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Jupiter in Capricorn 20th November 2020 to 21st November 2021

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

Jupiter brings luck, expansion, faith, optimism, teaching and hope among many other brilliant qualities. Jupiter will be moving into the Vedic Sidereal sign of Capricorn on the 20th November 2020 for 1 year.


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and represents the grind, restriction and delay, the ‘concrete jungle’, the economic system, things which take a long time to plan, strategy, cold hard truths, practicality and resourcefulness – “I USE” is the Capricorn mantra.

Capricorn is like a chess game…and the big wide world of business & money.

Now throw Jupiter, the Guru, wise teacher in the mix and we have a little bit of a problem…the planet is now in a state of what is known as ‘debilitated’; a little lost among the dog-eat-dog world of Capricorn.

Jupiter will bring expansion, optimism, spirituality, and hope into the boardroom but the issue is, that’s not exactly a common familiarity within the strategic world of power and politics.

FORTUNATELY Saturn, which rules Capricorn is already in Capricorn and has been since January.

What happens now is a ‘cancellation’ of Jupiter's debilitation to some degree.

In short means we will see progress in areas we have been grinding in since the end of January through a significant amount of hard work.

It also means applying an almost mechanical approach to your hope expansion, faith, teachings and optimism, which can make your good intentions seem too strict as no one wants to sell out...

Despite the odds, this is part of the universal game plan for the next 12 months. Though we are free to do as we please, it’s best to play by Saturn’s rules at this time.

As advised by the brilliant Life Coach and Vedic Astrologer Bhabajeet Kalita any lack of faith or optimism can be utilized by compensating through hard work and efforts, as simple as that sounds. There is no better time to see progress pay off.

This may take the free spirited fun out of things that Jupiter normally brings, however Saturn says ‘do the work, and with Jupiter here we can both work hard to make your goals a reality’.

(Jupiter/Guru will dip it's toes into Aquarius on the 6th April where it will reach 8 degrees of Shatabisha Nakshatra and turn retrograde on 20th June. This will be an intense 3 months for ‘the masses’, ‘the collective’, 'social groups', 'healing', and ‘community’ all represented by Aquarius.)



26th Dec 1996 and 8th Jan 1998?

12th Jan 1985 and 26th Jan 1986?

26th Jan 1973 and 9th Feb 1974?

For you, this energy is lifelong...and there are pitfalls.

You want, and achieve greatness in your own way, but then you assume you'll continue on the up and up...but then you royally on your ass that it not only hurts, but you get back up, do it all over again only to be doubly bruised the next time...and the cycle repeats over and over and over again.

That is of course you learn to be humble and play the cards you've been dealt in the game of life.

If you're lucky, you might just get what you want in the all depends on your individual birth chart. See this video by Kapiel Raaj who discusses this in detail.

For your love life this usually means there was a pattern in your teens, 20s, sometimes into your 30s (and depending on your Mahadashas, transits and ability to evolve, sometimes lifelong) of meeting partners who will abuse you, humiliate you, cheat on you, lie to you, manipulate you, use your money, and generally be really bad for you (and who aren't who they seem on the outside when you first met them).

For life in general, this can mean meeting or being inspired by thug life figures, or looking up to mentors, teachers, father figures etc. with these gangster style qualities. 

You were probably threatened somehow along the way by dodgy company or even at work, like a boss threatening you’ll lose you job if you don’t sleep with them, or you are unexpectedly blackmailed if you don't risk everything for another person, or you’ll be trapped in a web of lies created by others who may try to bring you down… it's pretty damn ugly, but there is a plus side.

For these individuals, it doesn’t take long for them to get back on their feet, if they do the work and find the right Guru. Boundary issues are a major theme here, and learning who to trust, which these people eventually learn - the hard way.

It's not good, or bad, just what is set up in the Karmic life cycle during and what you are here to experience. You were probably treated like a saint in your past life by your partner/others and have been gifted with some pretty amazing talents in this lifetime, so you learn to work with your Jupiter.



DO NOT apply to your sun sign as this will not resonate.

(Sidereal Vedic Astrology - this is different from your star sign or Western Astrology Rising or Moon sign! For more information on the difference between Vedic and Western Astrology, click here)

Vedic Aries Rising or Moon Sign 

For Aries Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 10th house of your career, authority, status, how the public see you, who you are in the world and how you present yourself to the world! Jupiter ruling your 9th and 12th houses will transit with Saturn in the 10th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may receive promotions, or recognition from your authorities at work, or with Government related matters. Your reputation will be affected for better or worse (depending on your individual Vedic chart) With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 4th house, you can expect changes and growth in where you live, home or real estate matters, relationship with your mother, people from the ‘home’, your emotional state and what makes you feel grounded. With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 10th house and 11th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represents your public life, older siblings, new network circles, friends, following your greatest desires. These areas will be the underlying influence during Jupiter’s transit.

