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Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

Late June and early July bring an interesting series of energetic change.

Jupiter retrograde from 20th June will begin to see the integration and intensification of our learning, studies and seeking higher knowledge. See article Aquarius chat's with God for some fun dialogue for this energy in the coming months with Jupiter's return to Capricorn (Sidereal)

Mercury ending its retrograde and station direct on the 22nd June where clarity will slowly begin to flood in after a period of introspection, reviewing our values and our connections.

Venus Opposite Pluto 22nd-24th June will see potential power plays within relationships, money, creativity and all forms of 'domination'.

Watch for jealousy, possessiveness, and drama during these dates. Try not to be tempted; either yourself or from others to be manipulated at this time.

Watch your own will all come out in the full moon anyways, so you may as well at least TRY to take the high road:)

Neptune station retrograde from 25th June where the planet of deep illusion, fantasy, love and ecstasy (alcohol, drugs all fall in here) will intensify our feelings to the mystical side of life and our connection to the spiritual realm and those things less understood by our mammal brains.

A time to re-connect and take a serious look at our ultimate dreams for a change...sometimes miracles happen when we don't see them coming!

Look at what has been slowly dissolving - these areas of life may pop up for a joy ride in the next couple of weeks.

Full Moon in Moola Nakshatra 24th/25th June

The Full Moon will occur at 9 degrees in sidereal Sagittarius in the lunar constellation of Moola or "Mula" Nakshatra.

The Full Moon is sextile Jupiter.

The Full Moon is a time of culmination of the month’s unique qualities which were initialised during the New Moon Solar Eclipse last week, further exacerbated by Mercury's retrograde cycle.

The deity of Moola nakshatra is Nirrti, the Goddess of destruction and is ruled by Ketu in Vimshotarri Dasha system.

Moola is represented by 'the roots'.

Whether that represents a tree or plant or where our own mind/body/soul or experience is felt i.e. 'by the roots'.

These roots hold our greatest fears and issues.

These areas of life will come to the surface to be understood and 'ripped out' only by delving deep into what is the 'root cause'. Fun?

Often, unexpected endings simultaneously bring new beginnings better aligned to ones values - this is a week of such changes.

Situations may occur that will see an 'uprooting' of responsibilities or position in a job or career or relationship that needs to be discussed.

Often the elephant in the room seems like its been there forever until one day we realise we can't keep ignoring this magnificent creature - it kind of takes up most of the room in our 'space' and is affecting every decision we're making!

With the full moon sextile to Jupiter by 1 degree orb, we have the opportunity to bring positive expansion in awareness to where our deepest desires are being blocked and what we can change in order to bring a healthier way of thinking.

We can emotionally connect with others more effectively now, which may have unintentionally been going in circles from the recent Mercury Retrograde cycle with information going haywire in a myriad pot of internal drama we've all tried to navigate through these last few weeks.

Saturn will also trine Mercury and Rahu (North Node) by a 2 and 4 degree orb respectively during the Full Moon. Saturn brings commitment, responsibility and structure and a trine represents supportive energy. The trine from Saturn to Mercury will bring a sense of grounding and commitment and hard work in our mental and communication efforts.

The old man is helping the messenger do his job properly for a change. There is less resistance in discussing our long term plans now and for the immediate future.

Do you know the magic of Moola people?

After these genius' are done with you, not only have they made you realise your own drama story, but you've got no other choice but to rise up, own your demons, share them and not destroy yourself in the process.

They'll have you bring light to where you're hurting in order to see it, acknowledge it, discuss it, and then obliterate it (if you want). Afterwards, that tightness, that restriction you felt for so long is no longer an issue.

The whole process isn't very comfortable, but its ultimately for your own good.

If you know anyone with a Moola moon especially, be prepared to go on a of self discovery.

Full Moon Auspicious Activities: • Burn Frankincense or Sage • Use herbs to improve health • Eat plants that grow under ground • Feed dogs first before you have your own food • Study about history of your own ancestors, your grandparents • Chanting mantras to Goddess Kali & Ganesha • Give due credit to your teachers, and to the source of your information & knowledge, instead of presenting it as your own

Take Away...

Sometimes discussing the truth of a situation is all that was required all along. The story we paint, the ego's justification in being 'something' that we ourselves create only in our head usually has nothing to do with truth.

Then again how can anything be 'actual truth? Aren't the experiences and the interpretation of experiences each of us are digesting all true?

The build up of memory, trauma, self limiting beliefs we were raised to follow, and the constant internal conflict to try and 'detach' from the things we don't want only makes us run in a never ending cycle of karmic response to external stimuli that often requires a major circuit breaker.

These circuit breakers can come in the form of external information, or a universal slap in the face (like oh I don't know another f*%$*%g lockdown) which then brings us back down to the most important things in life, here, in the moment and this very second.

What happens when everything around you is based only on either:

a) material (money, physical pleasure) and or b) the mind (communication, intellection exchange & business)?

Something is always missing...

What if that thing you're trying to find in something or someone else already exists and operating at its full capacity with something or someone else you haven't given enough attention to because of the human flaw of thinking its in the next best 'thing' 'job' or 'person'?

You'll most likely be served the same sh*t but disguised in a different body suit, job or situation.

What within you needs to change here? After all, you are the one attracting what you're receiving. The Full Moon in Moola brings emotionally heightened emotion and feeling that will see us destroy and rebuild things, situations or connections in order to bring truth.

Owning ones own issues isn't easy, but letting go will allow us to successfully 'plant new seeds' that are positively aligned with our values and what makes us simply feel good or better than we have been.

Be kind. Both to yourself and others. This existence sometimes doesn't make much sense.


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