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Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

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Chiron takes 50 years to transit the zodiac belt. 

Exactly 50 years ago, in 1974, and again in 1923, Chiron was at the same degree it will reach in April 2024 and will conjunct the solar eclipse occurring on 8th April in the Lunar Mansion (Nakshatra) of Revati. The solar eclipse will also occur during Mercury Retrograde.

The solar eclipse will be infused by the nature of Chiron, bringing global wounds to the forefront in order to support healing.

As the twist and turns of the eclipse season unsettle the status quo, a little later in the year, Jupiter and Venus join together between 19th May to 12 June 2024, bringing the God of love and money together with the God of luck and abundance. This time marks a unique blend of positive energies that boost matters relating to your own finances, home, resources, property, family, food, and other industries that sustain life.

Coinciding with the ‘Year of the Dragon', this year marks Jupiter's 12 year cycle that focuses on fulfilment of ones work and duty through strength, determination, ambition, heightened levels of confidence, and to a supreme standard.


2024, 1974, 1923
Post Wars & Post Pandemics Aftermath

In early 1974 during the aftermath of the 1973 oil crisis following the Yom Kippur War, the United States President Richard Nixon resigned following the Watergate scandal.

In addition to Nixon’s forced resignation, the recession continued to spread far and wide across the globe, with a 55-mph (90-kmh) highway speed limit introduced in the USA to save on gas...

With far-reaching socioeconomic consequences, the global recession not only marked the oil crisis but also high inflation, soaring unemployment rates, business challenges and governments grappling with fiscal pressures all impacting living standards.

Sound familiar?

Chiron, the mysterious yet potent little 'rock' is named after the Greek mythological Centaur. Its role as the ‘wounded healer’ exposes the fragility of man, whilst providing healing to wherever it transits.

With the solar eclipse occurring in close proximity to Chiron, it will amplify the energies associated with personal transformation, healing, and self-discovery. 

ISAIAH 40:29 “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless”

Chiron, in all its painstaking glory, influences human souls on earth and can bring down even the most powerful of humans from amongst the weak... or the strongest of humans from amongst the powerless.

Chiron in your natal chart will show you where your deepest wound from childhood exists and repeatedly takes effect anytime you're reminded of your vulnerability.

Ironically, only when confronted and healed, this area of life becomes your greatest skill in helping others.

Chiron in Revati two cycles ago achieved it's work in 1923; in the post-pandemic/post-war era.

One very significant, yet 'not so publicised' matter of war, was the treaty that recognised the boundaries of the modern state of Turkey.

In 1923, Turkey made no claim to its former Arab provinces, and recognised British possession of Cyprus. However, right on time, 50 years later, in 1973/1974, Chiron returned to the same degrees in the sky and the Turks captured and occupied the northern part of Cyprus, bombing cities and forcing its inhabitants to flee south (Greek-Cypriots).

Imagine Surface Paradise in QLD, Australia - bombed by another country and areas left vacant as 'no mans land' for 50 years...

Should you dare attempt to enter your old territory, you will be shot.

Brand new cars in Cyprus from 1974 still exist, sitting in car yards...un-touched for half a century.

Palestine was the other country that became a distinct political entity in 1923 creating challenges for Palestinian Arabs and Zionists alike. 50 years later, when Chiron reached the same degrees in 1974, the Palestinian Liberal Organisation adopted its “Phased Program" and the Ma'alot massacre; the murder of 25 school-children and six other civilians.

Relationships between Turkey, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, and surrounding countries are expected to reach peak tension during the March and April 2024 eclipses with Chiron's energy in Revati of liberation, suffering, healing, human rights, and quick thinking expected to amplify.

Mercury Retrograde will result in a 180-degree change in strategy - any attempts at reconciliation or discussion/agreements are likely to backfire once further information reveals itself during and after April.



On a positive and ‘healing’ note, Chiron placed in Revati has demonstrated a blend of healing with humanitarianism, with the following medical, cultural and industry breakthroughs:

In 1923

  • The introduction of insulin first became widely available for sufferers of diabetes

  • The first brain tumour operation was conducted under local anaesthesia

  • Culturally, women wearing trousers was legalised in the USA

  • INTERPOL was born to track, locate, and provide information to authorities to create a safer world

In 1974

  • Carbamazepine was first approved to be used to manage and treat epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and acute manic and mixed episodes in bipolar I disorder

  • The Australian government produced 450,000 posters, 'Please do not smoke' stickers, and desk cards to promote quitting


April 8th 2024 
Conjunct Chiron, Rahu and Mercury Retrograde

Revati is the final Lunar Mansion (Nakshatra), and is one of 3 Nakshatras that occupy the sign of Pisces. Pisces, in Vedic Astrology, is ruled by Jupiter.

