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Fate, religion and why we need Astrology


“Astrology [was not meant] to predict marriage, children, career, money, status and promotion. This is the misconception of astrology. Astrology was created to understand God and to get closer to God. To understand our own inner engineering and how it will help us get closer to him.” - KRSChannel

If you have ever opened a Vedic Astrology chart, you will come face to face with a 112 page report consisting of a sophisticated series of and charts of numbers formulated from the exact location, date and time for any particular individuals' birth.

This report includes the mathematical calculations, science and physics behind how each living beings physiological and psychological make up operates and ultimately how this world works. This language translates into forecasting the Karma each person will live out in this lifetime.


“In November you will receive news from your mother with themes that occurred with your father 28.5 years ago”

“You entered a love connection which only lasted a short period in the month of October. He had a long nose, be tall, have older and younger brothers”

“Next year you will open your new business, and you will not see a rise in income until May of the following year”

“When your Mahadasha of Venus commences after the June eclipse, you will strengthen the relationship with your mother, you will also change location several times in the following 6 months”

“For the next 3 years, you will be focused on your younger siblings, and your own health, for you will be compromised physically due to sudden events during the month of May”


The above quotes are predictions from a number of Astrologers based on one person’s Astrological report which came to fruition within the exact time frames as advised.

The greatest gift from a reading isn’t just to warn and show likely paths to the future, but to guide and advise people on how to work through upcoming energies.

According to KRSChannel, the great teacher of Astrology K.N Rao described Astrology as the bridge between Apara (the knowledge of mathematics, science, social studies) and Para Vidya (the study of spirituality, Vedas and Akashic records.

A simplified way of understanding the Akashic records is from any TV series or Movie such as “The Good Place” where the character dies and their soul transports to a new reality where it is confronted with higher beings (usually in human bodies) to review the errors and good deeds conducted within the life played out on Earth. These actions determine the souls blessings and negative Karma to play out within the next life. The underlying implication of this theory is that we have lived thousands upon thousands of lifetimes, playing out millions of karmic events to learn different ways of love and suffering to lead us back to the truth of the universe and closer to the divine.


One of the most controversial topics is the truth behind fate, or the lack thereof. If we are in control, then why aren’t things our way? And if we aren’t in control, what is the point of all of this? What’s the point of existing within a never ending loop of Karma?

Some live their lives devoted to exiting this loop, the process of death and rebirth by specific methods of extreme daily practices, or finding ways to make this world a better place or pushing the mind/body to extremes to get a glimpse of what life beyond the realm is like.

But whom is to say that there is ever a way out if this one big magnetic chess game?

If we did truly become enlightened to see, accept and love everything this existence has to offer; ugly, beautiful and otherwise, why would we want to leave? Are we then reallocated to a mission as a ‘light worker’ to others?...or is this all created by our own minds? For what we see isn’t in front of us, is not external to us, it is within our own eyes that we see anything and everything.

There are answers most of us aren’t and won’t ever be ready to understand. Likely because we aren’t ready. It would be like giving 200kg weight to a lifter on his first day; the body simply would crush under the heavy weight.


All religions, calendars, months, weeks and days of the week have roots in Ancient Astrology. We aren't too sure what happened here, but it's not the first time that something very powerful, and in this instance a Science full of wisdom is demonised to deter people from understanding themselves.

Written along the entrances of many ancient temples reads Matthew 6:10:

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven"

This translates to "As above, so below".

We are here on earth operating through the physical manifestation of 'heavenly bodies'; the Grahas in human form.

Some have concluded that the genius of ancient Astrology threatens anyone in power whom uses control, hierarchy and fear tactics to get people to do what they want. This is the cause of why Astrology was condemned and written off as a pseudo science.

There is so much to Astrology we are only beginning to re-discover. One of the more interesting analysis is that what we desire in this life; that we seem to struggle to achieve (that we can become obsessed with and constantly pick at), is something that we have already achieved in a previous life. We are simply recalling the ‘good ol days’. Now we're talking some real next level 'self help' methods.

To any non-believer this is just another form of repressing the egos desires, a way of control, and that we all ultimately create our own reality by pushing and pushing ourselves, but let's see you in 7.5 years after you've just survived an 8th house Sade Sati transit with debilitated planets in your natal chart and see if your mentally and physically still sane & alive...with $1 in the bank. The lucky ones come out ok, some could have used a little warning, and that's where we step in. Astrology is not evil, on the contrary it is a blessing.

So should we continue to stamp empty theories on another social post, together with every self help book, create a meme and expect everything to be rosy in our world by simply accepting what is?

Or should we finally start listening to the worlds Gurus and teach it to our Children, to allow us to not only see and accept our current Karma, which includes our strengths, weaknesses, mission and love capacity, but to take it a step further; to use this knowledge to discover our greatest gifts in what we are here to do in this lifetime.

Astrology is brilliant guide for life, specifically tailored to one's distinct birth chart. It is science of light, the analysis of consciousness and movement of every living organism that exists on this planet. Brilliant Astrologers offer some of the most profound insights together with essential guidance to work through ones Karma.


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