The Vedic Constellation of Hasta Nakshatra (Cosmic Fist/Hands) rules the month of October, as we fight to find our feet following the illusionary and weirdly disruptive energies of Neptune that ruled throughout September.
(Libra/Virgo - Sidereal Calculations)
The messenger’s route:
1. Mercury will Retrograde in Libra, from September 26th until 1st October
2. Mercury will re-enter into Virgo and continue its retrograde from 1st October to 18th
3. Mercury will turn direct in Virgo from 18th October to 1st November

From 26th September to 1st October Mercury will ask us to review our partnerships and our dealings with others.
Libra rules the scales and justice, and Mercury will be…sliding around for a few weeks as the messenger navigates through the storm and mess from September’s intense and confusing energy heightened at the Full Moon from the 20th that was conjoined with the illusionary Neptune.
Mercury retrograding in Libra means serious ups and downs in both relationships and the stock/share market.
Is it you, or me, or both of us?
Mistakes, errors, and general imbalance in our day-to-day communication with others needs a do-over.
Have we really been so derailed? It seems so.
Mercury goes where the bigger planets tell it to go as the messenger has no agenda other than to connect our intellect and our comprehension faculties.
When in retrograde, the details of recent projects require a critical review, and for us to revise, rework and re-negotiate in areas where we may have missed when it comes to all business and personal exchange as well as an understanding as to what fairness means with our partners and others we deal with daily.
Errors in communication, or simply a miscommunication? It’s time for the talk…the 'hang on what did you mean when you said this'? The details can seem a little messy when we realise, we missed the point of what the other person’s intentions were.

Negotiation works well at this time, as you may have realised a better way to communicate, write, post, talk, and interact with others. Thought process and comprehension will see a backspin now as you cover old ground.
On 1st October, when Mercury retrogrades from Libra to Virgo, now we can dive into the details and re-work our daily routine, our efforts to remain ‘healthy and fit’, the details in our creative projects and go over all our activities with a fine-tooth comb.
PLEASE BACK UP your tech/double check attachments etc. as much as possible before October 1st as chances of tech crashing is likely.
Around the 18th of October, watch as the stock/share market may experience back spins from earlier fluctuations.
Completing tasks, and calling those that can help with project details, communications and finer details on projects are good to reach out to now.

Each month the new moon sets the cosmic stage for the next 30-day cycle. The New Moon of October 6th is in Hasta Nakshatra.
The New Moon will conjunct Mars and be in Opposition to Chiron.
Mars is the soldier, fighter, warrior and is responsible for our actions, drive, and energy to get things done. Usually this would be a positive thing, however whenever Chiron is involved, there is always pain.
Chiron is the energetic body where we can heal others but not ourselves. Chiron was abandoned by his parents, then begged for death when accidently hit by an arrow which brought about immense pain. The choice for this immortal being was death over living with pain.
When Mars opposes Chiron either in transit or in the birth chart, there is pain whenever it comes to asserting action and using force.
Even with intimacy and desire, there is always opposing energies of insecurity felt here. There is always doubt and holding back due to insecurity when it comes to going after what you want.
This energy will be highlighted at the New Moon.
It’s like this...if I move ahead and either:
Ø Continue running 1 hour every day with a sore knee or
Ø Continue pursuing the object of my desire which involves unrequited love or
Ø Continue to be consumed by my addictions or
Ø Continue to run around like a lunatic trying to get XYZ done, because that’s how I exert my energy…
It’s going to hurt.

Chiron wants us to recognise when we need to take stock on how our actions may be at odds of the pain we’re currently feeling and experiencing.
Whether this involves another person or whether you’re doing this to yourself, October will ask us to really look at how our actions could be sabotaging ourselves and activating some deep wounds. We must find a way to balance these so that we can move forward with a little more sensitivity.
Positively, areas that relate to Hasta Nakshatra which is ruled by the moon and in Sanskrit means ‘fist’ or the use of ‘two hands’ and on a general level translates to aiding or ‘a hand’ or helping others, and to help others laugh/smile or feel better. Palmistry, tarot and other forms of hand-healing are favoured.
This is the month for skilled marital artists and other activity involving the hands. Thanks to Kapiel Raaj who provided the following details for Hasta Nakshatra; boxing, tarot, crafts, detailed work, sculpting, Reiki, details analysis/calculations or written work, issues in marriage or partnerships, competition, criticism, issues with colleagues, writing in journals and journaling, developing APPS, or using hand-based instruments; pianists, drummers, and flutes etc. Hasta also rules record keeping, notes, analysis, and a keen eye for detail.
Taking up that boxing class, or cooking class, or sorting out the details of a project to help further your efforts is called for in and around the Full Moon.
> Chant Gayatri mantra 108 times daily for peace of mind
> Watching comedy/appreciating sarcasm
> Moon related activities/meditating under moonlight/drink water left under the moon light
> Stimulate hands/acupressure points with massage
> Study martial arts, taekwondo, boxing, jujitsu
> Study foreign language
> Keep diligent notes
> Fix or remove any time pieces within the home or watches not working
> Fix or remove books, or covers
> Donating stationary or comms devices to children
OCTOBER 7-11th
Following the New Moon in Hasta, the above energies will be amplified from the 7th to 11th October when the Moon will join with both the Sun and Mars in Hasta.
The Sun is the King… he brings exposure, authority and decision making and he is working together with his greatest most fierce Solider, Mars on these days.

