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5-29 August 2024


Aries to Pisces Ascendant and Moon sign predictions


"Fate is the hand of cards we've been dealt. Choice is how we play the hand"

- M. Goldsmith

Nobel Prize winners of quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr and Erwin Schrödinger, turned to the Vedas for answers when it came to how particles move and interact with time.

“[Vedic Science] is some blood transfusion from the East to the West to save Western science from spiritual anaemia.” - Erwin Schrödinger

Jyotish or The Science of Light is The Eye of the Vedas - Ancient Vedic Sanskrit Hymns “Sūktas”.

Explained by author and Guru Sam Geppi in his book "Yoga and Vedic Astrology - Sister Sciences of Spiritual Healing"- Jyotish is a serious and complex science that:

  1. Correctly places Vedic Astrology in the culture frameworks of Indian Philosophy, Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truth) and Yoga

  2. Reveals legitimate scientific basis of Jyotish “Science of Light” of how spirit takes form, and

  3. Due to its complexity, the deeper components of Vedic Astrology are unfortunately glossed over or mixed with new age ideas i.e. basic “star signs”


Everything we are, every element of our being is connected to wavelengths and frequencies.

You cannot outrun your own fate. Whatever is presented to you is a direct result of action taken in the past, whether in the current or previous lifetime. Suffering allows you to burn off negative karma, while joy and growth are also dependent on your previous good karma. If you knew this to be true, you'd think twice before making any decision in the future.

The planets are literal bodies of energy that determine the physical make up of our DNA.

The reason we chant 108 times is because we take the diameter of the Sun and the Moon, times them by 108, and this is how far the distance from each is to earth. This is the total number of mala beads used for chanting.

The sacredness of chanting a mantra is widely misunderstood. Chanting literally connects you through the vibration of sound to our originators—the planets, the gods, or however else you identify with spirit matters, according to your beliefs. 

“Religions don’t have any reason to exist in the world. Yes, religiousness is a totally different affair. One can be religious, without belonging to a religion. In fact, those who belong to any religion cannot be religious. They can be Christian, they can be Jewish, they can be Hindu, they can be Buddhist, but not religious.. If you want to be “religious” you have to stand on your feet, and look within. The God is NOWHERE outside. - Osho


The Messenger

Every now and then, a Mercury retrograde cycle hits a little differently.

There's a unique point in every being’s birth chart somewhere between the 1 and 12 houses, counting from either their ascendant (physical manifestation) or their moon sign (emotional/mind perspective).

This point exists from approx. 26º40 degrees of Cancer to 3º20 degrees of Leo in Vedic Sidereal Astrology. 

According to respected Vedic Astrology Expert Komilla Sutton, this unique point is one of the three “Gandanta” points, or “The Spiritual Knot”.

What is so special about this knot?

In the natural Vedic Zodiac, the Cancer/Leo Gandanta point connects you to the source, the oneness of light that exists within all living beings. It brings communication that flows from above through the Crown and Third Eye Chakras into the heart space.

When activated through planetary transit, this knot connects all beings to their unique purpose through so-called 'spirit messengers': dreams, visions, auditory clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences, flashes of insight, and many other traditionally unexplainable phenomena that would have your average Joe wonder if he's becoming a tin foil hat man. It is the space that converts the non-believers through any means possible.

This connection is what literally infiltrates your being with heightened emotion. It aligns you with your divinity and the light to which you belong; and your unique flavour of self-expression that ultimately brings you sincere joy and happiness, which stem from your core being.

The sincerity of joy felt, makes even the grumpiest of souls smile from ear to ear—the kind of smile or laugh that infects the people around you through the sheer expression of this feeling.

Mercury’s 3.5-week retrograde phenomenon is usually characterised by moments in time that allow for introspection, integration, and reflection on various life matters.

The collective consciousness is guided to take a step back and fully integrate the cosmic lessons unique to each individual. The 'flavour' of the type of reflection and matters brought to our attention depend on the sign and degrees of where Mercury is transiting in the sky.

Retrograde also means an intensification of the energy of that planet. Therefore, the divine downloads received allow you to quickly make necessary adjustments as new information is revealed.

Why do astrologers place such a significant emphasis on Mercury retrograde?

Why not Mars, Venus, Uranus, or any of the other planets?

Although not as big as the Sun, or ‘Star’ sign, Mercury, however small or seemingly less significant, is a power-packed dynamite of knowledge.

Mercury provides every single piece of information that you read, hear, and see on a day-to-day basis. It rules your nervous system and your capacity to think clearly, as well as learn, communicate, express, and comprehend.

