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HUMAN POWER July & August 2021

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective



Venus and Jupiter are the two auspicious and most favored energetic bodies when analysed through their transit in relation to an individuals birth chart.

Venus in transit brings material pleasure, intimacy and affection, luxury, comfort, vehicles, passion, affluence, artistic talents as well as fine art. Jupiter brings extreme benefits, spiritual wisdom, expansion, knowledge, happiness, teachers or experts in any field (as well as our own ability to teach), luck, abundance and good fortune.

Both planets will form a 180 degree angle from 22nd-23rd July.

This is one of the less harsh oppositions bringing power to two distinct beneficial energies, yet an opposition degree means exactly that; opposing views between what is known in Ancient Hindu Astrology as the teacher of the Asuras or demons (Venus) vs. teacher of all the Gods (Jupiter). Both needing each other to bring balance on earth with their individual qualities and influence to the collective.

This month, these opposing energies will be experienced collectively through the Leo and Aquarius polarity.

Where the focus of our passion projects and authority for the spotlight is and our efforts to satisfy the 'ego' by being recognised for our creativity is in opposition to where Jupiter is seeking to expand wisdom through society at large and various cultural (albeit out of the traditional box) groups.

Usually with Venus transiting Leo, our effort to express through our hearts desire reveals our inherit gifts which is something we should be proud to show the world as we confidently charge forward as the Queen/King of our domain.

YES we indeed possess the skill and talent to achieve great heights with what we are working on, however, the opposition from Jupiter currently transiting in Aquarius asks us how and where exactly does this idea, service or product serve others and how will we continue to create for the good of society for our long term benefit?

The way you're fulfilling your own desires via a project, self promotion or creative expression at this time has room to grow by incorporating innovative ways to expand your message globally and to the 'collective' in order for others to benefit from your talents.

What are you waiting for?

On a personal level, how is this passion within you helping your network circles, friends and community? This is a powerful time to assess where growth is potentially limited by ones own ego desires and discovering an endless possibility for expansion on a larger scale by listening and learning from yours and others networks.

Mercury will be in Cancer (sidereal) during the Venus/Jupiter opposition where the collective thought process and communication style as well as comprehensive faculties will be emotionally charged or perhaps 'hung up' on what has occurred in the past couple of months (when Mars and Venus were transiting this watery emotional sign).

Rather than drown yourself in over thinking in emotional driven thoughts, ask if your individual desires fit in with what's happening in 'the moment' collectively?

Where can you become more accommodating to others in your pursuit of finding your own pleasure?

Finding a common ground with others is key to sort through the drama of the moment in the next couple of weeks.



Later this month, Jupiter continues it's retrograde cycle in Aquarius (Sidereal) and will oppose Mars in Magha (Leo).

Magha literally means 'The Mighty One' or 'The Great One' with it's Deity belonging to the 'Pitris' or great Ancestors.

Think of Magha as the spiritual bodies of those deceased that you think of in times of prayer or during major life events.

They often speak to us when we need, and make their presence known in unique ways or synchronicity (dreams, repeating numbers, messages, visions, conversations with others etc.)

Mars in Magha places the soldier on the throne and commands respect and for others to bow down to him.

It's heated, its war games, its literal attack & defense strategies.

Our actions and drive are in full force in an almost 'Trump' style domination. We may feel courageous, hopeful and energised, yet equally frustrated with the advice we are hearing now as this opposition from the great Guru is literally opposing our actions and movement.

With Jupiter in retrograde making a 180 degree opposition to Mars, the way in which we look after each other, and all partnerships for that matter will be in full focus now.

We therefore can expect a sense of disappointment with how we are treated by those that are aiming to bring greater benefit to the collective.

But what about our rights?

Mars is our courage, drive (including sex drive), ability to fight and stand up for ourselves. Facing off with Jupiter retrograde will require us to review how our actions positively affect society; how can these be put to better use, despite the limitations felt to our ego?

Negotiations will be forced as we consider ways to bring balance in what's good for the individual and society simultaneously.

Medical vs Public health advice, teacher/teachings vs individual student benefit etc. will be up for debate.


Pressure and Limitation

Early August will see the individual vs Governing opinion showdown as Mercury joins the Sun and is in opposition to Saturn.

Saturn has seen the world tighten up and restricted like never before since its transit into Capricorn at the start of 2020.

Whenever the Sun opposes Saturn by transit, our egos desire and needs is in direct battle with the hard task master.

Saturn is the planet that teaches lessons by restricting or removing what is frivolous and not necessary to our survival.

It doesn't feel good to our soul to feel so limited and our efforts thwarted. Surely we see that our emotional state, our homes, our personal health is just a small part of the whole? ...or is it?

