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3. WHO AND WHAT AM I? Effects & Remedies
> Pluto 248 year cycle
> Uranus 84 year cycle
"Darling we'll all be eventually microchipped" - M.K. (1994)
There once lived a man, a grandfather and the head of the patriarchy, who never learned to use a computer or digital device in his life.

The most technologically advanced item in his home was a rotary-dial telephone, which he continued to use up until a decade ago.
The extent of his frustration became evident one day, when his 10+ grandchildren were all seated at his dining table, each fully engaged on their smart devices.
After months of witnessing these young humans become increasingly disengaged from their surroundings, he eventually bellowed:
"What are you all doing? You're all on those *&£^£% phones; no one is talking, so why did you come?" as a hint of tears began to fill his eyes, and he stood up to walk outside.

He had progressively witnessed his greatest creations, once filled with joy, heart-core connection, and great story-telling through vocal expression, change at warp speed into the rapid tech evolution.
As a result, he evidently witnessed a sea of dead faces during their 'visit'.
To him, the value of life was within a human's in-person essence and spirit.
The deep and chilling vibration of his words left a mark and imbedded memories as a reminder that what makes us human is not only under threat but also our seemingly declining ability to authentically interact.
In the days prior to this beloved soul leaving the earth, he witnessed his loved ones covered head to toe in hospital pandemic space suits, holding mobile phones that allowed him to look at and speak with family members on the other side of the planet.
As he drifted in and out of sleep in the last 24 hours of his death, his eyes suddenly became alert, bright, and full of intent. It lasted only a second as he stared directly into my eyes, his mouth forming the cheekiest of smiles as he spoke his last words:
"It's good to see you"

The natural law of living beings has repeatedly proven that this earth exists due to the 'survival of the fittest'.
If humans by design were able to pulverize the habitat of animal life to grow and expand its own species, robots with levels of intelligence incomprehensible to the human brain would naturally challenge our existence.
Is tailored baby making that includes built-in AI the future big boom of earth's new species in order to keep up?
Or is this all an insanity game of the mind and we're simply in the beginning stages of the human vs AI 'war-tech-revolution'?
What if we've been here before?
On 1st November 2023, Rahu and Ketu will move into Pisces and Virgo until May 2025.
Since May 2022, Rahu and Ketu transited through Aries and Libra creating an obsession vs release configuration toward matters of independence and relationships of all kinds.

As you set out to discover (or by force through others) who you really are and what you genuinely need to feel in charge of your independence, this challenged almost every connection you thought you needed.
Why? What was the point?
The lesson was to discover that the noise inside your head often stems from collective ideas, ideals and/or external projections of what others or the 'external world' wants, expects and has to offer you; less so much of what you authentically need to live in an abundant and peaceful state.
Everything you watch, hear and absorb from others around you affects your thinking. Intuition and emotions can be altered at any time once you discover how nothing changes until you actively program and discipline your independent focus.
The collective consciousness, trends and behaviour is now geared to the polarising energies of Pisces and Virgo for 18 months.
Rahu and Ketu previously transited the sign of Pisces and Virgo 18 years ago:
> From March 2005 to October 2006
> 18 years prior from 1986 to 1988
> 18 year prior from 1969 etc.
The signs where Rahu and Ketu transit describe how and where breakthroughs occur, whilst detaching from the opposing energy. You discover something new you haven't experienced before (how this plays out depends on wherever Rahu/Ketu transits in your natal chart).

Rahu is 'obsessive material desire'.
In Pisces, Rahu deep dives into an ocean of psychic wonder, creative and outer worldly mystical experiences, whilst Ketu that signifies 'spiritual development and detachment' in Virgo will act 'headless' and scramble as the ability to control the details, critique day to day activity, and keep up regular routine will be thrown into a tailspin.
What on earth does this mean? In Vedic Astrology, Pisces is the natural 12th house and is the home of the cosmic 'shepherd', the psychic nurturer, the one able to creatively and brilliantly absorb the previous 11 houses and zodiac signs; uniting universal consciousness like water; naturally drawing in humans and all living beings to it, whilst allowing itself to absorb into every living thing. Now Rahu comes along...
Rahu attains whatever it wants, however it wants and will ruthlessly pursue the characteristics of the sign it is in...
In Pisces, at it's worst... Rahu acts like Andrew Tate's view on sex trafficking; "I'm like a shepherd leading the sheep"...