Mercury is also the signification of your siblings, cousins, neighbourhood, community, sickness and disease relating to the nervous system (stress), and many other factors (the natural ruler of the 3rd and 6th houses in Vedic astrology).

For those with an afflicted Mercury in their Birth Chart D1, Navamsa Chart D9, or Shasthamsa Chart D6 through a conjunct or aspect from another planet, then the physiological and psychological states of that being are consequently affected.

This factor provides insight into the related bodily issues stemming from, and triggered through transit and Mahadasha activation, as revealed through medical astrology. 

Those born during a time when Mercury was conjunct (0–10 degrees) another planet will have their intelligence and communication skills impacted by that planet/s. For example:

Rahu/Ketu Conjunct Mercury

If the nodes Rahu/Ketu were conjunct Mercury, you’ll find beings throughout their lives experiencing out-of-body experiences.

Prophetic dreams, psychic intuition, obsessive thinking, gay/bisexual experiences, genius mathematicians, highly calculative nature, and many other non-confirmative thinking patterns are common. They're great liars too, though ironically some of the greatest world leaders and politicians.

Saturn Conjunct Mercury

If Saturn was conjunct Mercury, you'd witness the slow, painstaking, yet methodical, strict, and ultimate strategist work their magic. They'll rip you a new one as you find yourself talking to an unshakable brick wall.

Venus Conjunct Mercury

If Venus was conjunct Mercury, you'd find yourself in the graceful delight of those who think and behave in accordance with achieving states of pleasure and creativity. They'll bring anything to life through their art, writing, fashion, etc. Genius talent.

Pluto Conjunct Mercury

For those souls who came to earth with Mercury/Pluto in conjunction, your looking at the depiction of the underworld masterminds: 

"There's a fine line between a pharmacist and a drug dealer." - K. Raaj


The Power of Gandanta Knots

Sometimes, the universe says no, repeatedly.

Like matters of writers block, or being in a place, situation, workplace, relationship, marriage, contract, headspace, or network that aren’t ‘flowing’ for any given reason.

This is life.

However, every now and then, just as the universe seemingly continues to present the same message over and over again (while the body is simply catching up with and integrating your brain’s choices), a rush of inspiration hits out of the blue, and you’re suddenly infused with both an idea or thought or means or resources to proceed with what your heart desires.

It is during these moments that you realise you decided to stick with and accept the status quo only due to matters of timing.

No, you weren’t forgotten, on the wrong path, or in the wrong place.

Your strength and resilience were being tested; just how much faith do you really have?

Do you trust that the universe will provide what you agreed to do in this life?

Or have you not yet fully let go of what doesn't actually matter or hold any significance to your future?

Happiness isn't difficult to achieve - take yourself and your head/heart space right now. Close your eyes and bring yourself to a state of happiness through memory and imagination. Everything you want is here.

Now, as wisely advised by B.k. Shivani, there are only 2 more steps to take as you move into this feeling:

A. Stop the action, situations, and decisions that cause your unhappiness and

B. Stop the action, situations, and decisions that cause you un-healthiness

Easy enough?

The world would probably cease to exist as we know it if everyone applied these 2 simple strategies.

What the ego struggles to let go of and anything that you hold on to too tightly to is like caging in a wild bird in desperate need of freedom.

This is the root cause of human stress which leads to disease in the body.

Only until you make the move, tell the voice to f-off, and let the trash in your life take itself out is when you remember that there is no cage, you were probably three or four years old when you first created the cage unknowingly, and that only you are in control of what is allowed to enter and swim through your heart.

Change the channel, release the bird, watch it soar as you take a deep breath into your belly and release. You are responsible for your own freedom.

August’s Mercury retrograde cycle through this Gandanta point is a time where you'll receive significant 'downloads' or 'intuitive hits' where you may need reminding of your genuine awesomeness.

Whenever a planet crosses one of these three points, major events take place:

Pisces to Aries

The Pisces to Aries The Gandanta point takes us from one reality of creation and into the depths of physical manifestation, where plans are brought into the world for implementation. It is like an Army general pushing a button to drop a bomb after months or years of planning. Or, from a less violent perspective, a great artist revealing their work after years in a studio working on their greatest masterpiece.

It is the great Yogi or monk emerging after years of meditation and introspection in order to bring forth what they have learned from their unique heavenly divine experience and into the earthly realm.

Scorpio to Sagittarius

When Saturn, the planet of Karma, truth, disruption, and cold, hard lessons, was transitioning from Scorpio to Sagittarius from 2015–18, the world witnessed the election of Donald Trump.

