The yearly eclipses are designed to accelerate karmic forces which lead to sudden events and change for the long term. These events are presented by new opportunities and necessary endings that commence 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after the Eclipse date.
This year, that time period runs from 7th June to the 5th July 2020 with the actual Solar Eclipse occurring in Gemini on the 22nd June in the Vedic constellation of Mrigasira.

If you have planets in Mrigasira within 6-10 degrees of the eclipse, then significant change will be experienced…and there’s no going back. Where situations have been bubbling up for transformation will now forcefully manifest.
This constellation is represented by a deer; deer are continually on the move in search to discover something new using their heightened senses.
“Mrga”; deer to search for and Sira; the head. This translates to an intellectual mind constantly searching, into research, digging for the truth, examining, investigating and ‘hunting’ (wild animals).
According to the highly respected Vedic Astrologer, Data Scientist, Author and Spiritual Teacher Bhabajeet Kalita (Maina), what deer don’t realise is that it is their own ‘scent’ they are following which serves a wonderful metaphor; we spend a lifetime searching, wanting and obtaining things through the interaction with others, but in the end we realise what we are searching for exists within ourselves and the qualities we bring to the table.
Gemini also rules younger siblings, what we can create with our hands, our own efforts in business and marketing as well as the nervous system, so those with planets in Gemini (Vedic Sidereal Astrology) will need to take extra care in these areas during the eclipse season.
Breakthrough’s or surprising and transformative experiences may also occur in relation to treating the nervous system or immune boosting related information.
‘The messenger’ mercury will retrograde from 18th June just prior to the eclipse on the 22nd, in the constellation of Punarvasu, the “Star of Renewal”.
Missing information, what is and isn’t working with relation to the restrictions will be under review as we proceed with permanent changes in ‘new normal life’.

A significant increase in testing will be seen with reviews on the rehabilitation/recovery efforts of COVID-19 intensifying at this time.
Mercury’s retrograde motion will be highlighting its opposite constellation where changes related to the ‘home life’, where you live, rent and all matters relating to the Real Estate market will be drastically felt.

Rahu, the shadow planet of obsession, focus and new age technology enters Mrigasira just prior to the eclipse on the 20th May (through to September 2020 in Gemini Zodiac) acting as the spark in bringing the world attention, obsession, passion and new discoveries into the constellation related to:
Searching for and discovering multiple new experiences using the latest technology
Searching and digging for truth, cyber attacks, stalking
Obsessive communication/deals/offers…(without thinking things through - watch for opportunities that are for short term gain only that don't sit well with your values)
Finding out more information, gossip and sharing stories
Trying to fit in by agreeing with others on topics you don’t know anything about
Release of new apps, IT/technology
Finding a teacher/guru or becoming a teacher in some aspect of your life (sharing knowledge)
Selling products online (specifically related to enhancing the home or are made from natural resources)

This move by Rahu in the days prior to the eclipse sets the stage for the coming months with the eclipse bringing permanent changes to the way we connect and share information.
What can you learn, teach and share from your home? i.e. online? How can you improve?
The best advice is to focus on and use what is available to you; your current resources and information available to the best of your advantage.
Explore options in how to share/market/sell what it is that is original to you and your skill set without trying to look for perfection or resources which you don’t have access to just as yet.

Most importantly, with so much energy toward ‘more information/connectivity’ this can be draining if you aren’t grounded in a routine or timing is simply off. How you manage your routine is crucial now and in the coming months as we experience a surge in emails, paperwork and new policies and procedures.
The impact of social tensions will be revealed in June as the whole hearted truth comes to light in how people have really been managing ISO under the confinement of restrictions that have psychologically weighed down the masses (as a result of the heavy Capricorn influences in early 2020 – click here to read more).
There are also a number of planets still in retrograde in June causing critical examination of our available choices and how we are managing our routine.

