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Full Moon in Ashlesha 9th/10th February

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

The full moon in February takes place on the 9th/10th of the month (depending on where you live) and in the Vedic constellation of Ashlesha; Cancer Zodiac sign.

Ashlesha is a highly hypnotic, penetrating, charming, risk taking and not so honest constellation, but nevertheless one of the most powerful.

It rules global waters, 'poisoning' and in the Zodiac of Cancer it rules matters relating to the mother or motherly figures and things related to the house & home.  

People with planets in Ashlesha embody a hypnotising energy that is both powerful and destructive at the same time.

Bisexuality, BDSM, and other forms of intense sexual play is seen in the charts of people with planets in Ashlesha.

Beings of the under world; the 'Nagas' are snakes with occultic power that rule this constellation with the ability to 'inflict poison to overcome the enemy'.

This can play out in real life through the ingestion of drugs or alcohol (poison) to experience a heightened level of intensity (i.e. sexually or otherwise).

In politics and social matters this energy is played out with those who use charm to 'slither' their way into situations, whilst lying and manipulating behind others backs.

The Western astrological aspect shows a trine (supporting energy) from Mars to this intense and communicative full moon. This will fuel action and drive; people will be 'acting on their feelings'.

These feelings will run deep in the days leading up to the full moon; full of passion and intensity as the energy culminates.

Singles may take a leap of faith, couples may decide to experiment...use this time well to encourage raw, open and honest communication as you hash out ways to deepen connections (safely).


Ashlesha also represents the area in our chart where our greatest weaknesses reside including any attachments, addictions or possessiveness (and other 'not so free' behaviours/thinking patterns). 

Risky decisions in politics/finance and lies that have up until now been hidden may be publicly exposed.

Drug and pharmaceutical related issues or concerns of 'poisonous liquid' may be seen.

For some this can mean a deeper connection with something you're passionate about, your mother or motherly figures and all home and property related matters.

It could even translate to something as simple as concocting a delicious meal with your loved ones and sharing stories of your childhood memories.

Negatively, you may be feeling a sense of guilt or insecurity about family members or 'people within the home'.

As you delve deeper into areas of your life, people and situations you feel powerless without, check yourself and watch for manipulative tendencies.

Be open to learning more about yourself and your passionate side during this period.  


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