Saturn transited over his moon sign. The debate and run for presidency shattered outdated belief systems (Sagittarius), from a man who had grappled with and embodied ruthless business and investing decision-making throughout his life by taking huge risks in what was, and still is his ‘Gangster flamboyance’ (Scorpio).

A major disruption occurred as the world witnessed the ‘outrage’ in response to what was conclusively a successful election story. 

This Scorpio-Sagittarius Gandanta point is just that: dramatic, intense, truth-revealing, represented by all things taboo, sexual, underhanded, skilled mob-style mastery, and associated with the natural 8th house of tax and loan money. It also signifies the natural 9th house of courts, legal proceedings, and other legalities (Sagittarius).

Cancer to Leo (where Mercury will retrograde in August)

The Cancer-to-Leo Gandanta point holds something a little more personal. It is the heart space that lights each and every one of you up from the roots of your childhood and thirst for connection through creativity, fun, and love shared with others.

It is where you go when things end or where all else fails.

This point is what drives you through your Third Eye and Crown Chakra, and exists through a link from what rules your internal vessel and private space within to a higher controlling power. It is where you receive intuitive insight and life-changing information from the spirit.

  • Leo is connected to the Crown Chakra and has the ability to implement change and solutions with ease.

  • Leo rules personal power, confidence, assertiveness, boundaries, leadership, self-control, and self-esteem. It is also the signification of children, creativity, fun, romance, learning ancient knowledge (like Vedic science), design, art, music, sports, and what brings you pleasure and inspiration. 

  • Cancer is connected to the Third Eye Chakra and the center of the soul, which is receptive to images and downloads from the divine. It is a sign connected to emotions and intuition. 

  • Cancer is associated with your home, real estate, property ownership or rent, and the immediate family you grew up with.


Mercury Retrograde through Cancer/Leo Gandanta
5th to 29th August

Everyone in this Loka is experiencing their own karma and are required to focus on their sadhana and duties to fulfil their mission in this time, body, and space.

If, however, you were to decide during this time to throw every Mercurian item away—phone, TV, laptop, etc.—this Gandanta point transit will bring you everything you need to know through dreams, visions, and downloads.

When utilised in a positive manner, you will experience a sense of the universe extending a helping hand, guiding you towards a profound and genuine realisation of the love and protection surrounding you.

This perspective will illuminate the impact of your actions on those around you, highlighting the significant power that you possess, perhaps beyond your current awareness.

Only once this lesson is fully infused within your being can you ultimately allow spiritual divinity to wash over you as you’re guided to completely let go of control. 

Have you ever laughed so hard with the ones you love about the wildest of idiosyncrasies, both of yourself and the world, that you forget why you ever cared about things not worth worrying about? Why is it the best feeling in the world?

Because you release, you remember your own mortality and make space to understand what truly makes you happy—something desperately lacking in this digital age.

"Don't you worry, don't you worry child...see heaven's got a plan for you"

- Swedish House Mafia


Where and how will Mercury Retrograde in August affect you?

Aries to Pisces Ascendant & Moon Sign Predictions

All Sun (Leo) and Moon (Cancer) meditations are now encouraged as Mercury's intensity will affect the emotions and nervous system of the entire planet. Use this time to delve into your practices utilising the power of Mantra or Yogic practice:


Surya Namaskar - Honouring the Sun in the AM


Chandra Namaskar - Honouring the Moon in the PM




Find where the Cancer/Leo Gandanta point is for you by clicking here and entering your birth time, date and location (change to English first).

If you don’t know your exact time of birth, you can use midday, however, you will read descriptions below according to your moon sign only (the number that it is in which correlates to a zodiac sign in the image below). The moon may be in any of the houses "diamonds" within the chart below.


When reading for your MOON sign:

This means the description below relates to your ‘internal state' or what will be felt internally regardless of the physical manifestations.

When reading your ASCENDANT or 1st HOUSE sign:

When reading from the top diamond, this is the prediction from the physiological state of being (and not necessarily how you feel about it).

#1 For Vedic Aries ascendant or moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 4/5th house:

  • Re-connection to the heart, emotions, home or property, mother, and family you grew up with

  • Intensified activity and connection with children, creativity, and ancient knowledge

  • Re-viewing or remembering old or forgotten forms of romance, fun, design, art, or media

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the heart/sacral chakra

  • Clearing up the north-west of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#2 For the Vedic Taurus ascendant or moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 3/4th house:

  • Review of communication, writing, speaking, and media (fix any details forgotten or missed)

  • Re-connect with friends, neighbourhood, or short-distance travel.

