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FIRED UP! Nodal Change March 2022-2023

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective


The 18 months that was...

Wherever the Nodes are placed at the time of birth shows what the individual is here to learn, try, mess up and repeat through experimentation and sheer determination to "perfect".

These experiences come with significant karmic lessons, which without effort to understand and control through self awareness and discipline can lead to destructive or abnormal behaviour or addiction.

Positively and often rapidly, the nodes take us to great heights with little effort; their energy is hidden and unbelievably powerful in turning people's lives around, albeit a little "left field".

Wherever the Node's placement is in the sky at any particular time, gives insight into where the collective consciousness is focused, where we feel a pull toward, experience sudden events, and can become a little obsessed (Rahu), whilst learning valuable lessons, where to let go and experience significant change (Ketu).

Since November 2020 the North and South Nodes of the moon; Rahu and Ketu have been transiting the Sidereal signs of Taurus and Scorpio.

The November 2020 to March/April 2022 article here explains the key areas in focus around the following:

RAHU in Taurus

> Our wealth and (natural) resources

> Food; what we consume and indulgence

> Comfort zone

> Family, loved ones and values

KETU in Scorpio > Dealing with our insecurities > Fear - what obsession did we need to let go of? > The unknown > Other people's resources (incl. Government) Lengthy lockdowns and Covid's impact on multiple industries across the globe caused heavy shockwaves (for better or worse). Individually, we saw people making ends meet through drastic compromise and working from home, adjusting to job losses/changes and utilising Government funding to get by.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis also represents the natural 2/8th house which looked at our finances, sudden events, pharmaceuticals and drugs of all kinds.

In short, the 2/8th houses represents:

> Spending own vs others money

> What we consume including illegal substances > Earning cash money earnt vs. money borrowed > Feeling secure vs insecure > Love for own family vs. in laws, and > Handling the material vs. spiritual (learning to meditate etc.)


On 15th/16th March 2022 the Nodes leave the Taurus/Scorpio axis and transit into the Aries/Libra axis for approximately 18 months.

The previous Nodal Aries/Libra transit occurred from August 2003 to March 2005. During this period, the following events were notable:

"Fired Up" Rahu in Aries

  • The United States and the United Kingdom start with their shock and awe campaign with a massive air strikes on military targets in Baghdad before the invasion of Iraq by Land Forces

  • UK highest temperature ever recorded

  • In France a 104 degree heat wave kills approximately 5,000

  • A car bomb attack in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq has left nearly 100 dead

  • A massive earthquake devastates southeastern Iran. Over 40,000 killed

  • Terrorists bomb the United Nations Baghdad Headquarters

  • Suicide bomb attacks on British interests in the Turkish city of Istanbul kill 27 and injure 400

  • The strongest earthquake in 40 years originates from the Indian Ocean close to Indonesia, measuring 9.3 on the Richter Scale

"Natural Relationships" Ketu in Libra

  • The EU undergoes it's largest expansion so far by accepting 10 new states into the EU Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, and Cyprus

  • Facebook is launched as a social networking site only open to students from Harvard in February by Mark Zuckerberg

  • First Same Sex Marriage Performed in Massachusetts, USA

ME, WE and US

Individually for the next 18 months or so, themes of the Aries/Libra axis will see our focus, drive and obsession through:


  • Obsession with the self, physical body; Bodybuilding etc.

  • The individual identity and self-interests

  • Martian energy which can see aggression, war-like anger and eruption

  • Being the first to accomplish something

  • Quick, fast paced ideas, movement and out of the box thinking

  • Taking charge and taking responsibilities for others


  • Detaching from outdated relationships or those that expect too much

  • Forming new relationships whilst balancing one’s own needs

  • Fated partnerships

  • Unusual and brilliant works of art and creativity

  • Natural talent for bringing harmony and balance

  • Letting go of the need to impress others to get along

Me vs. we is the theme for the next year and a half whilst learning to strike balance in all our partnerships; romantic, business, friendships etc.

Lessons will be aimed around imbalances that exist where we may be too focused on one's self which can work against us.

We will see errors in our need to be numero uno and work to proactively form lasting relationships by bringing to light that which is essential so that we don't compromise on our individuality and health / mental health needs when we welcome others into our lives.


With Saturn continuing its transit in Capricorn until January 2023, the heavy 'weight' and burden left from Covid-19 and lockdown will continue to be felt throughout the year, as we have been tied down, forced to cut back, be practical, work hard, and let go since the beginning of January 2020 (when Saturn first entered into Capricorn).

Between 28th April and 12th July 2022, and then from January 2023 through to April 2025, Saturn will move into and transit through the Sidereal sign of Aquarius as we enter into a phase of karmic lessons in the Aquarius/Leo polarity.

We all see life a certain way, however if we get caught up and boastful about what we think we know as truth without considering others opinion to frame the bigger picture, is what we put out there really an accurate representation of that which will positively "influence" society? Or is it about our ego's need to express itself to prove something?

Will the marketing and social media fueled lifestyles of consuming repetitive curated content, which comes with significant false representation of the truth finally be over? We're already seeing numerous celebrities and influencers call each other out.

"Cancel culture" is already showing cracks, as we're fighting to express a valid opinion without stepping on someone's toes.

We'll be forced to take a hard look at the damages of celebrating popularity over those in charge who actually care about, and possess the intellect to serve society at large by educating younger generations on what really matters.

Much of this exists online through marketing products and services that feed off insecurities by targeting people's misplaced levels of self esteem in order to buy sh*t they don't need.

Is it therefore any wonder we have seemingly witnessed a rapid rise in mental health issues in the last couple of years with the online activity increased due to lockdowns?

Saturn will be asking us to wake TF up. We will be forced to 'do the work'; to use our influence and opinion to serve society; take stock of our gifts and talents/knowledge to drive change.

We will see the practical implementation of works begun for climate change, animal rights, and other environmentally friendly driven work to raise our daily practices to a standard that will help mankind in the long haul.

Our influencers and leaders will be under significant pressure to 'stick to the plan' which will reveal issues that exist between the King (Leo) and his people (Aquarius) and will be at the forefront of news headlines.

2023 - 2025 will show lessons in 'the honour' we give to our own individuality and if we are able to express this without being 'cancelled' by larger collective groups demanding we change "for the better"?

It's not all about what 1 man/woman says or dictates anymore. Our burdens, responsibilities and karma will be laser focused on making decisions and actions that go towards what will last beyond this lifetime, for the benefit of the collective/mankind and future generations to come.

May the remainder of 2022 be the final opportunity to remind us who we really are, consolidate our lives, and keep only what we need for our own happiness, love and well-being in preparation to serve the wider community in years to come :)


L O°K A individual readings and articles are my love project

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing feedback, love and support :)


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