Vedic Taurus Rising or Moon Sign 

For Taurus Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 9th house of higher learning, travel, teaching, Gurus/spiritual leaders, father/fatherly figures, religion, faith and beliefs. Jupiter ruling your 8th and 11th houses will transit with Saturn in the 10th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may gain support from travelling for work, your father, teachers (or become a teacher). You or your father/guru/mentor may gain recognition and you may find the right guidance from the right leader you find yourself looking up to during this time. With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite; the 3rd house, you can expect changes and growth in your personal efforts, marketing, communication, younger siblings, short distance travels, sports that require repetition/regular practice. With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 9th house and 10th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent the things your study, teaching/learning, your career, any work related travel, following a spiritual leader, applying yourself within your career & public life.

Vedic Gemini Rising or Moon Sign 

For Gemini Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 8th house of others peoples money, taxes, inheritances, the occult and mysticism, sex, tantra, where you feel insecure, the secrets you keep to yourself.

Jupiter ruling your 7th and 10th houses will transit with Saturn in the 8th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. Through your partner or career matters, you may gain money which you were waiting for – approval for loans, inheritance, family money etc. You may receive benefits from doing intense research or come to a resolution or find a solution with family members, your partners family members and experience much comfort through them.

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite; the 2nd house, you can expect changes within your family, savings, the things you value, your food intake, spending and resources. With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 8th and 9th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent the resources from others, your intimate life, deep research, occult matters, your faith, belief system, religion, teachers or teaching others, father, Gurus, publishing and higher learning.

Vedic Cancer Rising or Moon Sign 

For Cancer Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 7th house of love, marriage & business partnerships, the public, interactions with others, that which you gain from others/public.

Jupiter ruling your 6th and 9th houses will transit with Saturn in the 7th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may gain in business and partnerships, or create new partnerships, propose, or meet new people with big personalities. You may also benefit from fame, higher status, or receive promotions at work. Either way, you will be in the spotlight in some way, no matter big or small (depending on your Ashtakvarga points and overall birth chart condition).

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 1st house, you can expect changes and growth in your physical body, personality, ego, the way you look after yourself and your image.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 7th and 8th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your partner, all types of partnerships, your public life, your intimate life, other people’s money & resources, sex life, research & investigation, occult & spirituality.

Vedic Leo Rising or Moon Sign 

For Leo Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 6th house of health, daily routines, litigation, service work, details, dealing with disputes, competition.

Jupiter ruling your 5th and 8th houses will transit with Saturn in the 6th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may gain in competition, or competition will increase, your expenses may be alleviated, your day to day routine and health matters may receive a boost or will require further attention. Any enemies, litigation, or situations you’ve been dealing with that require some sort of daily struggle may find a solution now. You may clean up your diet and take your workout routines to the next level (or be forced to!)

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 12th house, you can expect changes and growth to your time alone, overseas matters, things you need to let go of (money, possessions or otherwise), your spiritual life, the way you ‘check out’ of situations and people, your meditation practices, and the way you spend ‘me time’, whether in the bedroom with another or otherwise.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 6th and 7th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your daily routine, health, competition, striving to resolve any money issues (litigation/bankruptcy matters), partner, partnerships (in business or love), the public, or interaction with others.

Vedic Virgo Rising or Moon Sign 

For Virgo Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 5th house of fun, entertainment, creative self expression, romance, children and ancient knowledge

Jupiter ruling your 4th and 7th houses will transit with Saturn in the 5th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may gain through activities related to children, fun, romantic and creative outlets or via ancient knowledge. If you are trying for a child, this is a beneficial time to do so. You may also gain through gambling, education, new job opportunities, or realise creative talents at work. Your love life and romantic life will receive a boost, and you are in for some fun times in the next 12 months.

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite; the 11th house, you can expect changes and growth in friendship circles, hopes and wishes which can be granted now, large organisations, network circles and larger gains for some.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 5th and 6th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your daily routine, health, competition, any money issues (litigation/bankruptcy matters), romantic life, fun and speculative matters, children, focus on children or pleasurable activities, learning ancient knowledge, or working on your creative talents, self expression.

Vedic Libra Rising or Moon Sign 

For Libra Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 4th house of home, real estate matters, mother, nurturing, home kitchen related items/tasks, childhood neighborhood/homeland, early education, and your ‘me space/time/feelings’; how you feel in your gut/heart and the way you take care of that soft space.

Jupiter ruling your 3rd and 6th houses will transit with Saturn in the 4th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may gain or see a restart in real estate, your vehicles, opportunities for work and meeting/interviewing with new people work work related matters.

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 10th house, you can expect changes and growth in status or career, reputation and the relationships with authority figures will see improvement. You can find new business or love partnerships more easily now, and your image in the world will see an overall boost which will open new doors for you professionally.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 4th and 5th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your home and the environment at home, your relationship with your mother, children, your creative endeavors, the romantic and fun side of life; have a little more fun at home with your children, loved ones and create space to learn something fun, new, study ancient knowledge or simply make the time and space at home for these activities.

