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Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

"If you've been bottling up for too long, prepare yourself for an intense release of emotions as this a once in a lifetime transit will provide the opportunity to fiercely express who you truly are"

Some people spend minutes, others hours, days, months or even years building up their home life to create a space for themselves and loved ones to feel safe, nurtured and protected.

But what exactly constitutes a happy home?

The location, light, structural features, furniture, entertainment, Feng Shui, inhabitants; the people and pets that surround us all contribute to the feeling of happiness.

Conversely these things can cause states of anxiety, stress and dissatisfaction within our '4 walls'.

Sometimes...well most of the time, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of these things. It is our own mental state which dictates our well-being no matter if we're living in a shoebox, or the Royal Palace.

The term 'real estate' or 'property' has a variety of meanings to different people.

Now, take this example of "home" or "property" and apply it to "country" - a dodgy move by a surrounding neighbour and suddenly our defences start ringing alarm bells.

Our country that we think is safe in a single moment can change by the threat of external influence or through fears projected into the hearts and minds of the people from our leaders decisions and communications.

In July and into August (peaking 1-3rd August), there is a rare and unique planetary alignment where there will be an 'explosive' aspect to the sign of Cancer.

Cancer rules the natural 4th house; our home land, our vulnerabilities, and our heart centre.

These planetary aspects include:

  • The sun will be in Pushya Nakshatra; the constellation ruling home, nurturing, having other people care and love us as well as our 'home life'

  • Mars, ruling Real Estate, will aspect the sun in Cancer

  • Jupiter, ruling luck, expansion, teaching & spirituality, will aspect the sun in Cancer With Jupiter in dignity in Pisces, for those who are somewhat spiritually open to the Divine, this is a wonderful time to allow emotional and spiritual catharsis through necessary revelations of who we really are

  • Bharani is the constellation where Rahu and Mars will be meeting up - Bharani specifically represents real estate dealings, homeland, home etc. (amongst many other qualities)

If we are clear in our dealings with others around expectations, and what will make us happy, then a fair compromise can be met.

If however we have not considered how our actions emotionally affect others, or we haven't communicated effectively with others, we can expect significant emotional backlash.

Commence discussions or begin to journal sooner rather than later... Prepare from now.

Get clear on your individual needs and wants to prevent an explosion of emotion from either yourself or others.

These transits will affect everybody. Where and how will depend on your natal chart.

Our need for independence from outdated modus operandi to please others will be a force to be reckoned with.

Key Dates:

  • Mars will first enter into Bharani on 16th July

  • Mars will meet with Rahu in Bharani exact on 2nd August

  • Mars will move out from its conjunction from 10th August

Rahu commenced it's transit into Aries in March 2022. Aries is the sign of the solider, the athlete within us and our individual needs and independence from others.

Rahu's energy is obsessive, rebellious, unorthodox and forces great achievements - quickly and often using fake personas to do so. "Going Viral" with something, that is somehow shady or a little questionable is a great way to explain how Rahu operates. With Rahu joining Mars from July and peaking in early August, these combined energies will intensify our need to fight for our independence. We will do so either physically emotionally or verbally.

It may be as simple as moving house, or as dramatic as entering the Army.

Either way, the collective effort and drive, our soldiers & policeman, sexual needs, fight flight response and ability to act quickly will be at the forefront.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to piece together what this may mean on a Global scale.

Mars in Aries rules weapons, submarines, ruthless leaders, soldiers that are physically fighting, explosives, volcanoes, eruptions etc.

So in one way, we'll be witnessing a number of these themes play out.

Mars and Rahu together also forms what is called Angarak Yoga in Vedic Astrology - many murderers and criminals have this in their natal chart.

Those with heavy addictions and desires they keep hidden from others also tend to have Rahu conjunct either Mars or the Moon - they need to manage their tempers and habits whilst learning to manage their ego and power games with others.

These individuals tend to manipulate and screw anyone for their own selfish benefit and make it look like the others fault.

Unfortunately they can't help it, but self awareness is needed when these habits bring harm to others.

As such, the more negative qualities at this time may play out:

  • Power hungry, courageous and fierce leadership

  • Destruction for power

  • Tantric abilities, black magic, or wanting to 'contact the other side' - please don't do this without consulting an expert...

  • Destruction of marriage or contractual agreements that have run their course

self care remedies & positive qualities during July- early August include:
  • Protection of or entering a new home

  • Healing and occult practices within the home

  • Uplifting groups or teams that are dead or struggling - Rahu in Bharani rules the ability to bring things to life on a grand scale as this also represents the patience to sit back for the right time to 'attack the problem' head on

  • Motivational speeches from industry leaders, championing teams that are dead

  • Protection and security of ones assets

  • Watching "fighters" protect and explode things in order to defend the "homeland"

  • Fighting in courts regarding home and property related matters

  • Fighting in government about how to protect an fight for our rights for safety; nurses and ambulance workers

  • Opening up our vulnerabilities to others to experience/open heart and sacral chakra blocks

  • Taking risks with or creating unique ways of parenting

  • Opening up to / expressing ones fetishes, sexual or otherwise

  • Exploring tantra or release of ones sexuality/blocks to satisfaction

We all have our own unique obsessions or fetish...afraid to let that show?

Be prepared for a wild ride...

During the Mars and Rahu conjunction period, Venus the planet of love and money will be transiting in Gemini and Gemini's ruler - Mercury the planet of communication will be transiting in Leo (specifically Magha - the constellation represented by a "royal throne").

We can expect the collective communication style and public comprehension taking a rather 'elitist' perspective...

Mercury in Magha means this explosive energy of the planetary transits will be communicated in a proud, powerful, controlling, narcissistic and celebrity focused manner, including those that claim to connect with significant occult or spiritual leaders. If you've been bottling up for too long, prepare yourself for a intense release of emotions as this a once in a lifetime transit will provide the opportunity to fiercely express who you truly are - even if it's a little out of the box.

This world is perfectly imperfect. The only consistency that exists is that which we choose to do on a daily basis - our practices. Cultivate and continue to strengthen your spiritual practices at home or within your routine to honour your own safety net. Meditations, music, mantra work, or practicing cord cutting methods within your 'sacred space' where you can completely let go of all attachments.

Everything else; all that which is external to you is temporary noise...nothing lasts forever :)

Heart Chakra and Home Remedies:

  • Protecting ones self from emotional manipulators - if anyone doesn't make you feel good - stay away from them

  • Breathwork or breathing classes focusing on the crown and heart chakras

  • Protecting ones home spiritually; Feng Shui or Vastu items / art

  • Be aware shady AF characters; those that claim to know how to 'fix you' emotionally - you don't need fixing, you need to get real with yourself emotionally of what you want and take action towards it

  • Block negativity from emotional snakes or personalities that leave you feeling drained

  • Purchasing or establishing a new home/welcoming people into the home

  • Hiring experts to "clean' out dead energy

  • Yoga and reciting mantras on Mondays - Mondays rule the moon, and the colour white - wear white to reflect back any negative energy (rather than black that simply absorbs - good and bad)

  • Channel irritation, or the need to verbally explode at others into Yoga and exercise

  • Channel feelings of lack through dancing or movement therapy i.e. tai chi

  • Taking 5 minutes each morning and night to be grateful for the body you're in, your abilities and your gifts - you chose to be here, this is all just a chess game...


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