For those of you tracking the share or stock market and email me for updates, Jupiter rules the following commodities:

  • Oil

  • Gold, Copper, Bronze

  • Food Grains

  • Yellow Sapphire, Topaz

  • Mustard

Usually, when Jupiter rules the sign of an eclipse, it brings wealth, luck, and abundance. Revati is described as “The Wealthy One." Those with personal planets in Revati rarely flaunt their wealth. They're the secret millionaires that give little importance to material matters.

Wealth has a very different meaning in Revati.

"Possessions make you rich? I don't have that type of richness. My richness is life, forever" - Bob Marley



Jupiter in April will play a significant role, carrying the weight of the eclipse and planetary build-up in Pisces.

Goddess Durga - Bharani Nakshatra

Jupiter, the great Guru will be hanging out in Bharani Nakshatra (Yama; God of death and rebirth), bringing luck and expansion to those that dare to step out of the box, and to free themselves from carrying the burden of small-mindedness.

Bharani also rules the head, natural beauty and the gift of creatively designing something for pleasure. This equates to the 'transformation', 'expansion' or 'wisdom' of Jupiter through the 'ego image', head or face: enhanced gracefulness of vocabularies, new hair style, facials, cosmetic surgery, and overall (mainstream culture's) latest image standards.

Bharani fights for justice and is not afraid to show the world who they really are. Jupiter's retrograde back and fourth in this Lunar Mansion in last 12 months has done it's job - the transformational process is complete.


The effects of any eclipse rapidly pull in the energy of the sun, moon, and either Rahu or Ketu (nodes of the moon) that quickly and swiftly bring change.

In April 2024, your sense of self-worth (Sun) tied to your ability to heal wounds (Chiron) will occur through selfless service and letting go (Pisces) to renew your future vision, and by following the north star (Rahu).

There is, however, one minor caveat.

Sometimes, an eclipse hits a little differently.


The solar eclipse will occur during Mercury Retrograde.



Mercury's energy in all living beings on earth is expressed through communication, intellect, media, and literacy.

During it's retrograde motion however, there is one teeny tiny post-it note to place on your screen:



3 times each year, Mercury retrograde occurs for approximately 3 weeks.

ALL mercury retrogrades result in:

  • Wi-Fi disconnections

  • Misinterpreting others motivations

  • Forgetting something

  • IT issues

  • You didn't get the memo

  • Flights cancelled, road works, car breaks down, traffic accidents, delays

  • Keys fall down the elevator shaft

  • Old friends randomly txt up for catch up

  • Phone screen cracks

  • Company security was hacked

  • Facebook/Instagram/[Insert latest SM here] is down

  • She said X, but meant Y... and on and on it goes...

More importantly any contract signed, deals, sales, promises, bookings, etc. made during the retrograde are 100% likely to be changed, cancelled, rescheduled, fixed, or later dropped once Mercury resumes direct motion. This is also the classic moments in time when an ex or their representatives pop up. One word, no.

It is advisable to mark these dates on your calendar to be aware of the 2024 Mercury Retrograde cycles:

  • April 1 to April 25, 2024

  • August 5 to August 28, 2024

  • November 25 to December 15, 2024

You cannot prevent anything from occurring, however being aware of the timing helps.

If you cannot help but sign something during the mercury retrograde cycle, it's OK, but expect for some part of the deal not to result in what you expected, or after the cycle is over, expect additional information to be revealed that makes you question your decision.

What if you were born during mercury retrograde?

If you or your children were born during a retrograde (you will see a little “r” next to Mercury if you look up your chart), your genius was always in your ability to internally intellectualise and comprehend without speaking a great deal. 

These are the intellectual introverts of the world, and when they speak, as little as they do, it is only when something is produced that the external world witnesses their deep and profound insights and capabilities.

