The yearly eclipses accelerate karmic forces which lead to sudden events and change for the long term. These events are presented by new information and opportunities that commence approximately one week prior to and after the exact eclipse dates. News of promotions, marriage, divorce, and other major breakthroughs may commence; a new home, field of study, publishing work, travel, critical / new business contracts are all possibilities.
Eclipses bring evidence that the universe is prompting a major turning point with the intent to swiftly move us forward on a new journey we’re destined for.
If the degree point of the eclipses fall within 5-10 degrees of an individual's planet or major point MC/ASC/DC/IC in the birth chart or Varga charts then significant changes will manifest).

30th April 2022
Eventually we find ourselves at some point in life choosing either to be taken advantage of, or battling ‘to the death’ to defend our honour. If there was ever a time to begin a new phase in our lives through the need to stand up for our individuality, now is the time.
What part of your life is ready to transform or experience a"rebirth" in order to feel the power of your new found independence?
The uniqueness of this eclipse includes the following planetary movements occurring simultaneously:
a) Solar Eclipse occurring within 4 degrees of Uranus forming a ‘conjunction’ which adds sudden, shocking, eccentric, unexpected and 'out of this world' energy. Uranus rules new age tech, lightning, sudden change and all things 'futuristic'.
b) Solar Eclipse occurring whilst Jupiter (the planet of luck, expansion and growth) joins Venus (the planet of pleasure, finance and love). Their energies meet in Aquarius, shooting individuals into the limelight for their "I do what I do for a greater cause" love projects.

This may cause us to ask ourselves if our plans are for self satisfaction or a higher purpose to benefit others through our wisdom or expertise to lend a helping hand.
Internal conflicts may surface as a result. For example when we dedicate our services through donating to a just cause, this requires sacrifice of our time/money/attention.
At what cost are these aspirations able to manifest? How much of our time is required helping others?
Try to find a middle ground. Remember it's actually in the little things we do for others that is what is appreciated - we never forget how others make us FEEL, over any grand gesture :)
There is always a way to selflessly give to others without compromising too much of our time. Keep it simple.
Eclipse in Bharani Nakshatra Themes:
> Fighting for the underdog, social justice > Witnessing sexual power/crimes > "Apabharani Shakti"; the ability to carry things away and terminate them > Major death/rebirth of old structures in leadership through sheer will/forced battle

Represented by the fiercest of all Hindu Goddesses Kali, she is the one who clears the path for a new dawn.
(If you've ever listened to or chanted Kali Mantra, one is able to channel powerful intense energies within and through others that should not be taken lightly. Mantras are a serious business for those trying to find answers within...Kali energy however is on another level. For more information on her story read here).
Leading up to the Solar Eclipse on the 30th April we will be fighting for what we deep down know we is where we have been burdened, or treated unfairly to the point that we may explode. It is imperative however that we carry our burdens with pride as justice can and will prevail.
No great war was ever won without a struggle or battle...the process may be long, hard and draining, but once we're done, there's no going back.

Bharani energy is not to be messed with and we may not have a choice with where this energy will direct us. Our unrelenting and unmatched power we carry within us will come to light after lengthy periods of enduring others and our own pain, which is now due for its timely ‘removal’.
The universe is asking us to willingly allow some part of our identity to be destroyed in order to experience a cosmic "rebirth". If we do not make the move ourselves; it will be made for us.
Where in your life do you feel that you have been the holder of others' pain and responsibilities?
Where have you worked diligently, building mental and physical strength through self discipline?
It is in these areas of our life where we will witness transformation; unleashing and shedding of outdated identities.
Leaders in their field will demonstrate ‘how it's done’... some may not like their approach, but it is their inherent duty to show the world they're made of!

Through sheer tenacity and mental strength, the power of Bharani brought forth is indestructible for it represents destruction in itself, and there's no return once we present our credentials... or our opponents' a$$ to them on a silver platter.
Be kind...
Bharani is where we are willing to go to hell and back; where we will happily take ourselves down with others if it means the end of something to confirm it's timely 'death'.
Remedies for the Solar Eclipse:
During eclipses our protective 'energy barrier' is greatly reduced and we temporarily feel metaphorically in the dark.
Physically this means we may feel 'off' for a couple of days and therefore are less likely to connect with the collective consciousness. It is recommended to refrain from eat/drinking or consuming in excess (i.e. bad food) during these days, as the recovery period will be longer than expected.
There is potential for emotional contagion and fear to cast judgement on others.
Do. not. hold. back.
To alleviate the intensity we must clean out the clutter in our life on a mental, physical and spiritual level.

