New Moon in ASHWINI 22nd April
Key message – Be patient and careful as we come to grips with the unexpected.
In the lead up to the 22nd of the month, the new moon will conjunct the planet of sudden surprises Uranus, which usually can mean a good thing, however the moon will also make a difficult aspect to Neptune and an intense square (coming at you from left field) to Saturn, the planet of restriction and delays.
The April new moon will therefore present one of the most challenging energies of the year. Those with planets in Ashwini Nakshatra in their natal chart will feel this intensity the most.
The constellation of Ashwini represents quick action, emergency services, fast transport and rushing in to attain ones objective. It is also representative of the Equestrian industry and horses in general (Ashwini is represented by 2 running horses).
Avoid taking risks at this time, but also be flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions.
Sometimes, when you think something is over, something unexpected happens..

Rahu entered into the Nakshatra of ARDRA in late 2019 and will remain until 22nd May. Rahu will move into Taurus from 22nd September.
Rahu is a shadow planet representing where the collective consciousness flows.
Rahu transits this constellation of Ardra approximately every 18 years.
Ardra is symbolised by a tear drop…quite literally due to the pessimistic yet wild and sporadic nature of the constellation.
Themes related to Ardra include:
- sudden deaths or explosions
- a love story that never occurred/pinch in the heart/relationships that hurt
- Medicine men/women/healers
- Love of dogs more than people
- Dark heroes i.e. Batman
- Naturally wild nature
- Sporadic energy
Each time period Rahu has transited Ardra, information made public (Rahu), has brought both sorrow yet renewal (Ardra).

- In 2001
The collective experienced the physical and psychological effect of September 11
- In 1982
The collective witnessed the publishing (and official name given) of the AIDS disease
- In 1964
The collective witnessed the first report of the direct correlation between smoking and lung cancer and the first steps to reduce smoking & bring it to public awareness
- In 1945
Sir Alexander Fleming raised the alarm regarding the overuse and resistance to antibiotics post WWII

The key message during this time is about bringing to light information which affects us both physically and psychologically in order to make the appropriate changes or 'renewal'.
Many astrology writers and YouTubers have been publishing forecasts for this transformative period in 2020, however buried beneath the noise of mainstream media, and attempts to belittle this super science continue, unless of course one goes looking for it.
In this article, we touch on how the Nobel Prize winners in Physics always looked to the Ancient Vedas for answers. In this article, we touch on how Eastern science beautifully compliments Western science.
Rahu will move out of Ardra 22nd May and into Mrigasira which will bring some relief
Rahu will leave Gemini completely on 20th September where it has been since March 2019. This is when we will start to feel the full effects of the 'pleasure/Taurus' side of Mrigasira
What this represents in May is a shift in the collective consciousness' focus into the themes of the next constellation; Mrigasira which represents ‘the power to give fulfillment and joy'.

In the weeks leading up to this time, a sense of wanting more material pleasure will be felt, together with a LOT of pleasure seeking, new friendships and socialising, as well as ‘the search’ for something higher.
Those with planets in Mrigasira are always looking for something new to discover once they get what they want, people included!