All for one and one for all?

This seemingly never ending debate with Mercury thrown into the mix will further add to the pressure of what "I need" vs. what "Is best for all".

As advised by Sam Geppi, this transit is asking us to remain humble and sensitive to others as both pressure and limitation (Saturn) is opposing individual power (Sun) and ability to understand and communicate (Mercury) that power we actually have at our disposal.


Hear me roar or cry?

Intense and surprise discussions are to be expected in the lead up to the New Moon in Ashlesha at 21 degrees Cancer. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury that will be fueled by unanticipated announcements as the New Moon Squares Uranus in Aries (Bharani Nakshatra) by a 2 degree orb.

Mercury represents our analytical thinking, thought process, and ability to communicate effectively.

In Cancer, and specifically Ashlesha Nakshatra, Mercury's energy is sapped by insistent insecurity and fear. Decision making will be thus effected by these heavy qualities of uncertainly about the future. This energy however is only temporary as we navigate through our 'worst case scenarios'.

Square's bring challenges felt internally as we come to grips with what we are having to deal with that comes from a forced perspective shift and not directly from others (oppositions).

The New Moon wants us to talk through and be open to discuss our deepest insecurities, whilst Uranus wants to radically transform the way we take ownership of how we exert our energy and individuality.

Human rights at its best; it may feel uncomfortable as our efforts to share and express to others what we feel most insecure or worried about is thwarted by the internal struggle to feel truly liberated from others opinions and the way we look after ourselves.

Who do we listen to for the best advice when everything is so unpredictable? Can we trust others not to hurt us with our own deepest wounds?

It's one thing to read and apply methods to help ourselves, remain disciplined and motivated by others fancy posts...but none of it matters until we actually feel it ourselves. Until we do the inner work, and until we allow enough time to pass to sort through our own internal power struggle.

Progress occurs by 'doing the work' effectively; over time, with allowance for multiple errors along the way.

How else are we to learn?

Patience is of course a virtue...and the key attribute that can both calm and humble an individual at the same time.

What are you rushing for? If you keep rushing in for something, it will probably rush out just as quickly. Guilty?


I demand respect, I deserve respect, I want it, so I'm going to get it...because I am the boss and you will bow down to my authority.

OK, that's a bit extreme, but quite often the internal dialogue with those with multiple planets in Magha Nakshatra and between 8-10th August the Moon will join Mercury first then Mars in Magha.

This brings the full force of inner planetary energies including collective emotions, information, courage, action and ideas to Magha, the metaphorical Royal Throne. The one in charge, the boss, the King/Queen or ruler.

Our personal ego needs command full attention at this time. A 'me first' because 'I deserve' attitude will reach boiling point as the imbalance between inner and outer planetary energies collide.

It's almost impossible at this time to deal with what seemingly is against our very right to be our own boss as the Ancestral energy of Magha demands respect and to be heard. It's our birthright is it not?

It does not ask, it literally will command.

Wherever in your life Magha (Leo) sits within your chart you'll be feeling the full force of inner planetary movement which will see intense power plays, new positions of authority established, or a full blown sh*t show of drama. I'll grab the popcorn.


The August full moon will closely join Jupiter in Dhanishta by a 3 degree orb.

Jupiter is the planet of hope and optimism, however will be in it's debilitation at this time, so watch for tendencies surrounding greed and extreme emotion, which can trip up even the most spiritual people we know. We are all human and therefore fundamentally flawed in our own desire for wealth and materialism.

Though the drama of August's Magha fueled energy brings an almost militant style of approach to rulership, the full moon joined with Jupiter's expansive and emotionally positive energy is essentially showing us where the great teacher brings us wisdom and focus by reminding us to trust the timing of all things.

Dhanishta rules rhythm, dance, music, intuitive and powerful listening skills as well as an inherent "knowing" of how and when to take action (utilising Cosmic Rhythm).

What goes around comes around - the Universe is always listening, and if you haven't been paying attention to what is required from you that serves others based on your individual talent and efforts, the full moon at this time will command that you do.

Western Astrological aspects involved in this Full Moon is Venus, (NN) Rahu (Aquarius ruler) and Saturn forming a Grand trine that supports forward movement.

If you take the time to pause and reflect on the journey to date, you might just align yourself at this full moon by tapping into the cosmos to feel and experience a sincere understanding that there are no mistakes in the universe, and that everything happens for a reason, at the right time and exactly at the right moment.

Faith is an interesting concept, and one we should never underestimate, even in the darkest of times. The world is always listening and responding, you just need to tune in.


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