Specific remedies for Bharani include:
Being willing to observe one’s own right to cast judgement upon others
Spending time only with those whose energy does not disrupt our inner peace, or alone if we need to clear our head
Honour veterans or senior employees within our industry
Tie up loose ends and finish all tasks so we can set foot on a new journey
Honour the elderly (parents or otherwise) by either volunteering or at least take time to offer a little prayer for passed over loved ones
Cultivate patience with employees
Regular routine of walking
16th MAY 2022
The energy leading up to the lunar eclipse on the 16th May will test our strength of character as we finally break through stagnant energy once new information (the truth of a situation) is revealed.
We must absorb this information and consequently plan for the path forward.
Often referred to as full moons on steroids, the lunar eclipse marks an emotional time as our most sentimental memories come bubbling up.

Political and military posturing, hidden motives and critical secrets will be revealed at this time. Vishakha rules self centric and ambitious leaders that prefer to divide and rule, however there is a distinct inability to make proper decisions.
As we may witness scenes of violence and impulsiveness with the turbulent, self destructive streak heightened at the lunar eclipse, take the time to consider where your own self destruction or self sabotaging behaviour has previously affected your life and interactions with others.
Are we able to move forward with a more holistic approach in achieving what we want without burning bridges?
It is certainly possible, through strategic diplomacy and 'checking ourselves' first. Think back…
Was it really the other(s) that caused the change?
Or are we the ones who decided to walk away?
Vishakha spans from 20°00′ Sidereal Libra to 03°20′ Sidereal Scorpio and rules the rules the kidneys, adrenal system and the lower abdomen. Represented by the Male Tiger, Vishakha is where one is able to enter a room and through sheer energetic intensity is able to command respect of everyone present (with little to no effort required).
Those born with planets in Vishakha in their natal chart are able to attack rather aggressively to achieve a fair judgement call where diplomacy is needed.
You would never guess it as these people keep the coolest of exteriors...beneath the sweet smile however lies a ferocious animal ready to attack at any moment.

It's the guy who watches 2 idiots arguing over nothing, then finally speaks up and says "You, shut TF up, and You, shut TF up...F*&% this 8 hour back and forth - let's just get it done already!" - KRS Channel

Vishaka is the only constellation (Nakshatra) with 2 different deities;
LORD AGNI; God of fire, using fire rituals for man to fulfil their desires and
LORD INDRA; King of the Gods; the champion.
Indra is also the most insecure of them all, as he is not willing to let go of his throne. He therefore ends up acting out of his insecurities (Will Smith has his natal moon in Vishakha).
Lesson after lesson...
Vishakha is where we act ruthlessly for ultimate power yet no matter how much we achieve, we are never fully satisfied.
Whether that pertains to projects, people, ideas, philosophies, family or friends, there's always a burning desire that is never quite quenched.

The lesson is to understand why we jump from one idea/person/place to the next.
It's about transformation.
This process has little significance with any particular outcome, but with one's internal processing.
Vishakha is also the metaphorical “arched gateway”. The entrance through this grand arch signifies the commencement of one's spiritual journey.
What does power, goals and achievement have to do with spirituality?
This translates to the understanding that "satisfaction" will only come by accepting our need for multiple goals/people/support and by releasing control.

Only then we stop expecting a specific outcome, begin to enjoy the process and are less likely to be disappointed when we aren’t able to find the perfect “thing”, "job", "person" or "achievement" externally to make us feel good.
Key points for the lunar eclipse:
Releasing pent up aggression towards 2 parties at war; attempting to reach a fair judgement call
Feeling emotional/sentimental about our dedication, focus or fixed mindset of our contracts and agreements with others and needing to make a change
Intense fear of losing control; we must to let go of something as it affects both our physical and mental state
Coming face to face with the animal or 'savage' within us, whilst we're able to display a civilized exterior
Remedies for the Vishakha Lunar Eclipse:
Bonfire/ fire ritual with friends / meditating over fire
Accepting that it’s OK to have more than 1 career path
Accepting that it’s OK to have more than 1 XYZ (fill in the blank)
Listening to Spiritual Leaders or Podcasts by accredited “Gurus”
Study or setup new music playlists that speak to your soul

Are we ready to smash through our self created glass ceiling?
Buckle up because we’re about to watch some serious moves unfold. Worthy battles and the underdogs ready to fight back...
Be strong, be humble, and be willing to fight the good fight…and never ever doubt your instinct, it’s always speaking to you.