Externally, due to the suppression of vocal communication, what parents and educators fail to realise is that this 'shyness' or perceived ‘lack of comprehension’ is completely misunderstood—the child has more intelligence than most, they simply require space from others (or without an audience) in order to analyse and think critically, and when allowed to do so, will often produce results that wipe the floor clean of any other competitor. 

But what usually happens?

"Jimmy is a little shy and does not engage with his classmates"


Quiet achievers, musicians, writers, creative engineers, scientists, geniuses, and many autistic or, perceived lack of 'real world minded’ individuals get used to the backlash for not conforming.

You'll see them years later completely in their power, transformed into masters of not giving a sh*t of what anyone thinks, as they can keenly see into others intentions by retreating into a silent space of solitude.

For the sake of your own children or loved ones, it's advisable to deeply understand this fact: having to follow along with lies, masks, closeted truths, games, corruption (and the list goes on) is utterly exhausting for mercury retrograde individuals. It is VERY difficult to switch off as their perceptive skills are heightened. Only in time do they learn to play along in order not offend anyone.

During school years, their report cards tell a different story. Educators neither have the time nor the capacity to understand the child's intellectual learning structures, understandably, due to limitations in educational systems.

Application of this ancient wisdom isn't yet fully understood for it's brilliance.

Imagine a world where each child born during mercury retrograde was allowed the space to think, rather than being put on the spot and graded accordingly.

Perhaps next lifetime.



April will bring deep personal growth, as well as an opportunity to release past emotional baggage and embrace new perspectives.

Chiron influencing the sun allows for:

  • Uncovering fears and wounds with regards to your ego and your life path

  • Discovering “weaknesses” in the foundation of your very identity

  • Insecurities, fears, perceived failings, and unresolved issues with your sense of purpose are revealed

  • Issues surrounding your father and his effect on your identity and adult relationships with men (sun)

  • Coming face-to-face with patterns you have been repeating in your life—addictions, co-dependency issues, relationships with male figures that leave you feeling insecure or ineffective

  • Male “teachers” appear to offer you advice. DO NOT mindlessly follow someone’s advice at this time, simply because you feel weak and need help. You may resent the fact that you didn’t stand up for yourself later

  • Breaking free from limiting beliefs, habits, or patterns that no longer serve you

This time marks a tests of one’s faith and ability to transcend personal limitations.

Globally, Chiron in Pisces grants mercy from the necessary shields and boundaries put in place from the past to protect you from external threat—real and perceived.

The bottom line?


A revelation of truth that only God or the universe can deliver will wipe out any dishonorable thinking patterns.

Extremists or those who cannot stop to think of the frailty and limitations of the existence of man will be under the spotlight.

In your own life, where weakness exists will reveal where you've focused too heavily on insignificant nuances that don't serve you.

'Flow state' taught in the Tao tells us that accepting things exactly as they are in the moment is the only way to achieve ongoing states of bliss or happiness. On a positive note, it’s fascinating when things fall into place with little effort—when your calling just shows up in the most unexpected ways.

This is the right path; all that 'pushing the boulder uphill' doesn't actually equate success. On the contrary, pushing for too long brings sickness, sadness, and frustration.

On a mental level this means constant distraction and entertainment, which limit the brain's ability to process information. 

You're never behind by blocking external stimuli; you allow your brain to do what it is meant to: rest, recoup, process, assimilate, discern, adjust, and learn from experience. Your mind validates itself and its decisions based on your own moral compass.



Pushan is the ruling deity of Revati, meaning:

“Nourishing Form of the Sun God"

“Animal Keeper of the Gods”

“Protector of Souls in the Journey into the Next World"

Revati symbolises the death and rebirth cycle; the process of spirit taking form.


  • Maintaining decorative fish in the home (if you have an aquarium)

  • Attending yoga or meditation retreats

  • Scuba diving/cruises

  • Spending time close to the ocean

  • Meditating by the sea or ocean

  • Swimming / surfing in the ocean

  • Listening to ocean waves / whale sounds as background sound

  • Having regular salt water foot baths to get rid of negative energy

  • Spending time in an activity in isolation, such as a self-imposed retreat

  • Spending time fishing: catch fish and release them back

  • Chanting Sri Rudram or Rudrashtakam mantra

  • Donation towards animal protection or disability causes

  • Spending time volunteering in an ashram or any other spiritual cause

  • Donating clothes and shoes

  • Keep an image or statue of an elephant in the home 🐘


2nd to 25th April 2024

There are 3 “Gandanta” points in Vedic Astrology where water changes to fire: Cancer to Leo, Scorpio to Sagittarius, and Pisces to Aries. 