  • Review matters relating to sports, competition, connecting through ideas, sharing ideas, and community.

  • Re-connection to the heart, emotions, home or property, mother, and family you grew up with

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Heart Chakra

  • Clearing up the North-east of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#3 For Vedic Gemini Ascendant or Moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 2/3th house:

  • Review of cash flow, resources, and spending that bring joy

  • Review of values, immediate family, and the things you ‘need’

  • Consider alcohol, drug consumption, and all kinds of food intake.

  • Review communication, writing, speaking, and media.

  • Re-connect with friends, neighbourhood, or short-distance travel.

  • Review matters relating to sports, competition, connecting through ideas, sharing ideas, and community.

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Throat Chakra

  • Clearing up the North East of the home (declutter/clean and place something fresh)

#4 For Vedic Cancer Ascendant or Moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 1st/2nd house:

  • Physical body; review physical activity; is more or less required to feel good?

  • How you present yourself or think about yourself—is it positive?

  • Review stressors, mental and physical; take time to meditate.

  • Review choices related to identity, time, and money spent on what you value, and if you are helping yourself or taking on too much.

  • Review of cash flow, resources, and spending that bring joy

  • Review of values, immediate family, and the things you ‘need’

  • Consider alcohol, drug consumption, and all kinds of food intake.

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Third Eye and Crown Chakra/Head

  • Clearing up the East of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#5 For Vedic Leo Ascendant or Moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 12th/1st house:

  • Bed pleasures, sexual matters, and the body’s ability to psychically connect to a divine source

  • Reflect on fears, conscious or subconscious, through therapy, meditation, and yoga.

  • Reflect on what you do in your private time to emotionally connect with your heart and how this may be affecting your physical body, positively or negatively. Can you make a change?

  • Things that you may need to let go of or accept are lost in order to renew or rejuvenate your spirituality, which will help your stress levels.

  • Physical body; review physical activity; is more or less required to feel good?

  • How you present yourself or think about yourself—is it positive?

  • Review stressors, mental and physical; take time to meditate.

  • Review choices related to identity, time, and money spent on what you value, and if you are helping yourself or taking on too much.

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, and Feet

  • Clearing up the East of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#6 For Vedic Virgo Ascendant or Moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 11/12th house:

  • Reconnect with network circles, friends, aunts, and uncles.

  • Review of your greatest wishes and desires, large multi-national organisations you are affiliated with, or may have the opportunity to connect with

  • Large-scale groups or causes: reconnecting with or reviewing your desires to involve large groups in your work, creativity, and love for the people who support you

  • Bed pleasures, sexual matters, and the body’s ability to psychically connect to a divine source

  • Reflect on fears, conscious or subconscious, through therapy, meditation, and yoga.

  • Reflect on what you do in your private time to bring your greatest desires into fruition through matters behind the scenes.

  • Overseas travel: networking events and opportunities (conferences) that ‘bring you to life’

  • Things that you may need to let go of or accept are lost in order to renew or rejuvenate your spirituality, which will help your stress levels.

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Ankles, Feet, and Root Chakra 

  • Clearing up the South-east of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#7 For a Libra ascendant or moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 10th/11th house:

  • Renew career matters and public life through your unique creativity.

  • Reconnect with old bosses or networks.

  • Review your public profile, image, or update your achievements.

  • Reconnect with network circles, friends, aunts, and uncles.

  • Review of your greatest wishes and desires, large multi-national organisations you are affiliated with, or may have the opportunity to connect with

  • Large-scale groups or causes: reconnecting with or reviewing your desires to involve large groups in your work, creativity, and love for the people who support you

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Ankles, Spine/Back, Root Chakra 

  • Clearing up the South of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#8 For Scorpio ascendant or moon sign the 9th/10th house:

  • Reflect on matters of publishing, studies, and learning.

  • Spiritual, religious, and belief systems will be intensified.

  • Allow time to review your efforts to bring your authenticity of belief and lessons into your career and public life; allow space to refine details.

  • Travel, connection to, or visiting places of worship

  • Allowing your beliefs and spiritual matters to help you reconnect with your karma to serve the world what you have learned through these beliefs

  • Reconnecting with your father or fatherly figures and their influence that helped shape who you are and how you present yourself to the world 

  • Renew career matters and public life through your unique creativity.

  • Reconnect with old bosses or networks.

  • Review your public profile, image, or update your achievements.

