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Mars Retrograde, Venus in Cancer

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

Venus enters Cancer 31st August

Venus represents love, finances, beauty, pleasure and many other wonderful qualities that we naturally desire to feel or experience as often as possible. Cancer is the sign that rules the Moon (which waxes and wanes). Its results can therefore see many emotional highs and lows, including market volatility.

On a positive note, Cancer represents emotional nurturing and the body part represented by this sign is the breasts. Men with Venus in Cancer (Vedic Sidereal) tend to appreciate these qualities in a woman over a man with Venus in Aries whom is physically drawn to more athletic types. For women, we look to their Vedic Mars sign to determine what turns her on… for more on synastry read here.

Venus in Cancer will make us look at how we express our needs for nurturing, how our money affects our emotions, and how we are able to emotionally connect with others at this time, especially mother figures. Where are you most vulnerable?

Do not fear the emotions that come up in September however it plays out for you!

It’s time explore and experience your more tender side with others. Cry, laugh, scream.. let it out…in these moments we can experience a catharsis that help us release anything bottled up for too long!

If you we were raised by a harsh or strict parent, or had absent parents, this type of nurturing as an adult can feel nice, but can confuse or make people shut down when their interactions with others either becomes too stuffy or emotional.

You’ll be surprised just how much love and care most human beings have inside, despite the outer shell they show to the world, so don't be afraid to open up and show your more vulnerable side.

Mars Retrograde from September 9th 2020

Mars retrogrades approximately every 2 years.

Our goals and projects we began with the shift of Mars in Aries on the 17th August will require further work, review, re-creation, re-development or just an overhaul in order to perfect what it is we are trying to achieve.

Results will come to fruition after Mars re-enters Aries in late December.

Make note of the below dates as Mars transits through the Karmic Knots ‘Gandanta Points’.

It is well documented that typical events such as great floods/fires occur during the water/fire Gandanta transition. This will translate to the unsettling feelings, actions and emotions of the collective.

  • Mars in retrograde transits the Gandanta point from Aries back to Pisces between 2nd to 6th October 2020

  • Mars turns direct in Pisces on November 13th

  • Mars will transit the final Gandanta point from Pisces to Aries between 21st to 25th December 2020

We want what we want, and we are facing a new test in the next couple of months in how we manage our frustrations and repressed rage that has been bubbling all year.

In the days leading up to the retrograde on the 9th September will see the forward movement in our activities, expression, drive, sexuality, actions, purpose, energy and physicality come to a halt and require us to turn inward with added pressure.

We are being asked to reassess situations in order to perfect the ‘thing’ we want.

We will be looking for solutions by SLOWING DOWN and NOT RUSHING which is the message (and quite frustratingly so, especially as it seems we’ve been on hold for so many months already).

With Saturn also making a square aspect during Mars’ retrograde, this further exacerbates the need to slow down, watch for passive aggressive tendencies, and check yourself before you launch at others.

Although this will bring frustration, Mars is simply not ready to give his results...he must work to find a better solution.

As discussed in great detail in this video by Komilla Sutton, what we are missing will come under scrutiny and reassessment in order to make improvements by removing what is no longer required or refining our game plan to get what, or whom we are looking for.

The plus side?

The reason why this will be a positive time of reassessment is because both Jupiter and Saturn are turning direct in September and early October.

The outer planets play a major role with how our luck, faith and blessings/teachers (Jupiter) and our work, discipline, lessons and karma (Saturn) play out.

Both planets are in their own signs which is rare, and it means they are in dignity.

When direct, these planets reveal to us the results of all the hard work we have put in to date in 2020.

How hard have you actually been working this year? The harder the work, the better the result.

Jupiter will also aspect Mars during this time boosting our efforts to ‘do the right thing’ or ‘find the right solution’.

Take Away?

Don’t be discouraged in the next 3 months if your recent plans are stalled even more than expected. Mars is not ready to give his results until December/New Year when it re-enters Aries and after the Nodal Shift has occurred.

With both Saturn and Jupiter turning direct, stay strong, have faith, and speak up! Things happen because you do...

Start working on that love/creative project you put on the shelf…


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