If you pride yourself on resilience, your sanity will be tested
“Shock – Celebrity X broken down with depression”
“It's True – Celebrity B has lost it”
“OMG – Celebrity C has suffered in silence for years”
Welcome to Sade Sati, the 7.5 year phase of Saturn moving throughout the sign before, within and after of your natal moon sign.

For those with difficult placements in their chart, it begins like this, you’re going along nicely, life is providing and you are equally giving. Then a feeling creeps in that you can't seem to shake. You begin to wake up with a sense of despair; the light that was once bright from the people and places you are familiar with don’t seem as bright, and slowly as the months go on those lights disappear. You begin to fight something or someone you can no longer control.

The things you once loved now seem to not be so fun anymore. So you begin a journey into mental health. “Surely not me” you wonder, as you once ridiculed anyone else who never had it ‘together’. You try everything, bike riding, running, Yoga – all these things seem to work, but suddenly you need them to keep a sense of calm. But why did this happen?
The lucky ones institutionally know it will likely be temporary, even if that means years of ‘not feeling the same’. Others unfortunately start either drinking excessively, begin to avoid others, start taking drugs, start fighting with family, or other extreme measures, simply to stop feeling so disconnected.
During this period a specific event can trigger these feelings; a parents divorce, a break up, the loss of a loved one, or a sense of ego debilitation through the ridicule and outcast of others.
Equally this time can bring about great responsibility through Marriage and motherhood together with some of life's greatest challenges that come with first time parenting.

During this phase an inner sense of lightheartedness is hard to come by and you're suddenly faced with a new set of realities. Cue Saturn – he’s (or she's) is in town and here to stay for a while.
Saturn will remove
Saturn will challenge
Saturn will make you look at yourself a million times in the mirror
Saturn will repeat the same darn lesson over and over again
Saturn will bring the greatest realisations
Saturn can bring in children
Saturn will make you work work work work work work
Saturn will make you deal with your sh*t
Saturn will bring new levels of responsibility you never knew
Saturn will make you grow up faster than you ever thought possible
Saturn will keep stabbing at your ego until you get the point
Saturn will realign you with your purpose…kicking and screaming if need be
Saturn will make you change your job, your friends, your career, and make you meet new people, places and work situations
Saturn will make you deal with different generations to strengthen your resilience
But have no fear, you're only experiencing life's toughest challenge! And if you survive, you wont need to deal with the heaviness of this conjunction to your little soft spoke emotional moon for another 30 years...
Saturn is the old Task Master; described as the ‘old man with a walking stick’. You’re reality and consciousness will go through a time of intense change and transformation. Physically and Psychologically. For better or worse.
Saturn takes approximately 2.5 years to transit through 1 sign and completes its full 7.5 year transit from the sign before, during and after that of your moon sign.
Phase 1
2.5 years of Saturn's transit in the Zodiac sign before your own moon sign
This is the preparation phase that usually brings an event that acts as a catalyst to new self discovery. The journey of change commences and necessary changes through resistance occurs and people must hard work to push through.
Phase 2
2.5 years within the Zodiac sign that your moon is located in your birth chart
This is where Saturn transits over the moon and the most pressure is felt which causes people to radically handle change. Often it is at this phase that one will seek some sort of therapy or healing.
Phase 3
2.5 years in the Zodiac sign after your moon sign
This is the damage control period, and often quite costly. Saturn transiting the 2nd from the moon makes us look at our resources and family from an emotional perspective. Whether that means less or more will depend on the chart. Often people wake up to substance abuse during this phase because Saturn teaches us lessons and the 2nd house which also represents what we consume.

Sade Sati is often the catalyst for people's search into spiritualism and occult subjects.
They realise that they are unable to control others, and often a great ‘growing up phase’ occurs where our realities, resilience and sanity are all tested.
The lucky ones will have sought an Astrologer to understand when to expect these times and to prepare with strategic action plans in place within the workplace and on a personal level, seek specific spiritual practices to ease the negativity that Saturn can bring.
Vedic Astrologers prescribe special mantras, daily rituals, physical activities and other remedies that are beneficial for our mind and body (though it is debatable if these practices will improve ones situation; the key here is that any sort of spiritual practice to focus one's thoughts is beneficial).
Most importantly the Astrology will give insight into how to focus your energy based on what will serve you best whilst understanding what it is that the universe is asking of you and what sacrifices you must make during this transformation.
For those whom have been through Sade Sati once or even twice are often those with the greatest stories to tell.
We all experience this phenomenon and equally can prepare and help others for this phase through the help and guidance through Vedic Astrology.
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