Positively speaking, we can expect a new wave of human and digital prodigies that swiftly produce upgrades similar to the previous socio-economic changes that revolutionized and greatly impacted the global economy, art, science literature, individual rights and social justice.
From 'free-love' to ground-breaking tech, previous cycles manifested as follows:
The world economy experienced a shift towards digitalization and the emergence of e-commerce as a dominant force:

YouTube was born, followed by Facebook, Twitter etc.
Introduction of Smartphones
Digital revolution opened up a world of opportunity for content creators
Rise in social activism and awareness
Thought provoking cinematic masterpieces; Brokeback Mountain that pushed boundaries of storytelling challenging societal norms and encouraging new conversations on topics of sexuality

IBM's first PC "Convertible" Laptop
General Motors' first solar-powered car
USA Today published the first digital photograph on its front page
Version 1.0 of Adobe Illustrator for the Apple Macintosh
Introduction of electronic trading and the deregulation of financial markets
Airbus A320: The first digital airplane (digital controls)
Fall of Berlin Wall; end of the Cold War (marking new era of international relations)
Madonna and Michael Jackson brought creativity and innovation, captivating audiences worldwide & a lasting impact on the future of music

Intel was born
First ever Concorde test flight
"Pisces is the real sign of the beginning, it is the sign of source and where 'something is created'" K. Raaj

Pisces is where the essence of ideas and thoughts are generated in the psyche meaning that the hype of significant creative intelligence will peak during this period.
Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces represented by the God of creation.
There will be an obsessive rush in the next 18 months toward foreign travel, divine and non-traditional forms of 'open love' , donations, expenses, giving time and energy to spiritual pursuits and providing free aid and care as we come face to face with matters of war & peace.
The Serpent (Rahu/Ketu) is now landing at the 'feet of Vishnu'. Please click here for further reading on the cosmic significance.

Events that commenced 18 years ago will see a resurgence, come to rest or to its resting place.
The 18 year cycle acts as a 'divine judgement' on your own personal spiritual matters; the ability to serve without expectation.
You WILL come understand why you were guided to take action you commenced in 2005, 1986, 1969 etc.
Divine downloads, spiritual rituals and seeking something greater than your material day to day will be sought out by everyone in the next 18 months. A natural flow of inevitable change enters into the sphere of your psychological reality as the world collectively releases out of the fight or flight response felt since May 2022
REMINDER: Saturn will enter Pisces in March 2025 so think of this time as if you have 'free reign' on this creative and spiritual flowing energy until Saturn's 'solidification and refinement process' commences.
November 2023 to May 2025
"Wherever you have intention you will suffer...intention brings tension. Just relax and see what life brings, then it will be 'ohh'. It is like a gift."
Rahu in Pisces:

Asking questions about your existence - what have you been doing, and for what?
Follow & study the Tao....
Travel to new foreign countries or if you can't travel, delving into spiritual pursuits
Remove yourself and thinking on material elements and delve into places of solitude
Ask philosophical queries about God and existence
Ask why do you indulge in the things you do? Time to explore...
Psychic intuition will escalate; increase spiritual protection practices
Delve into alternate states of consciousness (likely to see increased use of Ayahuasca etc.)
Similar to Einstein's work driven by creative power of the mind; imagination now becomes ones reality
Sci-fi, imagination & fantasy writers like Harry Potter, Star Wars etc.
Your subconscious desires comes to light through meditative states or 'tuning out'
Diving into tantra, Kundalini meditation, Reiki and Puranic healing
Whether you're a Dr, Lawyer, Accountant etc. these areas of life will amplify...
Ketu in Virgo:

Feeling a lack of detail or clarity at work...detach or keep trying?
Requiring analytical, creative and spiritual (wholistic) methodology
Genius mathematicians using creativity
Critical intelligence toward healing and medication; simple nutrition
"I wish I was less disorganized" feel (hint: you're supposed to feel this)
Integrate AI - humans to naturally detach from mundane tasks & focus on creation
Ketu here is detachment and letting go/embracing Yogi/Monk life mentality
Confusion arises in everyday tasks
Paying off karma by dealing with disputes (uncover the truth)
Strikes relating to laws and manipulation around AI
Stop/start situation in power dynamics
Feeling "IN THE DARK" if one refuses to be open to esoteric forms of living
Needing to 'find the light' within your own darkness

Strengthening your faith in the dark as critical thinking is hard to come by
Pleasure will be found by detaching from responsibilities
Calculations will come quickly, easily
Arguments will dissipate or explode (to detach you from frustration)
Remedy is LONG MEDITATION practices; on the mat, in a room, on a chair - it doesn't matter where. Sit, close your eyes, allow your mind to wonder without external distraction
Pluto takes 248 Years to transit the Zodiac Belt.
As described in this article, Pluto entered into Capricorn in 2020 and is to remain until 2039, shattering and revolutionizing every system and structure we've known to date.
Despite only being discovered in 1930, let's rewind 248 years to 1775 (and throughout 1780s) when Pluto last entered the same degrees as where it is today....
What occurred?

