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OVERHAUL: Oct Solar Eclipse, Retrogrades & Mental Health

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

CONTENTS (link):

This year's Solar Eclipse occurs in Chittra Nakshatra, the Divine Architects and Accountants of the Cosmos.

Chittra is the Lunar Mansion responsible for critical thinking, purification, and refinement of all things that exist on earth. That, and gambling...

In the weeks leading up to the Solar Eclipse, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will commence their retrograde cycles, causing a rare 'time out' to reflect on your values and vision prior to commencing the great 'overhaul'.

When planets in direct motion slow down, station, and enter retrograde, the collective energy follows suit. This manifests as an internalisation process for reviewing the decisions made in the recent past.

Crucial changes, upgrades, and new opportunities when first presented to you require clarity in the heart and mind of what is most meaningful, beneficial, and profitable for your future, and that aligns with who you are at your core.

This upcoming internal clarification process will ask you to walk through a cosmic door into your new reality by managing the finer details of what you're planning through a purification or 'refinement' process.

It will be extremely hectic, but worth it in the end.



22nd July to 3rd September 2023

Venus retrograde asks you to reflect on how you relate to others. Venus in Magha Nakshatra brings captivating and 'royal like' forms of love, art, and beauty.

In searching for that which you're seeking in love, are you demonstrating this to yourself and others? Where do you allow lower or cheaper forms of love to take over?

Real love exists when you are genuinely happy for someone if they're happy to follow their hearts desire.

If the synastry is powerful, simply being around that person or people makes all parties feel alive, healed, 'free' to be and create as the autonomous beings that they are, and without demanding anything in return.

This is natural flow. This is real love.

Anything else is a spoken or unspoken arrangement; there is nothing wrong with it, but it is not love.


23rd August to 16th September 2023

Ideas are generated from intelligence that comes through thought and truth. Opinions are simply ideas used to defend what each individual thinks is 'right' - S. Geppi

Mercury is now passing through the same degrees of Mars' transit throughout July and August. Mars acted with dominance and flair and dropped seeds of fire that acted against the status quo.

"Are you communicating truthfully, or are you using language to coerce others?"

Mercury is the planet of intellect, information, and thought. We will all be acting and witnessing an 'act now, think later' approach in the early weeks of August.

Be conscious of this, as retrogrades demand review, negotiation, and taking a step back prior to leaping forward.

This time is cosmically designed to present information that may question, if not diminish the legitimacy of what you've been led to believe is true.

How far down the rabbit hole of truth does the average human mind wish to go without feeling a little uncomfortable?

Mercury is now allowing the time to slow down and collaborate with others about your natural skills, knowledge, and or leadership abilities in any area you're essentially most valued for and where 'within the group' you best perform.

The Sidereal sign of Leo is where Mercury will transit.

Leo rules the natural 5th house which includes ancient teachings. The cosmos will serve up these ancient, tried and true teachings that will challenge 'new age' ideas.

These teachings triumph over any attempts to overrule natural cosmic law and will serve as a "friendly reminder" to all that their integration cannot be ignored. "God" or "The Universe" will always step in.


4th September to 3rd December 2023

Is what you're spending time on and the things you value or follow genuinely of benefit to yourself and others?

Good teachings are those that demonstrate and guide the recipients to take action for their wellbeing.

Inferior teachings come from those who use knowledge for ulterior motives that have nothing to do with sharing information for students benefit.

Capitalist culture aims to generate feelings of lack or inferiority through comparison strategies (which is slowly crumbling). Those who aren't conscious of these strategies enter reactionary states of insecurity that stem from society's cultural standards of 'worthiness'.

You're allowed to wake up at any time once you realise you have the born-given right to freedom.

This means living authentically by letting the fact sink in that it has been proven over and over again that the externalisation of happiness does not work (chasing things outside yourself).

Anything else creates addictive, short-term dopamine fixes that lead human beings into deep states of confusion, despair, and illness when faced with significant challenges to overcome.



Purify, Focus & Refine

14th October 2023

**Effects felt from 2nd to 28th**


Eclipse conjunct Ketu and Mercury

Eclipse Square Pluto

"The 80-20 rule... but in this instance you'll spend 20% of time to complete 80% of your tasks, and the remaining 80% of time to refine and perfect the 20%" - K. Raaj

Solar and Lunar eclipses manifest on earth through rapid change in circumstances, information and news brought to the forefront, and sudden epiphanies or shifts into new 'psychological realities'.

These impending changes, once manifested, cannot be undone. Eclipses bring non-negotiable endings and new beginnings.

Eclipses joined with South Node Ketu reveal information from the recent past, where you become conscious to missing or key information that is sorely required in order to adapt and plan your next moves.

The Solar Eclipse takes place in Chittra Nakshatra, the Lunar Mansion from Sidereal Virgo 23°20 to Siderial Libra 06°40'.

Chittra's Deity is "Tvastar", The Great Celestial Architect who designed and created the entire universe.

