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Sex, Marriage & D7/9 Varga Charts

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

It doesn't matter how well intended people are entering into Holy Matrimony, if it's destined in a birth chart to marry more than once or have multiple sexual partners, that is what will manifest.

It is a common process in many parts of the world for a certified Vedic Astrologer to review and analyse the Birth and Varga charts (specifically Navamsa D9 and Saptamsa D7), of a couple to determine if the synastry is strong enough to sustain a marriage.

This process is a necessary practice to protect the bride, groom and their families.

Often couples fall in love very early in life and unless supported by friends and family to work through their challenges as a couple to sustain the marriage, together with an Astrologer's insight by analysing the Synastry of the couple, then issues later down the line will be inevitable.

The level of sacrifice, maturity and resilience as well as a significant amount of self-control required in a marriage is often misjudged and why many relationships breakdown.

On the other hand like with anything we love that requires discipline and effort, we turn to our poison to cope during stressful times. If not properly managed this can lead people to rely on substance, food or other forms of self-abuse to escape reality.

Problems arise when these seemingly harmless choices leads to some form of mental or physical illness. If we intuitively understand the connection between a healthy mind and body to attain a greater sense of joy and happiness, why is it that so many struggle to make these practices part of their daily routine?

It starts with our values and our parental figures. It is a greater struggle for those without an established routine of discipline from a young age to learn how to cope later in life when crisis arises.

This also applies to our values around sexual activity and how we feel about ourselves and what Marriage really means to us.

The benefits of a healthy marriage are obvious, yet there are so many people who simply do not belong in these sorts of arrangements. It's time we grew up about the realities of coupling up however society has distorted this backlash against tradition by devaluing the act of sexual activity allowing casual sex to be accepted as a healthy outlet.

The problem with giving sex away so easily is that we have forgotten its power, and transformed it into an animialistic quick fix on tap available for anyone at anytime with the click of the button. Relationships based on sex only usually last a certain period, and unless there are other similarities or values between the couple will end fairly quickly.


Through dating apps and the lack of spiritual teaching from a young age, many aren't taught how to focus their sexual energy.

We receive a handful of sex education lessons and the rest is up to our parents, friends, and what we have access to online...God help us.

Ask anyone with a heap of 8th house planets or Plutonian influences to keep it in their pants... almost impossible.

The biological makeup of that person is to seek, experience and be transformed through sexuality. However the 8th house also entails a number of highly spiritual and Occultist energies often condemned by religion. Tantra, and opening of ones Chakras, Mediumship, Mantra, Yoga and Meditation when properly used and practised can turn a highly addictive personality into a specialist in spiritual healing.

We are only just beginning to see the effects and benefits of these practices in our daily life thanks to online learning and the spread of ancient Vedic practices.


Regardless of how you use your sexual energy, the most important lesson when we connect our bodies to our 'spiritual self' is that we become conscious to how intensely sexual energy affects us.

We become aware of how OTHERS sexual energy affects us and we learn to discern between those that carry negative energies that bring us down or deplete us as opposed to those whose energy uplifts us.

Subtle clues within the body or mind should never be ignored. If you are physically or emotionally reacting negatively or positively to someone when you first interact with them or in fact at any stage of the relationship, then expect to feel it 10 fold within your body after sex comes into the picture.

We adopt others energy they are carrying within themselves; their feelings and emotions whether positive or negative.

We are aware of how every cell in our body changes by external and unfamiliar microorganisms hence why some people develop physical symptoms after engaging in sexual activity with another (for better or worse) and the same principle applies to our spiritual energy and how our body reacts on an energetic level which affects our emotions, self-love, self-care and connection to our higher selves.


Sex for pleasure purposes only loses its power after some time. The great Osho advises in this video that many men and women don't understand that pleasure begins in the mind, heart and body, before any touching begins.

He describes the deliberate pace of connectivity with another, generating enough heat and without resorting to missionary style (as this was a term used by the Missionaries whom invaded and forced women into sex). The woman must control the pace and without orgasm being the immediate goal.

One's focus on connecting with the other through breathing techniques, full body touching, holding back and observing reactions generates the most powerfully intense and rewarding sexual experiences for both partners without depleting their energies.

This is what it means to consciously be connected to another; the focus is on the experience throughout the activity, not on immediate gratification of orgasm because like a drug, people become addicted to physical pleasure without nourishing their spiritual connection with another person and the surrounding energy which is often why women fail to orgasm.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to celibacy or waiting until marriage, however the key is to prove a healthy connection, friendship and spiritual bond with another before welcoming sexual activity.

The lesson is to slow down, take time to connect with your partner and make sex an experience and not simply a release. Both partners must take a good look at themselves first and their state of mind to prepare for and take ample time to bond with the other; witness the other's pleasure as well as their own.

In an era of online hook up central, this is has become a crisis of human disconnection that needs a drastic wake up call. Thanks to unrealistic expectations of sex through Porn, the visual and sensory distortion of beauty standards as well as newer technology in some parts of the world connecting sex with robots for a sexual experience, we are continuing to move further away from crucial human interaction and losing touch with our energetic connectivity to the Divine. These outlets are highly addictive and yet we don't see the harm until it's too late.

For something so simple, happiness through sexual activity is a billion dollar industry for those looking for solutions. Many people who don't have some sort of spiritual practice develop these addictions which only take them further down the rabbit hole of immediate pleasure to experience a quick boost or release of endorphins.

It is for this reason that certain religions follow strict systematic approaches to love, to protect their souls from following a destructive path of allowing negative sexual energies to enter their mind body and spirit.

We write this article during a time where 6 planets are residing in Sagittarius, and specifically in the Nakshatras of Purva Ashada and Uttara Ashada.

The common themes of these 2 Nakshatras is religion, priesthood and colonising or spreading the world about religion. Here we are discussing spirituality and religion, questioning what we were taught and what is right and wrong between our belief systems and that which ultimately serves us to live a happier and contented life.

Many turn to an Astrologer for love and money readings. An Astrological chart shows us what turns us on physically and mentally and provides us with an understanding of how our sexual energy is given and received by another and often this eye opening experience of how we connect with another helps to understand how to harness our sexuality to help protect and preserve our energy and apply it with another at the right time and with the right person.


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