1775 witnessed the birth of the American Revolution
The Industrial Revolution; a period of rapid and significant advancements in textile manufacturing and steam power; innovations in transportation, communication, and production
The French Revolution; a period of radical social and political change
Enlightenment thinkers John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau reinforced the belief that all individuals possess innate rights that cannot be infringed upon by oppressive governments with emphasis on liberty and self-determination, fuelling independence among colonists
Uranus takes 84 years to transit the Zodiac Belt.
Uranus is currently completing it's transit in Sidereal Aries and entering into Taurus (Specifically in May 2024).
The last transit in these degrees was between 1939 and 1940... Prior to then, from 1770 and 1772...
Whether you've realized it or not, the war we're in now although doesn't look yet like an external blood bath filled with death and sorrow, we're instead experiencing the most significant psychological war of the century, only, inside the mind.

Bleeding mental health, disruption to human physical connection and warped realities has seen brains and hearts grapple with what is real and the utter rubbish that society has allowed itself to believe and follow as 'truth'.
What were the electrifying effects of Uranus's previous transit?
A combination of War & Genius:
From 1939-1940

World War 2: The most destructive conflict in human history
World's first helicopter VS-300 takes flight
Chilean Earthquake killing 30,000 people
Black Friday Bushfires in Victoria
First Batman Comic
Wizard of OZ opens
From 1770-1772

The Boston Massacre: a catalyst for the American Revolution, fuelling colonists' desire for independence from British rule
Captain James Cook mapped and claimed the eastern coastline of Australia
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Musical Prodigy made his mark on the world stage
This translates to 'this honouring of the light within me, honours the light within you'.
What is this light?
"It is the pure transcendent light, not distracted by the desires of the world. The light that connects all of us. The one pure divine light. That is the Paramātman or the transcendent self within you" - S. Geppi

When you're certain and optimistic about your standards, you don't allow for distractions. The world around you as a result has no choice but to continue to bring that standard to you.
This optimism is the 'light' you seek that is often buried by the noise of the mind.
If however you don't trust the process & lack self-value, you'll continue on the same trajectory, still playing in other peoples sandboxes.
Genius performers, creators and intelligent leaders when asked 'how you do it?' usually answer with 'I just do what feels natural'.
'Post Traumatic Stress Growth' reveals itself most brilliantly when creators captivate their audience, often reducing them to tears as the vulnerability and fragility of the human experience is translated through Godly forms of expression.

This is also how you essentially find strength in your daily grind which becomes your flowing groove.
As each experience passes through your mind/body, drawing from your inherent power in response to life that flows from the solar plexus - the 'fire in the belly'.
Your duty or 'Dharma' is to start each day by drawing from this sacred fire, to locate it and to fall in love with it.
It doesn't require thinking. Thought is what blinds it and negativity extinguishes it.
The secret is to realize that this existence doesn't allow anyone to lose anything or any kind of power without gaining a greater form of power in return; it is generated from within.
Quieting the mind requires meditation that allows free flow of:
a) The Third Eye "Ajna" Chakra (intuition, visualisation, imagination and clairvoyance)
b) The Crown "Sahasraha" Chakra (self-realization, fulfilment, spirituality and awakening)

Momentary experiences of awakening can be felt as pure bliss during these practices as you tap into this light.
However, it is often followed by a swift pull-down back into the realm of desire & karma once the practice ends.
This desire & karma is what separates us all. Yet everything that revolves around you is situational, it is a thought story in your head.
Once you discover this, the process and the experience of natural bliss becomes easier :)
"You have nothing in this world to conquer or to challenge or to transcend apart from your mind. All your neighbours live here. Your God's and demons live here and yourself imagined lives here. Stop trying to be a traffic policeman in your own head. Let it run, just remain detached like you're the witness..."
- Mooji (full video below)
A huge thank you to students, teachers and seekers for being apart of the "Introduction to Vedic Astrology" workshop at Yoga8 and Melbourne Yoga Academy. Your face to face engagement, warmth and feedback has been profound. I am currently fully booked for readings however, if you have any queries relating to the study materials or links please don't hesitate to contact me :)
