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Your Golden Egg - Mars Retrograde & Jupiter Direct

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

Energy flows where attention goes...if a thought is not given any attention - it becomes meaningless.

On the 23rd/24th November Jupiter turns direct in Vedic Pisces after completing it's retrograde cycle that began on 27th July 2022.

Jupiter is the planet that brings expansion, luck, growth, learning, teaching and joy.

Pisces is the natural ruler of the 12th house and connects us to areas relating to:

  • Selfless service

  • Overseas travel and contacts

  • Letting go of people places and things that don't serve our higher good

  • Charity & good causes

  • Connecting to a higher meaning of life

  • Meditation, Yoga and spiritual practices

  • Creativity, music and dance (Pisces rules the feet)

  • A higher purpose by following the divine flow of time

In retrograde motion Jupiter energetically took us all through a reassessment process by intensifying our efforts in these areas mentioned.

The caveat however was that the results manifested more significantly on an internal level, rather than externally which lead to delving into ones own shadow.

What do we do when the results we expect aren't up to our envisioned standard?

THIS presented a test of faith to trust in divine timing.

Jupiter will transit direct opposite to the sign of Virgo revealing areas of our mental and physical health that requires attention whilst being faced with the challenges of caring for and 'showing up' for others.

Many who've received private readings from me in 2022 advised of their experience of this struggle through a distinct polarity in the perceived need to please others on a superficial level that caused a disconnect from the authentic self and life purpose.

The message? Follow your own inner guiding light during times of struggle. The current energy of Jupiter's placement together with Mars retrograde is testing your resilience whilst strengthening your ability to trust and follow your intuition and voicing what works best for you.

When health practitioners advise to sleep well, eat well, exercise and try spiritual practices (Yoga/meditation) and to take a break from the noise of online madness - these are never throw away statements.

Implementing new habits and remaining consistent is more important than the end vision/goal. Therefore when challenges present themselves that attempt to throw you off track you don't give up.

Take a day or two to re-align 'shake it off' and get back on your horse to keep moving!


Mars entered into it's retrograde cycle in early November 2022 which occurs approximately every 2 years.

Mars is currently retrograde in Mrigashira Nakshatra which is the lunar mansion associated with the ongoing quest to find and explore something new.

If you feel on some level you aren't able to reach a point of satisfaction, note that Mars will continue to retrograde until the end of January 2023.

Mars is our vitality, our health/fitness, assertion, sexuality and life force.

If you've been feeling a little less that enthusiastic to smash out your goals as usual, Mars is asking you to slow down, rest and review what is bringing you stress and to question what / whom is worth your time and energy?

Continue to scrutinise and question your own 'search' for the next 'best thing' - the grass is greener concept is strong at this time.

Try not to fall for this trap as this 'search' is ultimately an internal one.

Find what is missing within yourself in order to connect to the feeling you're hoping to establish or strengthen

What within yourself are you not addressing?

Energy healers (massage, Reiki, Yoga, Quigong, mantra, sound healing, Pranayama etc.) work with areas of the body (Chakras) where patients feel a sense lack and struggle to find fulfilment.

In Astrology, this is shown within the astrological house where the asteroid Chiron (wounded healer in Western Astrology) and the planet Saturn are both placed within the birth chart and Navamsa chart (D9).

These therapies help to pinpoint the energy channel of the body that requires strengthening or to improve its energetic flow in order to shift from a negative to positive state.

The good news is that on the 24th/25th November Jupiter will end it's retrograde cycle and resume it's direct transit through Pisces allowing you to tap into and improve on any blockages (both mentally and spiritually).

Jupiter is also the 'Guru' or Teacher and now ready to move forward with a great gust of hope whilst extending 'good vibes' externally. This will provide a cosmic bolt of optimism to tap into fresh perspectives on the work you've been accomplishing throughout 2022 and are ready to share with others.

What does a golden egg mean for you?

An opportunity? Money? Freedom? Relaxation? Quality time with loved ones?

As Jupiter ends it's 'introspective hermit' position, a little golden egg of hope and/or opportunity may present itself in the coming weeks as you're now ready to take a leap of faith.

Remain hopeful and optimistic about your instinct and trust in divine timing.

When things go wrong remember that energy flows where attention goes. If a thought is not given any attention - it is meaningless.

The coming weeks will bring a wonderful opportunity to focus on solutions so that disagreements or misunderstandings are resolved quickly.

Jupiter direct whilst Mars is retrograde asks you to re-connect with yourself - it is YOU that controls your own internal state.

Find your peace, joy, compassion and understanding for yourself first and foremost then watch how quickly and efficiently you're able to help others raise their own vibration :)


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