Planetary Mahadahas are the Vedic Astrological time stamps commencing with the planet rulership of the Nakshatra where the moon was residing at the exact location and time of birth.
Each Nakshatra rules a different planet, and we begin our life during one of these time periods which follow a sequence. Noble prize winners of Physics turned to the Vedas; the ancient Vedic texts for unanswered questions of how particles move and interact with time.
This article discusses the convergence of Spirituality and Science; how the Ancient Vedas had an inherent understanding of Quantum theory.
Mahadasha time periods follow the exact same pattern and timing for each of us and make up 120 years in total, however we are all simply born into different stages of the cycle and hence why all experience certain events at different times in our life.
Due to the complexity and multitude of options to mathematically calculate these timelines including the Ayanāṃśa (precession or longitudinal difference between Tropical and Sidereal systems), the argument over which system was most accurate further thwarted the Mahadasha's timeline legitimacy.
The most accurate astrologers however use a multi-form approach; they are the creators of the latest software that blends these systems and have reported close to 95-100% accuracy. These astrologers however aren't in the spotlight nor do they receive the recognition they deserve. Why? Their out of this world abilities serves as a threat to everything we have believed to be true about the story of "Earth".
Societal expectations, whether due to laziness or simply an inability to think both logically and laterally over centuries and lifetimes did not promote this level of historical intelligence, nor its teachings to the masses, and understandably so.
A certain level of intuition, psychic ability and 'sight' only granted to those 'God' or 'the universe' decides to embody these gifts to are able to provide these levels of accuracy, and often after much suffering or near death experiences.
Negative judgement, criticism and condemnation of the 'science of light' was too easy an agenda to push upon the west from those in power who knew the truth and knew how to dull the human mind and body functioning into mundane materialistic and animalistic modes of existence.
Astrologers however do not need to push their agenda.
What would you do if you opened up a chart of the son or daughter of a high profile, highly religious couple and saw that their child's soul is here to experience violence, drug use, multi-form relationships of both sexes, sexual abuse, and medical issues as a result.....? There is a reason why the most accurate Astrologers receive the 'sight' they have - they know when and how to read, when to provide spiritual guidance, and most importantly - when to keep quiet.

Mahadasha (Major), Antar-Dasha (Sub) and Pratyantar (sub-sub) time periods are crucial in determining where and when universal energy will force will direct us at every stage of life.
This is how we calculate major change and events.
Depending on the placement and dignity of the planets within your chart, the planet ruling your current Mahadasha period will bring these 'energies to life’ despite what your overall birth chart reads and what transits are occurring.
No transit will guarantee any prediction without support of the Mahadasha time period.
These time periods change our consciousness and bring events that will force us to concentrate and deal with specific Karmas. This is why certain events happen to us at different stages in life.
If you think you generated a thought, or created something from an idea in reading a book that changed your mindset and consequently your life, it is in fact the Mahadasha and Transit period that will have triggered this event in our minds to pick up the book at the exact moment planned.
This leads to the most fun question.....can we outsmart the planets? Some have gone to extreme measures to prove Astrology wrong, though most Astrologers would simply laugh at the prospect of outrunning ones Karma.
There are over 30 Dasha systems that a Vedic Astrologer can use. With one of the most popular system being the Vimshottari Dasha system.

NOTE: For each planetary time period a person is running, divide the total time of that time period into 3, and themes of the 3 planet ruling Nakshatras (depending on their placement in ones chart) will be felt. You begin with the first Nakshatra closest to the moon.
For example in Sun Dasha for 2 years Krittika themes will be running (if the moon is closest to Krittika), followed by themes for 2 years of Uttara Phalguni and finally Uttara Ashada.
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashada

Brings a person 'into their ego'; they will look to increase creative expression
If there is no spirituality developed the person may experience self-esteem changes
Sun represents the father in Vedic Astrology so changes are expected with the father or fatherly figure for better or worse
Ancestral property related matters is seen
The person may lead others, whether it be more power at work or within their community
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for an tailored reading
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): Rohini Hasta Shravana