Although some have been at a loss, others have become increasingly more productive whilst adjusting to working from home.
Zoom meetings have replaced boardroom discussions which has also meant less time wasting and an increase focus on actual roles and responsibilities – making people accountable for their productivity and schedules to meet deadlines, however they choose to manage their day.
Jupiter will also make his second conjunction to Pluto in June, affecting the world donations and public funding (click here to read more).
Themes for the June eclipse in Mrigasira/Gemini in June
Obsession with short term gains which may not serve well in the long run

Major technological advancements with relation to ‘how we search’ for things
An increase in the marketing of home related products; homewares and technology purchases
Permanent changes to business structures with employees working more hours remotely
A surge in gossip relating to sex scandals, affairs, drug busts etc
An increase in world wide testing of COVID-19
Hidden agendas revealed but may not be as they seem. How our minds chose to absorb truth will be crucial in the adaptation to information and processes that will unfold
If you have more than one option when it comes to any area of your life, select that which will serve you best in the long run; the one that holds truth and that your gut is telling you to choose based on facts as they are revealed, not what others tell you

Eclipses will mercilessly remove and destroy that which is not meant to continue on the onward journey. Will you remain internally strong and adapt to changes, or remain stuck in stubborn pride?
Flexibility is essential as you let go of situations from the past as what you thought you knew to be true could be eliminated; new information may shatter any illusions once held
Ideas, people, projects or relationships going nowhere will be cut off
Sudden new beginnings/opportunities or necessary endings will occur in love & relationships of all kinds as the eclipse takes place towards the end of Venus’s retrograde where she is slowing down and coming to a halt to prepare for forward movement

Since the 13th May (when Venus began her retrograde) what have you learnt about yourself and what you value?
Are you able to support and provide others the same love and value that you would want for yourself?
What resources have you been taking for granted?
Critical decisions will be made now based on your own inner reflection of your relationship with money, how you share your resources and how you give and share love to others, especially family members.

Long term changes relating to the way we connect will become permanent in June. Whatever is removed from your life, let it go gracefully. What comes, welcome with open arms.
Focus on today, your routine and what you bring into each 24 hours.
Do not underestimate the power of including meditation, long walks, and following a spiritual teacher/guide as part of your everyday practices to allow for the wondering mind to find its center.
With the current Capricorn season here to stay for the long haul we are being asked to removing what is no longer required and keeping what is essential.
Don’t be afraid to consider changes now that will serve you best in the long run.
The nodes of the moon Rahu and Ketu are what cause the eclipse to occur; it is a misconception that the sun and moon do this alone.

Rahu and Ketu are widely known and well documented as erratic, demonic and intense energies that change the collective consciousness by drawing in and removing things, people and situations very quickly.
Rahu essentially ‘torments’ the Sun and Moon by removing their power. What IS powerful during this time is ‘inner work’ rather than external expression/fighting/negotiations etc.
During the Solar eclipse, the North Node or Rahu comes between the sun and the earth which removes or reduces solar energy which is life-giving “prana” for the Earth. It is for this reason it is advised to take extra care of yourself around the days of the eclipse. Those whom are highly sensitive by the moon cycles are especially affected during the eclipse season.
Simplifying activities, fasting or eating clean, meditating, mantra and anything to relax the body i.e. not indulging in drugs or alcohol is highly recommended. Stick to calming activities as best as possible.

After thousands of years of testing and documenting charts and eclipse periods it is well understood by the Astrology, Science and Physics communities that the energetic and magnetic waves that hit earth during the eclipse period are - in one word - ‘obscured’.
The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder explain that “during a solar eclipse there are massive changes in the ionosphre’s electrical conductivity [which] ripple out, affecting Earth’s own electric and magnetic fields. Because the ionosphere has conductive currents running through it, its part of the global magnetic system” .
With the earth disturbed by these dramatic waves, we see drastic changes that take place consciously on a yearly basis and the next eclipse will occur in July…