The ruler of Hasta is the Moon and metaphorically known as ‘The Queen’ or ‘The mother’ which is now entering the room during these few days.
Queenie may just be ruling the show as Hasta is ruled by the Moon.
So, the King and Solider are now fuelled by the emotions of the Divine Feminine and nurturing energies of the Moon...
Now, this can go 1 of 2 ways…depending on how you deal with criticism.
The moon which rules our emotional bodies (water) is responsible for feelings, emotions, the way we nurture, subconscious mind as well as our ability to hold and release these energies from our bodies.
How do you handle yourself when so much energy is engulfed in the constellation that is rather aggressively forcing us to criticise every little detail of what was, could, should and is?
Don’t be surprised if around these dates, some serious decision making will be fuelled by emotional criticism or flat-out punch-ons from infuriated individuals whom have kept it together since the rocky Full Moon of September.

Positively we can expect essay length explanations, heated arguments over ‘what was said’ – particularly as Mercury continues to retrograde during the month.
Those in skilled craftmanship; design, sculpture, music, and journalism may see a highlight from the work they produce.
Focus on ‘the fix’ – fix what is broken, watch some comedy to lighten the mood and try not to get too emotional about the little things that are said that may crawl under your skin at this time.
Whenever Mercury is retrograde in Libra/Virgo we’re being asked to go back over what we may have missed in the way we’ve related to others and finding balance isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do now, so try some remedies above to alleviate any frustration.
Saturn began its retrograde cycle on 23rd May 2021. Saturn is in Capricorn from January 2020 to January 2023.

Since May 2021 we’ve been asked to test our ability to ‘survive’ by asking what do we need to feel comfort in an everchanging society as we see business and the economy crippled by the drastic changes from early 2020 with both Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter all in Capricorn?
Saturn in direct motion usually allows us to apply ourselves and ‘do the work’ we are karmically here to play out (based on our individual birth charts).
Our collective efforts to make a change since May has felt thwarted by the retrograde Saturn has caused.
What happens when we feel a sense of defeat in our efforts? Do we give up or surrender?
We’ve been asked to internalise this work, understand where we stand and what we will and will not put up with.
We’ve questioned our boundaries and freedom, which leaves us effected by a sense of lethargy in the areas that Capricorn rule; where we want to grow, be efficient, apply strategy, structure, authority, the use of natural resources, Government and Power leaders.

With Saturn turning direct on 10th October, and after the Sun, Moon, Mars meet up just prior to this date, we’re finally able to understand what our boundaries mean to us, and where we’ve been allowing others to take advantage by applying pressure in areas, we simply do not need to put up with moving forward.
Jupiter began its retrograde cycle on 20th June 2021. Jupiter has been transiting Capricorn/Aquarius in 2021.
Jupiter re-entered Capricorn and into its debilitated state on 14th September where insecurity, shady behaviour, and a sense of untrustworthiness in those we’re supposedly meant to look up to has dominated.
Jupiter debilitated tries to bring hope, expansion, and optimism to an area of cold, concrete practicality where Jupiter’s energy is consistently thwarted. Our hopes are lost, our feeling of growth and luck is hard to come by, yet we push on knowing this won’t last forever…

And it wont 😊 Jupiter will end its retrograde cycle on the 20th where we’ve learnt lessons on the ‘Goodness in others’ for better or worse.
Didn’t you realise that your gut instinct about that person/situation was right all along?
Think back to November 2020 when it all began, your gut was right then, and late September pretty much confirmed what you already knew – Lessons learnt!
The good news is that Jupiter will re-enter Aquarius on 21st November. Read here for some dialogue on the quirkiness of this transit for the next 12 months 😊
OCTOBER 20th / 21st
The October Full Moon will take place in Ashwini Nakshatra, represented by 2 running horses at full speed as the first Nakshatra behind the Aries Zodiac sign as well as the natural intuitive healers/emergency workers of this world.

Whenever there is a Full Moon in Ashwini, there is usually a connection to attacks/accidents, emergency workers (due to sudden shocking events), and a time of quick action/movement due to vehicle accidents, road rage, sports related injuries, and a host of other emergencies in the news.
Where the end meets the beginning; Ashwini is the first Vedic Constellation behind the Zodiac sign Aries, immediately after Revati and the last degrees of Pisces.
Positively, it’s a great time for sports, car trips, problem solving, willpower and enjoying times with friends.
The Full moon will be opposite Mars so now we re-enter the Kingdom where both the King and his mighty Solider are still in the same room discussing their action plans, but this time the Queen is shining light on where these 2 are affecting the world.

As mentioned above for the New Moon, when the Sun and Mars come together, both Ego (Sun) and Drive (Mars) are using force to push ahead with their plans and actions. They’re clear, their full of heat, and their coming whether you like it or not.
The Full Moon is the culmination point from the critical, and intense New Moon cycle from October 6th and will see a sense of urgency for the emotional ‘action’ button this year due to the 180-degree angle to Mars throughout October.
Mars is also coming close to its square to Pluto (90 degrees) on the 22nd of October which brings tenacity, sheer dominance, and extremes of behaviour of the collective…
The actions and results from the 10th of September when Sun and Mars are conjunct will see emotions of the collective consciousness heightened by what we see in the news in the days leading up to the Full Moon.
The Full Moon highlights where we need balance and awareness in our actions, our action and emotions towards healing others, the efforts of our doctors, nurses, and emergency workers we turn to everyday to keep us alive.
Are we paying them their well due respect?

In addition, lives lost due to accidents, or other intentional attacks, road accidents and emergencies from extreme sports and other risky activity will be highlighted in late October as the collective fury will be given an extra dose of frustration by the Mars/Pluto square on the 22nd.
> Connecting with horses (Ashwin Twins) - excellent description here by Sam Geppi
> Having a morning routine - and sticking to it!
> Honouring & paying respect to father figures/ friends through gestures
> Studying traditional healing