Emotional ups and downs as well as financial fluctuations
Constant restlessness and wanting to travel
For a female they may become a mother for the first time
Lust and a love for games and enjoyment
Some will be forced to move away from those that aren't serving their higher good
Success will come at the expense of others
A sense of social inadequacy due to self esteem issues which are brought to the surface to heal
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for tailored reading
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): MRIGASHIRA, CHITTRA, DHANISHTA

Vitality, energy and competition
Difficulty in compromising (depending on Mars's dignity)
House move and anything related to property, land and vehicles
Strength to pay off debts
Can increase following/fans (or deal with obsessed fans)
Can physically get into accidents or have cuts/bruises or surgery
Earthly related matters such as home grown food, earth resources; can receive gold, silver etc. e.g. in the form of jewellery
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading
RAHU – 18 years
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): ARDRA SWATI, SHATABISHA

Universe: "I'll give you everything you want, but it still won't make you happy"
Acts like the sign Rahu is placed in, the house/house ruler and aspects it receives
Busy time of movement, physically moving to a different location and restlessness
Protection of income and sustains your energy
Usually provides many materialistic desires only to discover their temporary nature
Ironically has one questioning materialistic views of life towards the end of the period
Time of major transformation and change
Deals with multiple options/people
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): PUNARVASU, VISHAKA, PURVA BHADRAPADA

Optimism with heart and soul infused in daily activities
Wisdom, teaching and wanting to manage other people
Over confidence which leads to multiple falls only to repeatedly 'get back up again'
'Four Weddings and a Funeral'; Celebrations, marriages as well as deaths, funerals of elderly uncles/aunties
Natural interest toward spirituality and protecting others
Depending on the planets dignity, one can become too grandiose or incur debt
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): PUSHYA, ANURADHA, UTTARA BHADRAPADA

Growth, maturity and stability - if this occurs early in life, restrictions, denials, or delays in the chart from the mother or fathers perspective is felt
Will be required to work on new skills as you will feel outdated with your thinking
Working long hours and will work for material prosperity
Will be humbled and experience material necessities in life i.e. partner, children, home
Simplistic and non drama related interactions; focused only on practical requirements
May physically feel weak in the joints/knees (Saturn rules skeletal structure and the knees/calves
Toward the end, feels they have completed the 'hard yards' (just in time before the burst of Mercury's youthful nature!)
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): ASHLESHA, JYESHTA, REVATI

Brings a feeling of youthfulness. Forget mid life crisis, watch a man/woman reach their mercury MD after his hard working Saturn watching a metamorphosis of man/woman into their teenage selves; chasing the good times, cars, attitude and all!
Due to a) one will want a more youthful appearance via botox, plastic surgery etc.
Financial risks; Mercury is changeable so heavy investments aren't advised
Quick thinking/movements increase e.g. athleticism and physical activity
Our intellect and choices are put to the test
Interactions with cousins, neighbours and short travels
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): MAGHA, MOOLA, ASHWINI

Major time for transformation and change
Acts like the sign Ketu is placed in, the house/house ruler and aspects it receives
Ability to cut through obstacles, removing people/things in the way
Release and removal of things that no longer work
Drastic changes i.e. Divorce, travel, death, birth
Forced to let go of much materialistic desires
The "Moksha" producing Mahadasha; we see and experience a new reality
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading
VENUS – 20 years
Ruling Nakshatras (Constellations): PURVA PHALGUNI, PURVA ASHADA, BHARANI

Brings an overly emotional and loving time in ones life, for better or worse
Themes of the 2nd house, family, food, sustenance may change, as well as the 7th house of partnerships of all kinds
Ones gentle nature during this time is enhanced, promoting creativity and art
Devotion to less fortunate, women and animals or people requiring ‘love’
Sleep patterns may be affected due to moodiness
Previous passions/skills will be renewed and worked on or mastered
Losses in love can lead one to Spiritual Practices to connect with God
*NOTE The whole chart and divisional charts must be analysed for a tailored reading