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COURAGE - Eclipses Oct/Nov 22

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

CONTENT (link):


The Solar and Lunar eclipse cycles of April and May brought revelation relating to independence, identity and power in both personal and business relationships.

The irony?

Mars, Rahu and Uranus formed a conjunction (within 5 degrees) from mid July into early August where unique and unexpected occurrences tested inherent personal strength.

Some people reported liberation from less than ideal circumstances by finding unique solutions to issues that reached boiling point.

Others reported physical and emotional irritability and instability (with cellular effects in the nervous system) due to rapid and unexpected change.

“There is one earth, but there are billions of worlds in each body, where a unique view of the world is created, lived and experienced largely shaped by the belief "I am this person”… but if it wasn't for Grace (or the divine plan) you wouldn't be here. There is a power working for you much harder than you are working for you. Each position that you take yourself to be, you'll see later that it was just a position, just like we have experienced so many different versions of ourselves, and personalities that we have outgrown.” - Mooji


25th October 9:49pm AEST

The Solar Eclipse at 9:49pm AEST on the 25th October will manifest external changes from approximately 11th October as it joins KETU (past karma) and VENUS (relationships/money).

The October Solar Eclipse will occur in Swati Nakshatra.

Ruled by the God "Vayu"; the God of Wind, Swati energy emanates ‘powerful breath and prana’.

Together with Venus, positively this translates to:

  • Sharing ideas with others through meaningful discussions - the 'walk and talk'

  • Thoughts, ideas and communication occurring like a 'whirlwind'

  • New information revealing financial owed or due money

  • Creative projects realized - powerful and impactful launches

  • Growth, branding or creatively re-strategizing in business

  • Empathising with others and understanding what brings them joy and happiness

  • 'HELP ME HELP YOU' mindset

In a more serious context, women’s rights related matters may see further uproar, as well as the ‘value of things’ i.e. Stock/Share market. With Ketu's energy, significant fluctuations are expected including either the end or commencement of property or vehicle related matters.

Aspects to the Eclipse:

  • The Solar eclipse will square Pluto which means there will be significant work involved to produce a favourable outcome with how you use your powers for good

  • A trine to Mercury Mars and Saturn positively supports the Solar Eclipse promoting healthy discussion to formulate improved ways of expression i.e. Public Relations

Solar Eclipse joined with Ketu:

Ketu is the headless snake (South Node of the moon) and when joined the Sun usually leaves the physical body a little drained as changes are processed through detachment; Ketu creates a ‘power outage’ as the energies of the Sun and Moon are removed, or 'drained out'.

Depending on where the eclipse occurs in your chart from your rising and moon signs will show where a burden may be removed and healthy interactions have the chance to develop :)

The Ketu solar eclipse will release you from your attachments to attitudes or external circumstances, people or situations that no longer constructively support or serve.

Opportunity to connect with others may present themselves where you discover what holds you back from moving forward with what you've been wishing to nurture and grow. These changes will positively manifest by allowing you to mutually support and inspire others in the process.

Where have your attitudes been formed? Through setbacks or ego?

Setbacks are temporary, and ego is rarely satisfied.

The spirit however cannot be extinguished. This light is the power and potential others see in you, that you may often doubt or not see for yourself.

However if you become blinded to your power or gifts, often it's because you're allowing circumstances or challenges to take over. Or you're simply surrounded by a bunch of a$$holes whom are simply projecting their insecurities onto you.

Sometimes all it takes is 1 conversation with the right person or the right people that see your light whom support and nurture the authentic brilliance within you. This is Swati energy working at its finest.

See what comes to you when you simply let go of trying to be someone or something - Mooji




Yes, and rightly so; press go; bring your team on board and present your strategy before Saturn re-enters Aquarius permanently from January 2023 to 2025 - this will be when the real work commences.

It's been a slooooow process, but we had no choice but to say goodbye to the frivolous, the fake, and face our duties in a practical manner. The essentials.

Swati energy asks us to break free from stagnancy and to ‘keep moving’ - it is where you realize your creative ingenuity requires the expertise of others to bring your best ideas to life.


  1. Where in your life do you require the support from others in order to carry out your ultimate task/goal?

  2. What’s missing?

  3. Do you have the right people around you that possess the right skill, values and mindset to help expand your projects and ideas?

Often, if you aren’t receiving answers, you’re not asking the right people…

Restlessness at this time can lead to positive change as you come to terms with the brick wall you keep hitting as something gets revealed to you.

A part of your deeper nature - your first inclinations or intuition about someone or something is usually correct. The energies now allow us to follow this instinct.


  • Avoid alcohol!

  • Listening to wind/string music

  • Long walks with your mentor/coach

  • Working with a mentor - stick to original plans, rather than changing it

  • Use Social Media to promote donations or good causes

  • Focus on one task at a time rather than try multi project/tasks

  • Lighting candles daily during meditation/practices

  • Remove old electrical wires or appliances from the home / damaged old phones, laptops etc.

