Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) transit each Zodiac sign in retrograde motion for approximately 18 months.
The nodes have been transiting in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis since March 2019 which we touched on in this article here.

On the 20th September, the nodes will finally change signs...
Rahu will enter Taurus bringing our focus, obsession, exotic or 'out of the box' experiences and attention to Taurus related themes.
Ketu will simultaneously enter Scorpio and bring a sense of surrender, detachment, sudden change, insecurity, and dealing with past life karma related to Scorpio related themes.
The previous transit of Rahu & Ketu in the Taurus/Scorpio axis was from 28th February 2002 to 28th August 2003.
Think back to events and themes of your life during this period which will give a hint as to some of the themes that will be ahead.
In short, events and occurrences will bring attention to wherever Taurus and Scorpio are in your Vedic birth chart or blueprint.
Each Nakshatra (the detailed prediction based constellations behind each zodiac sign) will see this energy play out in upcoming global changes throughout the 18 month time period as described by Kapiel Raaj in this video.

The good news is that Rahu is considered to be in its best dignity in Taurus, so we will feel a focus shift to our 'pleasure body'.
Everything from the materials we touch to our creative self expression, the love for food & dining, and all things related to our senses will be heightened at this time.
However like all things given too much energy, it is advised to watch for overindulgence in all forms, or wanting too much sensory pleasure which can lead to scandal, issues with money/health etc.
Simply put, the focus of Taurus related themes from September 2020 to March 2022 will see focus on:

- Heightened sensory pleasures
- Creativity & creative expression
(arts, music, games, photos, body) - Good quality food & dining - A love of the finer things - Making and hoarding money - A good solid base (home) - Family matters - Selling home related products - Undertaking tasks that require repetitive motion
- Solid commitments
- Working for long term goals/projects
Ketu on the other hand will bring change and a sense of detachment by bringing situations, people, and experiences to do with Scorpio related themes which will allow you to feel and process the darker more mysterious side of your nature including previously held traumas, obsessions, boundary issues and inability to change. This delves into your deep psyche and can help you discover what has been holding you back.
“If you resist change, you resist life” - Sadguru
Although Ketu will undoubtedly bring these events into play (for better or worse), positively speaking the energy will bring a 'natural flow' to:
- In depth research (medical and otherwise)
- Discovering your 'internal power' to heal yourself through lifestyle choices
- Tantric sexual experiences - Occult, hidden forces which supports transformative experiences - Liberation from previously held obsessions - Balancing your money and obsession with it/others money/inheritance/taxes etc. - Experiences that scare you (in order to expose it & transform your thinking related to it) - Exposure of secret dealings that don't serve you

Ketu also brings past life karma.
In this intense and deep sign whatever comes up that may scare you is here to provide 'the bodily experience' of processing uncomfortable situations to release what needs to be let go of so that you:
a) stop damaging yourself
b) stop hurting other people through your conscious or unconscious actions and
c) to move forward feeling more secure in what you value most

This influence will affect everyone differently depending on where the nodes are transiting in your individual blueprint.
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