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Thighs, spine/back, Root Chakra 

  • Clearing up the South of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#9 For Sagittarius ascendant or moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 8th/9th house:

  • Clarity on matters relating to your inner world or fears

  • Clarity on your sexual life and how this impacts your belief systems

  • Reflect on your attitude towards other people's money, loans, and taxes.

  • Reconnect with your own sexual power and how you can utilise this energy in better ways by publishing or teaching others. 

  • Teaching others about money management: reflect on how best to deliver this message.

  • Travel related to occult, spiritual, or taboo matters; or releasing information related to these matters that helps you connect with a divine purpose

  • Reflect on matters of publishing, studies, and learning.

  • Spiritual, religious, and belief systems will be intensified.

  • Allow time to review your efforts to bring your authenticity of belief and lessons into your career and public life; allow space to refine details.

  • Travel, connection to, or visiting places of worship

  • Allowing your beliefs and spiritual matters to help you reconnect with your karma to serve the world what you have learned through these beliefs

  • Reconnecting with your father or fatherly figures and their influence that helped shape who you are and how you present yourself to the world 

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Sexual organs: hips, thighs, and Root Chakra 

  • Clearing up the South-west of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#10 For Capricorn Ascendant or Moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 7th/8th house:

  • Reconnect or intensify all relationships and contracts.

  • Intensified communication with your partner, wife, or husband 

  • Renew vows, discuss sexual matters, money matters, and loans.

  • If separating, finalise matters relating to money, cash, and money owed or other money owed to you.

  • Reflect on how you express yourself through relationships of all kinds, your attitude and emotions that are involved, and where you have been lacking boundaries or allowing too many negative energies to infiltrate. 

  • Clarity on matters relating to your inner world or fears

  • Clarity on your sexual life and how this impacts your belief systems

  • Reflect on your attitude towards other people's money, loans, and taxes.

  • Reconnect with your own sexual power and how you can utilise this energy in better ways by publishing or teaching others. 

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Sexual organs: pelvis, Root Chakra 

  • Clearing up the West of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#11 For Aquarius ascendant or moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 6th/7th house:

  • Review the emotional connection with competitors.

  • Reflect on attitudes towards relating to others and conflict resolution.

  • Review your colleagues, those that you work with from day to day, and how their impact on you affects your attitude towards relationships.

  • Finalise litigation, divorce proceedings, court matters, and other disputes that affect your heart and happiness. 

  • Ensure that, through all kinds of conflict, you are eating whole foods, eat your diet, and don’t overdo any type of strenuous activity.

  • Taking a break or needing to reflect on your health matters that impact your sex life or your relationship with your partner

  • Business matters that need attention to resolve conflicts with others—take the time to understand how this emotionally impacts your health.

  • Reconnect or intensify all relationships and contracts.

  • Intensified communication with your partner, wife, or husband 

  • Renew vows, discuss sexual matters, money matters, and loans.

  • If separating, finalise matters relating to money, cash, and money owed or other money owed to you.

  • Reflect on how you express yourself through relationships of all kinds, your attitude and emotions that are involved, and where you have been lacking boundaries or allowing too many negative energies to infiltrate. 

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Stomach/abdomen, sexual organs, pelvis, Sacral, and Root Chakra 

  • Clearing up the West of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)

#12 For Pisces Ascendant or Moon sign, Mercury in Gandanta is in the 5th/6th house:

  • Connect with children, sense of fun, and romance on a daily basis.

  • Review your time spent on creative, fun, sports, and pleasurable matters as part of your daily routine.

  • Allow for fun and creative self-expression by spending time with colleagues, friends at the gym, or health-related matters.

  • Consider taking up classes or health-related activities that bring fun, joy, and inner expression. 

  • Spend time with colleagues to work on creative or fun projects.

  • Learn ancient knowledge of some sort that helps you in your day-to-day routine.

  • Review the emotional connection with competitors.

  • Reflect on attitudes towards relating to others and conflict resolution.

  • Review your colleagues, those that you work with from day to day, and how their impact on you affects your attitude towards relationships.

  • Finalise litigation, divorce proceedings, court matters, and other disputes that affect your heart and happiness. 

  • Ensure that, through all kinds of conflict, you are eating whole foods, eat your diet, and don’t overdo any type of strenuous activity.

  • Taking a break or needing to reflect on your health matters that impact your sex life or your relationship with your partner

  • Business matters that need attention to resolve conflicts with others—take the time to understand how this emotionally impacts your health.

  • Reconnect or intensify all relationships and contracts.

  • Reflection and integration of practices that help heal the Lungs, heart, stomach, and abdomen. Heart/Sacral Chakra

  • Clearing up the North-west of the home (declutter, clean, and place something fresh)



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