger siblings, communication, short distance travel, efforts, sports and quick movement activities, thinking and intellectual capacity, marketing, social media and on-line business, cousins and neighbours. The pressures felt by Saturn in these areas made you re-think your belief systems in the way you communicate and place effort to connect with others.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 3rd house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs affected your ability to connect with others through all forms of communication, writing and especially your own efforts to achieve what you desire. Younger siblings may have played a huge role in 2019 toward changing your belief in the way you converse with others.
With Saturn entering your 4th house, the next couple of years will bring opportunity, lessons and effort toward your home and family either through a house move or purchase. There may be pressure to spend time with your mother or those of your early childhood to understand a greater perspective of your connection to your home, your family and emotional state.
If you’re feeling low at any stage during this transit Saturn is asking you to go deep and discover the rewards that home and family can bring with commitment and dedication to the duties required of you within your family structure.
Scorpio Rising or Moon Sign ♏
For Scorpio Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 3rd house of younger siblings, communication, short distance travel, efforts, sports and quick movement activities, thinking and intellectual capacity, marketing, social media and on-line business, cousins and neighbors.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 2nd house of savings, spending, finances, values, family, maternal uncles & aunties, food habits, and what we consume. Pressure and restriction were felt in these areas which taught you to look at your money and finances from a different perspective. Forced family situations made you deal with any negative blockages which may have existed for a long time.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 2nd house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs affected your ability to save and spend money, spend time with your family, understand what you really value in life and also that you are what you eat! The reality of all forms of addiction i.e. alcoholism, drugs, medicines etc may have been a wake-up call through your own behaviour or through others.
With Saturn entering your 3rd house, the next couple of years will bring opportunities, lessons and effort toward how you market yourself, your efforts and ambition, and the care you take to ensure you don’t burn out! Saturn in its own sign will bring positive hard-working energy to the 3rd house and help you build new structure into your business and social affairs, any social media efforts, communication of all kinds and meeting new people, short distance travel, and the development of the relationship with your younger siblings.
Sagittarius Rising or Moon Sign ♐
For Sagittarius Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 2nd house of savings, spending, finances, values, family, maternal uncles & aunties, food habits, and what we consume. Saturn will ensure that you save and watch your spending whilst re-structuring your finances and how you spend your money.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 1st house of identity, health, well being, physical fitness, and overall life in general. For those of you with moon in Sagittarius, you are saying goodbye to the 2nd phase Sade Sati which is the most difficult and pressure filled transits we experience in 30 years. The pressure of Saturn over the sweet, soft moon is life’s most trying time. Congratulations on making it through! You have now entered into the 3rd and final phase of Sade Sati with Saturn in your 2nd house of your resources and family.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 1st house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs affected your ability to manage change and stress. There may have been blows to your ego and belief systems, your business, your social and family connections. These lessons were forced upon you to make drastic changes to your life and to understand that what was once working was in drastic need of an overhaul.
These changes effected all areas of your life and especially how you see yourself. With Jupiter also entering your sign, Some of you also experienced news or changes regarding your physical body through surgery, pregnancy, or new diet/fitness regime. Partnerships in general that were formed during this time taught you about the way you interact with others and conduct business.
With Saturn entering your 2nd house, the next couple of years will bring effort and lessons toward how you use your money and resources, how you handle and structure time with family, how what you eat and drink affects how you feel, and how the way you speak and communicate can affect others. With Saturn in dignity this will be a great time for public speaking and this rules the 2nd house of speech. Your greatest challenge will be to cut back on spending, downsize or tighten up overall to use only what is required.
Capricorn Rising or Moon Sign ♑
For Capricorn Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 1st house of self, physical body, health, well being, physical fitness, and life in general.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 12th house of spirituality, loss, overseas travel, sacrifice, and past life situations. Pressure was felt which made you say goodbye to people and situations that weren’t serving your higher purpose, removing what you had outgrown or what had outgrown you. You were required to sacrifice your beliefs and positivity in life to some extent and the faith you kept inside yourself which was repeatedly tested and scrutinized forcing you let go let go let go! You were required to release before Saturn enters into your 1st house bringing a transformation to your entire life that will see you make changes unlike any other (or since over 28 years ago).