  • Forgiving people who have hurt you internally whilst externally acknowledge forgiveness if they repent

  • Remove garbage and clean up clutter from the south west corner of the home

  • Treat your plants/garden

  • Pay attention to what happens when a new pair of shoes are purchased - if problems or positive experiences arise after 1 week



November 8th at 9:19pm AEST

The Lunar Eclipse will take place on November 8th at 9:19pm AEST in Bharani and will conjoin with Rahu (North Node) and Uranus (sudden & erratic change), forming an opposition to Mercury (communication from others) and Venus (values, money).

The interplanetary opposition will allow you to face your inner courage. Did you forget your own strength? You have more power to create than you realise - and you may just be reminded of that now.

New roads may seem out of our comfort zone, but required to push us into uncharted territory.

The best advice - let it unfold by dropping unnecessary worry or burden you've been carrying whilst taking forth only that which is purified and true/real/'raw as F'.

A unique internal emotional rebirthing process will occur that will SHAKE you out of any rut by presenting exciting growth opportunities, as you shed old skin.

New home, new title, new relationship, new name, new city, new identity, new sense of YOU? Sure... But what do you need to drop?

Bharani is ruled by YAMA the God of Death and Rebirth; although intense, courageous action by following your instinct is favoured at this Eclipse.

Work from a space of love, not fear.

Bharani is the burden of “bringing things to life” after experiencing labour pains. It will reveal the ‘new you’ and what you’ve been culminating or strengthening the last 6 months.

Opposing planets to the Lunar Eclipse will be in Vishakha Nakshatra which is all about power and control and yet never being satisfied with any one option. Be strong in your convictions despite others attempts to lure you into anything that feels off.

Bharani and Vishakha are intense Nakshatras; one seeks ultimate power, the other forces complete transformation.

The Lunar Eclipse asks you to allow opposing forces by presenting what you have come to discover within yourself whilst remaining detached from any particular outcome. Ideally, this occurs with Grace, compassion and understanding.

Think of this season as a ‘forced cosmic upgrade’ by showing you a mirror to your heart space one one hand, and a mirror to your actions on the other. Somethings gotta give…

Don't wait for things to be perfect on the outside in order to make these changes for your life.

Bharani is incredibly artistic and creative, and these creative skills need discipline and structure.

Use this time to refine what it is you’re ‘birthing to life’ by aligning your raw truth to those whom support your cause. Enjoy the process :)



To what degree do we allow others and circumstances to affect our attitudes, words and actions?

Our 'Dharma' is our duty (what we are ultimately here to do to serve society) that is often warped by not allowing the heart to lead.

In Yoga, we practice focused meditation through our ‘Anahata’ (our heart chakra). We do this through mantras (YAM) and Asanas (heart opening poses) to align our breath to movement and to create a sense of expansion and light heartedness in this area, where we can further strengthen our heart space, release burdens, and align our soul’s purpose and actions from a place of love, not fear.

Do not let others or any concept close your heart. Be courageous in your choices, they're yours and yours only to feel, experience and grow with!

What exists within this space is yours alone to create, expand and release no matter how insane or how much others may judge it (this simply makes them show their own cards of insecurity and limitation).

From the 3 ‘Gunas’ of Nature; Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, when we operate from a Tamasic state we manifest from ignorance; we’re deluded from any spiritual truth and as a result, we become attached to outcomes which leads to fear, guilt, confusion and eventually dependency, helplessness and depression.

These states are experienced by everyone - Sattvic qualities allow us to see the bigger picture and bring joy and meaning to life, no matter where we're at, who we think we are, or what we think we are.

Sattva first comes from self-control; those of our senses (i.e. of intoxicants, bodily pleasures, and ego gratification).

It isn’t easy to cultivate, unless you're naturally disciplined.

The ongoing balancing act is just that. Nobody, (however 'enlightened' or spiritual) is able to escape the human experience.

Curve balls arrive when we chase the temporary - those things that leave us wanting more.

The highs of romance or drugs are essentially the same - wanting to feel 'alive' and when planets align i.e. Mars and Venus every 18 months or so we're ALL in an elated state of passion or pleasure.

Those that are naturally creative channel these times into artistic endeavours, music, sports, or other forms of expression i.e. dance, martial arts. For those that are suckers for more extreme forms of FUN take greater risks which although are temporary, are totally worth it (if it does not harm anyone in the process).

The adrenaline rush of any significant experiences we create ourselves or with others are the memories that stick with us.

These experiences are too quickly thwarted by 'anxiety' when the mind takes over with worry or concern for how it may 'look'.

Take more risks, follow your heart, create more of these moments and never let anyone discourage you :)

Keep it moving.

The 'Creator' hired you to be here...and you have work to do - it doesn't matter what it looks like... No one else will ever think, love or express life the way you have been uniquely designed to play your role.

Use it.

The world needs you :)


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