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Saturn in Aquarius 2023 to 2025

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective


Be prepared for your own personal revolution as authenticity takes the stage.

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However you feel empowerment, whatever gifts you embody that you've managed to stuff down as 'life took over' is now ready to be shared to audiences great and small.

"As we begin to connect with the utopian source of humanity and community...surrender to your authenticity. When you talk about controversial topics, of course it’s going to bring others cr*p back to you, but that is nature. Tell your truth. Do it from a good place place. Ignore haters" - S. Geppi




Since January 2020 Saturn first entered into Vedic Capricorn and transited through the sign related to government, power, structure, everything we've built over years (if not decades), old school systems, discipline and climbing the ladder of success.

Saturn brings fear, anxiety, organisation, discipline, structure and hard work towards wherever it transits. Global lockdowns were a little more than we bargained for during this time, but Saturn ultimately was here to refine, remove or totally obliterate structures that no longer work.

The opposite sign of where Saturn Transits (was and still is, until January 2023) places pressure on that sign from the opposing energy. Saturn opposed Vedic Cancer, ruling everything of a caregiving nature; Dr's, nurses, our connection to our emotions, our homes.. just a little pressure?

Job well done Saturn... but now what?



  • I love you, but I need space

  • I love you, but F your methods - sheep!

  • I love you, I know you think you're awesome, but what are you contributing?

  • I love you, but how many people know you're obsessed with aliens?

  • I love you, but you're not exactly setting a good example for the youth...

  • I love you, but what you just said lacks authenticity...

  • I love you, but why do you want to change yourself, your body, your look in order to impress people that ultimately don't care?

  • What's the point in being a leader, when you only give a sh*t about yourself?

  • You're not arrogant, you're building something to improve society...



- Rebellion against egotism in leadership (including war)

- Warp speed innovation

- Networking opportunities for humanitarian projects - Improved methods of operating in business - Implementation of new technology that improves society and the planet - Breakthrough discoveries

As discussed in the Jupiter Retrograde article of 2021, the list of due societal upgrades (or that will occur simply by force) is not only for a greener planet...

We'll see the 'calling out' of AND the implementation of programs designed to educate society when it comes to destructive racism, abortion rights, equality, LGBTQI acceptance, removing labels, cancelling cancel culture, shaming of all kinds, extremities in patriarchalism or feminism (that swing too far) and a host of other groups.

Ignorance, selfishness, greed or sheer stupidity will be called out - education is needed.

There will be backlash, as there always is to those in power or that rule and fail to actually rule people effectively - The people will hold the power here.

Allow what you're building, the organisation you're running or working for, your own personal network, or your own creativity flair be put to good use by bringing people together; to uplift them, inviting and working with new networks, demographics and businesses to show them how you can help implement change.

What or whom do you need to reassess to live and breathe your truth? To reach others that will benefit from your influence?

We should know by now that popularity does not equal talent, especially in a world where everything can be purchased.

Problems arise when the ego's expectations aren't met whilst exposing the authentic self.

But what if your gifts are only supposed to plant a seed in this lifetime in order for the younger generations to take it to the next level? Can you accept this truth and let go of your ego's involvement?

Reaction occurs by either allowing the false ego to fight back by selling out to someone else's idea, or give up altogether; retreating back to a safe place where the lingering pain agent of say what a parent or bully once imposed at a young age tells the ego/mind not to allow the true nature to be let free.

Authentic connections must be nourished in order to bring about real and improved change by listening to others for the gifts they embody rather than following false or outdated influencers or leadership.

Every single person is a single drop of water within an entire ocean and with a world better connected than ever before people will realise the power of the collective influence.

Whether this is through protest or online group pressure - change WILL occur that allows your voice to be heard, however great or small.




Humanitarianism will be at the forefront of social responsibility and to teach younger generations how to 'do life better'.

Those with the power to control large groups of people will be asked to step up or step down, pending their ability to listen to what the audience wants.