Tvastr is considered the 'heavenly builder' and guardian of Soma.

Souls born into bodies when the Grahas (planets) were in Chittra are likely the accountant or book-keeper you know, photoshop gurus, or those who spend a significant amount of time designing/architecture, enjoy gambling or, take photos of themselves (bodybuilders, models, etc.).

They embody 'perfecting of details'.

Multiple women in daily life usually surround these people (men and women).

Tvastar was the father of ten daughters and close friends with the wives of the Gods, who was most frequently seen with women.

Tvastar also has the reputation of the “multiform impregnator” - however you like to interpret this.

"Players gonna play"

Key Themes of Chittra:

  • Being calm for long periods then exploding

  • Waking up at 3:30-4am

  • Budgets & accounting

  • Vision board & photographs everywhere

  • Manipulating images/filters/photoshop

  • Architects/designing structures

  • Real Estate planners

  • Receiving custom jewellery from father or partner

  • The physical form; attaining perfection in beauty

  • Strategic games / gambling / Vegas trips

  • Eye for details & critical analysis

  • Sparkling clothes or bright colours

  • Identifying with criticism, forgetting the bigger picture

  • Powerful weapons

The Solar eclipse will conjunct Mercury that will be a few degrees away in Hasta Nakshatra, ruling multiple skills set, the use of hands, astrology, and alternate forms of healing/counselling to help people physically, mentally and spiritually.

Mercury rules and affects the human nervous system.

Adopt self-care strategies to guard yourself against burnout as information overload is likely in the early weeks of October.

Everyone will experience a rush or increase in activity as this 'cosmic structuring' in Virgo has a rather extensive 'to do' list to accomplish.


Squares are uncomfortable and trigger feelings of uneasiness that you're forced to tackle head on. Although they come from 'left field', they provide crucial challenges in life that force change in human thinking and behaviour.

Pluto entered Sidereal Capricorn at the start of 2020 and began its destruction and rebirth process, targeting capitalist societal norms, Government, financial systems, the Monarchy and established structures.

This upgrade process will continue until 2039.

The Solar Eclipse in square to Pluto will challenge outdated modalities, processes or thinking patterns.

People's cut-off game will no doubt demonstrate how serious they are about not wasting time, resources or internal happiness at the cost of situations that seem juvenile or don't serve your physical or emotional wellbeing.

Work with those willing to support your personal freedom whilst helping you with your business/project/ideas for growth.

Sacrifices that are universally driven are necessary for your future development by providing you with the right and clear path to follow.


NOTE: Work commenced within 12 hours of an eclipse will not be auspicious in nature meaning that things may not go to plan. This is known as 'Sutak' period for all Solar eclipses. During these sensitive hours, try to do as little as possible.


  • Positive visualization practices; see the future you wish to manifest

  • Let go of abstract paintings or pictures that carry an energy of sadness in one’s private home

  • Chant or listen to mantras connected with Durga

  • Donate weapons, jewellery or donate to a Tiger conservatory project

  • Draw pictures on a regular basis

  • Study about lock picking

  • Ensure there are no broken clocks or watch pieces in home

  • Donate artistic pieces

  • Study about photography & technical aspects of photography such as lighting

  • Learn to discriminate between visions, imagination & reality

  • Grow a white flowering plant in one’s home

  • Delete pictures of ex's or obscene pictures

  • For those that practice mantra work; Sun Gayantru Mantra can be implemented into practice: ॐ आदित्याय विद्महे मार्त्तण्डाय धीमहि तन्नः सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् "Om Adityaya Vidmahe Sahasra Kiranaya Dhimahi Tanno Surya Prachodayaat"


Good vs Evil?

Vedic Astrology shows that despite whether babies are born with either dominant masculine or feminine planetary placements (for all genders), the Lunar Mansions, Planetary Yogas (approx. 300 combinations), x16 Varga Divisional charts, Mahadasha systems, Ashtakvarga and Avaastas reveal the karma of how each life is expressed.

Parental karma shows up in the Vedic Chart through planetary Yoga's, conjunctions of the Moon or Venus with malefic planets (Rahu/Saturn/Mars), and combinations of the 2nd, 6th, 4th, 8th and 12th houses.

An afflicted Sun will show fatherly inflicted abuse, an afflicted Moon shows motherly inflicted abuse.

This forms part of what the soul agreed to accept and experience in this lifetime.

Physician Gábor Máté explains that if the child watched mum or dad behave in ways that aren't good or if the child was abused, they're inflicted with trauma.

Actual 'trauma' meaning the perpetrator acted from evil intent, not from well-intended discipline.

As adults, the trauma (if not recognised because of a lack of clear values and boundaries) is re-triggered in relationships for self-protection purposes.

This reaction however, requires logical discernment:

"Good" energy is processed in the body from situations that help you be strong, healthy, responsible, accountable, respectful and focused on growth in your individual power based on your unique skills and abilities.