Vedic Scorpio Rising or Moon Sign 

For Scorpio Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 3rd house of communication, marketing, sales and social media, younger siblings, cousins, neighbors, short distance travels, sports, competition and bodybuilding (i.e. repetitive tasks you make an effort in to make improvements).

Jupiter ruling your 2nd and 5th houses will transit with Saturn in the 3rd house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. The self-efforts you have been working on will begin to see improvement & results which includes your marketing, communications, publishing and travel related effort, moving home, or city/country etc. is favored at this time. Your younger siblings or cousins may get into new relationships, get married or see significant changes in their relationships.

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 9th house, you can expect changes and growth in publishing efforts, higher learning, your teachers, coaches, gurus and spiritual/religious leaders, faith and belief systems, and your father or father figures.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 3rd and 4th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your efforts to market yourself or your business, your social media, relationships with your siblings and mother, your home and real estate changes (moving house/state/country), and the self-effort you put into your activities; sport, fitness etc.

Vedic Sagittarius Rising or Moon Sign 

For Sagittarius Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 2nd house of immediate family, speech, cash flow, food intake, earnings, value systems, possessions and the things you want to feel safe.

Jupiter ruling your 1st and 4th houses will transit with Saturn in the 2nd house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You’ll see improvement in your savings, or find a resolution to your ability to save money. You may settle any wills or estate matters, inheritance, and perhaps receive a boost to your earnings. You will find the right words at this time to express yourself in what you want, and what you need – this is the right time to find solutions through your own effort to communicate your requirements in the coming 12 months!

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 8th house, you can expect changes and growth in other people’s money, taxes, sex & intimacy, spiritual & occult matters, your in laws, your partner’s money and possessions, your deep rooted secrets or insecurities – it will feel lighter or you will find the right path in these areas in the coming 12 months.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 2nd and 3rd house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your spending/money, values, family, speech, communication, siblings, social media, food intake, short distance travel, cousins, neighbors, own efforts, sports, competition, and sales/marketing.

Vedic Capricorn Rising or Moon Sign 

For Capricorn Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 1st house of physical body, identity, ego, and personality.

Jupiter ruling your 12th and 3rd houses will transit with Saturn in the 1st house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You’ll see improvement in your ability to focus on your health, body or you may see a transformation in your body or personality and the way you are able to interact with others.

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 7th house, you can expect changes and growth in the way others see you. You may find it easier at this time to get along with others/your partner or the public at this time, and they may look up to you more at this time as you become and are seen as an inspiring figure ‘guru’ to others.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 1st and 2nd house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your identity; physical body, your money, family, values, speech, and your immediate environment and the things you need to take care of yourself and your family.

Aquarius Rising or Moon Sign 

For Aquarius Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 12th house of overseas travel, multinational companies, being alone, spirituality & Yoga/meditation, hidden dealings, shipping, oceans, what others hide from you, letting go, losses.

Jupiter ruling your 2nd and 11th houses will transit with Saturn in the 12th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may interact more with overseas or multinational companies, or others based overseas. If you can, you may travel interstate or overseas at this time. You may also find a solution to lower your expenses.

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 6th house, you can expect changes and growth in the way you handle your day to day work by incorporating more spirituality in your routine or through your diet by eating better/cleaner. You may resolve any litigation issues (or be forced to), and find solution with your competitors, disputes or debt related issues – or learn how to deal with these matters more constructively.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 12th and 1st house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent your identity; physical body, any overseas travel, or connection with people overseas, multinational companies, losses (for the long term benefit), spiritual practices (mediation, Yoga), and daily practices that will help you take better care of your health/mind/body.

Pisces Rising or Moon Sign 

For Pisces Ascendants or Moon Sign (Vedic Sidereal Astrology), Jupiter will be entering into your 11th house of friends, network circles, higher gains, hopes and wishes, uncles/aunts, greatest desires and older siblings.

Jupiter ruling your 1st and 10th houses will transit with Saturn in the 11th house for 1 year bringing optimism, faith, hope and luck to where you have been grinding since Saturn entered in late January. You may see the fulfillment of your hopes & wishes, get recognition for your work or any awards. You may see support from your older siblings, or your older siblings may get into new business relationships or get married at this time.  

With Jupiter aspecting the house directly opposite, the 5th house, you can expect changes and growth in the way you have fun, ‘do romance’, date, be creative or creatively self express yourself, learn ancient knowledge, spend time with children, or children related matters. You could accidentally get pregnant so watch this in the next 12 months (great time to have children/fall pregnant if you want).

You may gain through gambling, or investments, or find luck in new investments which are beneficial. You may find a new job that will have elements of creativity and be a little more fun than before.

With Saturn still ruling the game here, if you feel stuck, work with your 11th and 12th house matters to help you move in the direction you need to go which represent networking with large corporations, friends, older siblings, overseas companies or connecting with new network circles who are based overseas, your meditation, spirituality and Yoga practices, accepting losses (money or otherwise) that will release you from burdens, travel to connect with friends, and focusing on your greatest hopes and wishes in life.



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