Words and actions matter now more than ever before and acting for purely selfish reasons will not be met lightly.

On a day to day vibe Saturn will bring the opportunity to prioritise how life feels rather than how life looks. No one needs another brand/leader/idea to sell them another problem to 'fix' that are embarrassingly out of date:

> Authoritarianism

> Cultures of extreme; diet, lifestyle etc.

> Misplaced Spiritualism - why aren't you 'doing the work, class, meditations to bring balance'? Umm, what if your body is saying no right now? Do we not have the right to pause and do whatever we feel is best?

> Entertainment and manufacturing at the expense of suffering of animals or children

> The ongoing calling out of 'The Generation Entitled' that apparently don't want to work or contribute to society, when they're clearly talented beyond a doubt - It's about working together, releasing control and allowing synergy of integrating new systems

> Ageing; buy XYZ, look X younger by buying X product... if you haven't figured out by now the idea of 'ageless' was created by the superpowers to generate disempowerment. The need to physically appease others in order to prove ones worth...old news. You may as well walk into a class of 8 year olds and tell them how to listen to the bully that has been harassing them and to do exactly what they want so they'll be accepted - same thing... *shock face* - When did society stop teaching people to stand up for themselves?

What's the major lesson from 2023 - 2025 for those in business, developing or creating something new?

It's not about you. An empowered state through #revolution, and lessons via your networks and "public response" will occur from witnessing what comes back to you that will make you aware of 'the greater good' you provide so that you can deliver or implement lasting change.

It's about prioritising this public response and how you make others feel rather than how you look doing what you do.



With Saturn opposing the Vedic sign of Leo...this will hit hard for those who've only ever operated from a 'power for power's sake' lifestyle, where that power and influence is often misused to control others. That's not going to work...unless you want your ass handed to you by the guy sitting on a crate with his extra hot half strength 3/4 almond latte, oversized glasses, beard and genius mind to pull the carpet from under you with 1 line..

Nor you, nor the King of England will escape the backlash to these attitudes.

Saturn in Vedic Aquarius is in it's Moolatrikona sign - it 'comes home' in Aquarius meaning it's energy and qualities operate where it feels most comfortable - 'in it's element'. In Aquarius, Saturn is asking that you cut out false friends/social circles/activities and thinking patterns that no longer serve a purpose or people who don't see your value or whom operate from a mere egotistical point of view for personal gain.

Saturn does want you to develop relationships with people who will help share your authenticity with like minds.

Read that again. Most people are afraid to do the thing they dream of for fear of judgement...but this judgement simply reveals your individual uniqueness.



  • Implement new technology in your business; develop programs to teach EVERYONE

  • Calling out something or someone for what it is - not accepting egotistical thinking

  • Remain humble and focus on maintaining connections & associations with others

  • Ruthless honesty whilst accepting the responsibility that comes with it

  • DO NOT shrink when it comes to confrontation - work with others to improve

  • Maintain conviction behind your messages - if it is authentic, connect with like minds

  • STOP trying to impress others by avoiding a disagreement, or to make them like you

  • What do you stand for? If nothing, then you will fail - know your purpose

  • There will always be people that like you, love you, don't agree with you or whom have never heard of you, but never be afraid to draw attention to yourself

  • Nothing is personal; despite your network size, most have only few people they trust




- Key Dates -



23'20' Capricorn to 06'40 Aquarius

From 12 July 2022 to 17 January 2023:

Work hard...and the results will come - this has been part of the lesson since 12 July 2022.

Dhanishta represents Cosmic Rhythm...the symphony of the universe, our heart beat, our ability to gain wealth & status in our chosen field.

This is the one constellation ruled by Mars yet operates in Saturn's sign. Mars seeks fast quick results and Saturn is slow, persevering and cold. Connecting our passions and effort (Mars) with discipline and dispassion (Saturn) hasn't been easy but necessary for what is to come.