"Evil" energy is cowardice, it is the avoidance of truth, feelings that evoke guilt/toxic empathy, witnessing the exploitation of the vulnerable and those that speak maliciously of others.

"There is no 'safe path' but there is the honourable path" - G. Maté

In astrology, 'people' or 'circumstances' in adult life (or at any age) manifest when planets in transit trigger planets in the natal chart.

You cannot expect if for example Pluto squares your natal Venus, Uranus transits over natal Mars and Chiron opposes your natal Moon all at the same time for your body/mind not to experience a royal cosmic sh*t show of events and mental health occurrences to face and transcend.

These transits cause irritation, pain and challenge to remind you of the impermanency of any circumstance and to 'exit' the trap of the body/mind.

There is zero logic however, in ever justifying or enabling flat out crap behaviour from partners, family members, friends or workplaces, despite their Saṃskāras.

How to strengthen or eliminate weakness caused by ones saṃskāras that leads to negative thinking and behaviour?

Leaders in psychological and spiritual counselling all preach the same message:

"Once you teach people to THINK for themselves they begin to develop inner strength as they both allow and establish what GOOD actually feels like [within the body]"

Why is it so hard then for some to set boundaries when their bodies enter states of anxiety, fear, heartache, sickness or sadness?

They aren't taught to trust and act on their intuition. If something hurts internally, you're not supposed to ignore the pain.

Through practice, repetition and development of core value systems based on "what good feels like," it is similar to muscle growth and consistency in training.

Developing spiritual muscle brings realization to not only others' actions and intentions but to your own life choices and the people you allow to influence your thinking.


You wouldn't allow your child or loved one to keep being punched in the face without fighting back, so why allow someone's actions or words towards them keep punching at their dignity or soul?

Logic tells instinct to either duck for cover, or metaphorically (or not) create the strongest fist you can and punch back directly where it hurts so that the attacker knows not to keep attacking you.

You don't talk to the abuser nor send the victim to therapy to 'work it out'. This isn't common sense to our biological makeup.

There was once a woman who was taught to defend herself by her caregivers after weeks of torment and physical abuse from a school bully.

She one day finally defended herself by throwing her hardest punch.

Despite getting in trouble, she was never messed with again and developed a sincere and deep confidence, resulting in multi-disciplinary achievements and genuine zest for life and creative expression.

This is the perfect example of core values and confidence established during critical stages of development.


Spiritual teachers prescribe specific practices, mantras, tools and share information at the right time so that the recipient can embody these rituals within their already established Sādhanā (disciplined practices).

It is up to the reader/seer/astrologer or counsellor to allow the client to reveal what they have buried deep inside as they are ready.

For ethical reasons, seers that channel messages received through a 'higher voice' are guided to either pull back or reveal more to the seeker. This is dependant upon what stage the soul is at when the 2 meet.

If refused, the Grahas (planets) deliver lessons which are often handled in less ideal forms through alternate manifestations.

This is where human struggle comes in as a test of choice of righteousness or 'willingness to follow what is good'.

If people attach themselves to this Loka or 'Maya' they suffer mentally either periodically or long term for one reason or another.

As a starting point, the basics, or '101 Mental Health checklist' are as follows:

  • Quality sleep

  • Laughter

  • Complete self acceptance

  • Minimise screen time/media/Tamasic forms of entertainment

  • Daily exercise

  • Swimming in salt water

  • No drugs/alcohol

  • Sunlight everyday

  • Moving away from others' drama or ill intent

These types of checklists usually follow key principles of the 8 limbs of Yoga and specifically, to the practices and application of the components of Yama and Niyama.

But what actually happens after you've applied all these methods?

Yogi complete and ready for phase 2?

"....and I laughed and I laughed" - Elaine

It's more like this... You roll the dice and realise you're about to hit No. 99 on the Snakes and Ladders board... only 1 square away from victory.

As you land on No. 99 you meet with Mr. Slithers, who instantly gobbles you up as you slide down to square No 1.... yet again.

Each time you start again, however, the board is upgraded; the ladders are studier, there's a coffee station at No. 50, and by this stage the snakes are looking more like worms.

Despite how many times the game is played, good and evil must continue to play its role on earth and it is up to each individual to reconcile with both states within their own experience and recognise it in others.

Weak minds become disempowered because of susceptibility of the psychotic subtleties of emotional manipulation from individuals whose souls carry evil energy.

People that store unhealed trauma from their childhood or past lives use this energy through drama and conflict in an attempt to overpower others' minds and hearts... the recipients often feel it in the body immediately as 'bad vibes'.

It is up to the target to see this energy for what it is - helplessness in desperate attempts for the attacker's inner child or past life deeds to be heard, acknowledged, guided toward 'good use' and ultimately forgiven.

Many that suffer either as the victim or perpetrator are both crying out, and are in need an enormous heart felt hug.

You free people from mental enslavement by leading the way & encouraging them to reconnect with their inner voice designed to express itself without restriction with good intent and from a space of natural joy:)



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