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End of year Eclipses 2020

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

Well that was fun…or will be..

The most rebellious and unpredictable Full Moon of the year will take place on the 31st October in the Vedic constellation of Bharani and will occur in close proximity to the planet Uranus…The theme of this Full Moon is death, rebirth and fighting for justice (Bharani) meeting with surprises, unpredictability & rebellion (Uranus). Surprises are in store!

It will be an interesting show of rebellion come Halloween time that will be followed by a rather supportive New Moon on the 15th November that will see themes of power, strength and ‘comebacks’ (Vishakha constellation).

But putting all that drama aside, we’re focusing here on the end of year eclipses designed to accelerate karmic forces which lead to sudden events and change for the long term.

These events are presented by new opportunities and necessary endings that commence 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after the Eclipse dates.



(Effects felt from around 14th November)

Let’s just say it will get ‘juicy’ from mid-November…with the Penumbral lunar eclipse in Rohini and themes of seduction, honeymoon phase, food & dining, farming, wealth, diet, pleasure, eroticism, affairs, signing/dancing and ‘good times’ commencing around the New Moon on 14th November.

Mercury (communication) is forming a sextile (60 degree) angle to the Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter pile up in Capricorn.

The information we receive now and our ability to intellectually process new information received is supportive to the restrictive, hard working and intense lock downs we’ve experiencing in all of 2020. Time for the love and money talk...

Fated events that have been bubbling up behind the scenes ready to be released will now forcefully come to a head and be felt on an emotional level.

For some this means a time to decide to take better care of yourself, what your consuming, the way you experience pleasure and a look at your values and the way in which you feel abundant. For others, we’ll see some awesome creative projects come to light for public view or consumption.

We may see the release of new home made products, or organically produced foods or items that appeal to the senses that has some kick ass creative marketing. The food industry will be in the spotlight at this time.

Because Rohini also rules the more naughty side of pleasure seeking, realities will come to light around the way we experience pleasure, or the lack thereof, or finding out about the way other people are going about it.

This includes affairs, luxury spending, finding out some people that have charmed the pants off you are just players, and the realisation of the more shallow side of human nature; chasing pleasure 'for now'.

You’ll be in your feels at the end of November when it comes to the things you value…then spend 2 weeks trying to figure out how to manage the new reality.

What or whom do you need to bring in to help you in the next phase to feel a sense of satisfaction?

Whoever isn’t currently supporting your cause may need to be let go, as you adapt to new ways of going about your business.



(Effects felt from around 30th November)

The New Moon Solar eclipse takes place in Jyestha at the Gantanta 29 degree point.

Jyestha brings themes related to control, protection, hidden wealth & investments, keeping up appearances, ambition and pride, authority in business, being in the public eye, ‘being the oldest’ or acting that way with regards to your responsibilities.

It also means maintaining one’s image at any cost, to gain respect from others in society.

You can take the high road now & speak your truth… or use the less ideal qualities of Jyestha and become way too controlling or manipulative over others.

Whatever your strategy, plan with a disciplined approach and keep it real with your subordinates!

People come, people go…yet for anyone with planets in Jyestha, they always need to be in power of the group, their family, their business etc. so they’ll do whatever it takes to make it look like they’re totally in control of the situation.

The Solar Eclipse in this constellation will mean the manifestation of change to authority figures and any controlling behaviour behind the scenes that is finally brought to light.

Regardless of how hard it is to relinquish control, the show must go on!

Are the right people and plans in place for your customers to step through the door?

Proceed with caution, whilst looking at your relationship with money, authority figures; that which you have over others, and which others have over you.

Changes to structures in business and family to some degree will be seen.

There'll be plenty of smiles, but enough damage has already been done in 2020 and now, there’s new people to hire, old people to let go or be re-allocated to different levels of authority. Don't be afraid to delegate!

Those in power will do anything to ensure their image/advertising looks powerful…and continues to influence their audience.

Whom could possibly know the extent of 2020s damages? As long as we keep everyone and everything under control…

The show simply must go on…


21st - 25th December

With the Solar Eclipse on the 14th December making a supportive trine (120 degrees) to Mars in Revati, our forward drive and need to put ourselves in the spotlight and take action for what we want is in its final weeks of taking, well...a less direct approach!

We’ve been asserting our power and influence by acting like counsellors or spiritual advisors to others in the last few months (click here for the influences on the 2020 Mars Retrograde).

This will change when Mars finally re-enters Aries between 21st and 25th December. We’ve have had enough of the almost ‘drowning’ feeling of our to day to day activity.

It’s GO time.


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