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 12th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs affected your ability to let go, release what you felt you needed to keep to yourself, and the way in which you sacrificed yourself for others. You may have had a gutful of others taking advantage of your kindness and as a result said goodbye to people and places that weren’t serving you positively.
Any addictive behaviour also would have been under scrutiny and change as the 12th house shows us the ‘drunkeness’ or ‘pleasure state’ we can feel from certain choices. The 12th house is the unknown and mysterious house, so things, situations and people that had been kept from you or secret that you may not have known before could have come up to deal with. The 12th house also rules spirits and spirituality so some of you may have had a glimpse into the spiritual life, showing you new insights into this untapped area previously not fully understood.
With Saturn entering your 1st house, the next couple of years will bring opportunity, effort, hard work and lessons towards your physical body and health, image and ego identity. Expect an overhaul of how you conduct your life, what you deem important and how you go about your business. Saturn inspecting the 10th house could see a drastic, but beneficial change within your career and public standing for the better! It will bring you new beginnings and responsibilities through other people. The work you do will be solid, realistic, and straightforward.
The exact dates for when Saturn transits from your 12th house to your 1st house are crucial in understanding when during the next few years this impact will be felt the most!
Aquarius Rising or Moon Sign ♒
For Aquarius Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 12th house of letting go, addictions, self-sacrifice, loss, overseas travel, spirituality and the unknown.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 11th house of network circles, gains, multinational companies, older siblings, community and your greatest desires. Pressure was felt in these areas challenging you to take a good look at your friendships, and the reality of getting what you believe you desire. There may have been some restrictions, blockages or change in belief systems about your gains, older siblings, and network circles. You may have worked hard to develop these areas of life whilst learning that what you once believed about other people may not be the reality.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 11th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs affected your ability to develop friendships, work with larger communities & institutions, and have faith in what you ultimately desire.
With Saturn entering your 12th house, the next couple of years will bring effort, hard work and lessons towards your spiritual life, dealing with overseas matters or travel overseas (including working for companies with overseas offices). In addition, letting go of people, places, bad habits and old structures that no longer work in your favour.
As the 1st phase of Sade Sati (for Aquarian moon’s) there may be a feeling of pressure and possibly lack in the next few years so it is advised to watch your spending and ensure you’re thinking about your future and any destructive behaviours negatively affecting your well being. In addition, that which you sacrifice for others will come under scrutiny. Are they worth it? Are you giving too much? You will work hard to resolve these issues.
Prior to the 2nd and most difficult phase of Sade Sati, when Saturn transits through Aquarius, it is important to follow the remedies suggested above so that good Karma can be paid back prior to Saturn’s hit to your moon and rising sign in a few years. Saturn will take away what has been built that no longer works. This may be felt internally more than externally, but ultimately this journey will teach you how to learn new spiritual practices that will prepare you for the next Saturn cycle.
Pisces Rising or Moon Sign ♓
For Pisces Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Saturn will be entering into your 11th house of network circles, gains, multinational companies, older siblings, community and your greatest desires. You will feel pressure and work hard to achieve higher gains and you will be financially rewarded. There will be a slow and steady rise in your earnings due to the dignity of Saturn in Capricorn.
Since November 2017, Saturn was transiting your 10th house of career, professional standing, who you are to the world when you leave home and your overall status. Saturn also aspected your ascendant (3rd aspect) so there may have been health matters needing to be dealt with.
With the ease of Jupiter and the separative energy of Ketu also occupying the 10th house, despite the pressure felt in these areas that Saturn was affecting, there was much karmic energies at play, bring up old past life and past 'people' who taught you how your beliefs affected your social standing, your status, your job, career and how others see you. Your beliefs in how you need to ‘work’ to make money and make a living would have undergone a transformation to change the way you viewed this area of your life and the possibility of creating your own career the way that YOU want it to work.
With Saturn entering your 11th house, you will be increasing your friendship circles, gaining from your hard work and removing blockages to old structures that held you back from expanding your network! What you desire will come to fruition through your own determination and persistence. Slowly but surely your world will expand through interaction with others, larger communities around the world and also through opportunities for new ways to make your dreams a reality.