When planets pass through these points, unsettled yet euphoric and profound feelings occur within the physical body.

From April 2nd to 25th, Mercury will retrograde from Aries, through the Gandanta point into Pisces.


Mercury in Pisces means deep introspection, creatively and spiritually looking at the bigger picture, enjoy private time, and where you connect with yourself to formulate ideas for growth as your mind floats freely and receives ‘divine downloads’. When Mercury moves into Aries, from 0’ onwards, the intellect and nervous system merges from a free flow state to quick-start movement and manifestation.

With Mercury bouncing back and forth over the Gandanta point during April, this will manifest in stop-start situations.

For example:

  • You communicate or try to act on a new endeavour, project, or idea that isn’t ready 

  • You send a message or email only to realise days later that you missed something

  • The recipient of a message sent weeks ago never received it

  • Misunderstanding takes place, and plans come to a halt 

  • You realise the idea, project, or launch missed the deadline to proceed

Missing information during this retrograde is designed to force your thinking inward - to your inner guidance.

The North Node (Rahu) brings important matters aligned with the collective consciousness accessible through meditative states, that will prove useful as you prepare to make your moves in May.

The bottom line is that whatever is presented in April, will be ready from 11th May onward.

Remember that pause post-it earlier? It's now go time.


25th March 2024
(Effects felt from 11th March)
Lunar Eclipse Opposite Neptune

The March Lunar Eclipse will kick-start an internal, emotional, and psychological 'shift'.

The lunar eclipse will occur in Hasta Nakshatra (Pada 1) which rules perfectionism, a distinct desire for cleanliness and order, and using ones hands to manipulate objects, people or information.

With a strong desire for self-improvement and personal growth, this eclipse however, joining Ketu, causes energy to ‘drain out’.

You'll witness people led to exhaustion as a result of overextending themselves in attempt to 'manage the details' by overly criticising themselves and others. Or simply through overdoing exercise or any specific type of extreme diet.

The uniqueness of this lunar eclipse is the opposition of Neptune, adding extra intensity to the powerful psychic nature this powerful outer planet enforces in every living being.

Neptune deceives and dissolves all forms of reality in order to remind people of his powers and to not disrespect the spiritual realm.

Neptune's opposition equates to natural disasters and miracles that do not conform with souls that harbour perfectionistic ideologies that fail to see the bigger picture.

Neptune is known for its powerful influence on ocean tides, which could potentially lead to fluctuations in ocean levels during or in the week prior to the eclipse.

Earthquakes, damaging weather conditions, and other ‘out of the blue’ scenarios ensue.

This time may bring introspection, heightened imagination, and spiritual awakenings.

Watch for headaches, lethargy, or feeling ‘off’ if circumstances or people aren’t able to give you a straight answer at this time.

Your inner knowing, intuition, intensity in love, or psychic connection with others will quickly and swiftly dissolve any emotional shallowness brought to the table.



I would normally suggest remedies for the lunar eclipse in Hasta Nakshatra; however, Neptune is the Roman God of Sea and Waters… he takes the cake on this one.

Manifestations of these outer planets carry heavier weight that is not to be played with. No inner planetary warfare will ever disrupt Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto's force.

They're generational.

You can challenge me on this after you’ve seen someone who's come close to death from a Pluto transit (near-death experiences, addiction and alcoholism), a Uranus transit (psychosis, panick, and schizophrenia), or a Neptune transit (escapism and drug-induced trips). 

Whatever nit-picky, pain in the ass energy that has been around you in the form of your own habits, people, or circumstances that cannot see the bigger picture will be humbled; its like trying to get back full force into your favorite physical activity after breaking a bone - it takes TIME to recover.

Please also remember at this time that being judged by others only means you’re important enough that they take the time to think and talk about you. Ain't nobody got time for that.

What to do instead?

  1. Focus on the people that need your help

  2. Honor the work you're here to do

  3. Have some some [cheeky sassy] fun

  4. Respect your own exquisite standards, your time, your own sweet pace. Look after yourself.

  5. When faced with stupidity - pause :)

"I know, I heard it's some music" - Lisa Simpson (to self)

♫ 🖤 ♫


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