Since July 2022, you were asked to flow with the rhythm of the cosmos, whilst deciphering constructive ways to excerpt your time, energy, creativity, sexuality etc over this lengthy period whilst paying attention to the details in what you're developing.

This will continue to the 17 January 2023 as Saturn ends its cycle in Capricorn.



23'20' Capricorn to 06'40 Aquarius

From 17 January to 15 March 2023

From 15 October to 24 November 2023

Taking it to the next level, time to network...

Saturn will transit through Dhanishta and now he's entered into Aquarius. The hard work you've put into your personal projects now require audience feedback and engagement.

To achieve your greatest desires and higher goals, it takes genuine connection through others to reap the rewards you seek.

This will come naturally based on what you've been cultivating in the last 6 months or so, but it takes courage to reach out, have your say and walk your talk.

This IS a powerful time for all to uplift society.


06'40 Aquarius to 20'00 Aquarius

From 15 March to 15 October 2023

From 24 November 2023 to 7 April 2024

From 3 October to 27 December 2024

Shatabhisha translates to "One Hundred Physicians".

Why there will require this many on board during this time? Let's look at it from an individual perspective. Where within yourself are you trying to heal? What hasn't worked so far?

Here, Saturn does his work in a Nakshatra that brings results within the medical and healing industry, IT, aerospace engineering and also how mysticism fits in with physical. It also rules the occult, tarot and tantric abilities. (If you've ever connected with someone with multiple planets placed in Shatabhisha in their chart, they have a unique ability to sense your pulse and energetically shift your state through sheer energetic penetration).

This energy will bring a collective interest toward introversion, seclusion and focus towards scientific or occult research - and quite literally meaning placing boundaries around ones space to create time and focus to delve into these areas. Wherever you 'go into the lab' for months on end in your world to work on your craft is how this will manifest.

Where can you 'upgrade' your healing process?

There are numerous ways to do so; Ayurveda, Yoga, Medicine, Diet, Lifestyle, Fitness, Relationships, Attitude adjustments.

The contradiction of course is the numerous ways society consumes for the sake of the ego. Fuelled by the pockets of powerheads that benefit from people's insecurities about allowing the natural process of ageing and death.

The consumption and application of toxic products, makeup, injectables, pollution, workspaces without natural light, lack of education in bodily and moon cycles, or lack of time to understand how to change ones energetic state from deep inquiry, mantra, tantra and meditative practices is the writing on the wall.

Your cells are doing their best to regenerate - we have incredible medicine available to us to heal but society has gone too far by exploiting minds through media and marketing to believe it is not ok to age.

"If anyone makes you feel anything less than good - stay away from them" C.P

This time presents an opportunity to redeem past mistakes, whether through health, image, work, family, children, friends, partnerships etc. by understanding the laws of the universe through cause and effect, through a higher awareness of God, nature, humanity, animals and the environment.


20'00 Aquarius to 03'20 Pisces

From 7 April 2024 to 3 October 2024

From 27 December 2024 to 30 March 2025

Purva Bhadrapada represents the karma from past lives brought into this life that you are required to complete before entering the process of enlightenment through the sign of Pisces.

It holds a cosmic 'sword' that cuts through the b*llshit - in yourself and in others.

This time will ask you to take what blessings your body/mind has received from your past life and share it with other people, no matter how big or small.

What will be required is your divine duty - a sense of 'this must be done' (before you can go to the Himalayas and leave your world behind for a time :)

From what society has gathered to date about what replenishes the body and soul will be put to good use through advanced technological systems.

Political and social activism, whilst cutting through the lies or ignorance is the intensity of Aquarius that will manifest for societies greater good.

Before Saturn enters Pisces in March 2025 the final 'cutting' of that which no longer brings the collective energy to an awakened and improved state of living, will be ruthlessly dealt with throughout 2024.

Saturn in Aquarius brings you the time and space to share your highest calling.

Do it with authentic love and you'll arrive at the greatest feeling of purpose your soul has ever felt :)


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