The October Full Moon occurs on Friday 2nd October at 7:00am (AEST) in the Vedic Constellation of Uttara Bhadrapada (14 degrees of Pisces).
This full moon will focus on the occult and mysterious side of life, from which great wisdom can be gained.

The full moon will conjoin with the asteroid Chiron, also known as the 'wounded healer' in Western Tropical Astrology.
Chiron represents our weak spot and wherever Chiron is placed within an individuals birth chart tells the story of how their childhood trauma played out.
Uttara Bhadrapada specifications:
- Colour: Purple
- Guna (Quality): Tamasic (using skills to work in order to achieve pleasure of the senses)
- Dosha: Pitta
- Goddess: Lakshmi (Wealth)
- Sound (4th Pada) “Dha” (Da)
- Body Part: Ankles, soles of the feet at side of the body; ribs & legs

Full moon in Uttara Bhadrapada themes:
- Yoga and Meditation expertise
- Advisers, counselling & therapy
- Healing & healers
- Practices near the water/deep sea which elevate intuition
- Tantra & Occult Practitioners (for some taking drugs to achieve spiritual state)
- Minimal movement
- Living on inheritance, legacies or charity
- Banks, handling other people’s money
- Expanded thinking beyond the realms of reality
- Activities involving the feet; kickboxing or dancing. Swimming/diving
- Strong changes felt with rain (deep healing can occur with change in weather)
What to avoid:
- Feelings that you are not receiving the value you deserve
- Feelings of insecurity of a partner or of losing others
- Dark energies brought on by jealousies or black magic of any kind
Full moon conjunct (together with) Chiron with a 2 degree Orb

The Challenge
The Full Moon occurring so close to Chiron will bring a heightened level of emotion to the insecurity that lies hidden within our psyche and our ability to feel secure with others in the material world.
This is signalling a week when we will see a significant amount of tears flowing via online news or people’s posts, or a ‘bursting out’ of internalised emotion as we work through our weaknesses.
The Potential
There are incredibly powerful forces at play here during the week of the Full Moon for those who have any kind of spiritual practice or study; occult, Yoga, mysticism, sage burning rituals etc.

Everything we express/post/brag/discuss and share is all Karma.
Rather than reacting to feelings of insecurity with whatever you are dealing with, use this time to turn in to your inner wisdom; delve deep and recognize insecurities rather than let it take over
the emotional body which can potentially be projected onto others.
Great healing can commence from this point.
Uttara Bhadrapada is well known to have a “high definition signal from above" which is highly psychic and intuitive in nature which may result in people with these qualities roaring the loudest.
Conjoined Chiron, the Full Moon is a time to acknowledge our 'sore spot’ and come to terms with where we are weak in our emotional expression.
A wonderful opportunity exists in the week leading up to the Full Moon to confront what we are afraid of sharing with others; the things we hide or are secretly into/obsessed with (addictions, secret desires, Yoga, meditation, astrology, our drugs, how we escape etc.)
These themes will be felt now with a chance of healing (whether internally or externally).
To admit weaknesses can require a little guidance so reaching out to others for help to release any negative feelings will do a world of good.
Or, quite simply...grow the b*lls to say what you need to say in order to move into the direction you need to go!

Now is the chance to understand that greater powers are always at play, and ignoring this factor of life (i.e. those whom aren’t “open” to spiritual side of life) won’t do them any favours.
This is one of the most powerful times of the year to wake up those deep skeletons, and work through them to face facts:
Our greatest weaknesses often become our greatest strengths because we know so much about them and therefore focus on them whether conscious or not, usually for a lifetime and resulting in mastery
It’s OK to not know that which we don’t understand...the ‘weirdos’ of this world see things others don’t and are equally as valuable as your friendly accountant, lawyer, doctor etc.
Yoga and meditation cannot speak more powerfully at this time in terms of Kundalini and full body/spinal breath work.