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Jupiter Retrograde 2021

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective


*pokes Aquarius staring at the screens*


Mm mmm huh wat? Oh heeeyyy!

Yo has it been 12 years already!


Yep, Jupiter is on his way..

April 6th to be precise.

Or April 7th, pending where you choose to be at the time.


Nice! I love that dude...always so much fun...makes me feel good man, you know?


Of course.

Part of the reason why I created the Guru...amongst many other qualities.

Aquarius time?

You know what happens when he comes to mine...after blowing sh*t up in Capricorn..

I mean what was it?

His last cycle *looks at screens* ...12 years ago when Diana died?


That was the cycle prior; 12 years before then...1997.

Not his fault exactly, but you would nOt believe how Capricorn is getting the message across this time within the Royal Family...


Oooo tell me tell me!


Harry’s Mrs.


Dude! Lil Harry!?

That poor kid, don't think anyone could forget that sad little face at the funeral...

F*k Jupiter & Capricorn...honestly those two...debilitated my a$$, why do they have to be so harsh!?


You question my methods? And watch your language please.



Nah dude, I mean G, I know when Jupiter comes knockin' on my door after the sh*t storm it's my time you know...

Got to teach the masses what’s most important...


FYI Saturn’s on his way too..



*covers face with 2 hands*




End of 2022 you'll feel him in town, officially knocking in January 2023.

*Looks at Aquarius with blank stare...blinks twice*

So you'll have plenty of time.


That old, mISerablE, COLD, tyrant.. So tighTT...

Last time was...what around 1992?

Earth time goes so quick...

This is going to be intense.

*takes a deep breath resigning in his chair*

Better get my sh*t together.



Much to be done...things are going to be a little different this time.

Don't forget Saturn at the end of the day will solidify, formalise and focus what you and Jupiter will be working to grow in the next couple of years.


I'm already in talks with the King at the moment to discuss some of the more pressing re-structures and strategies.

Seems the Fat Cats are listening... but I struggle with the King, G, he's very much 'I am your ruler muahhaaa'.

Like...I told him - Yo King Kong, it's about your people remember!?


Wait...let me bring up the data...which group are Jupiter and I tackling first? Big corporate? Ageing population crisis?


Umm...there’s quite the list this year…




*clears throat*

Black lives matter



Waste Management

Global Warming




Removing labels

Can we normalise…?

Shaming: weight, style, generational


*Get's interrupted*


Wait what!!!?

You are joking!?

You're honestly telling me we're still dealing with these issues?

Weren't Michael Jackson’s songs a no brainer last time!?

Black or White? Helloooo?

Did everyone NOT get the memo on that one? We even filmed him ‘on the Statue of Liberty’ for heavens sake!


I know I know and all the other messages you sent through that man…


'...all I want to say is that they don't really care about us'

And Earth Song..dude! Earth Song!

*shakes head*

Man I literally tried to s-p-e-l-l it out with that one. How thick can you get?

Wow..OK so that didn’t work…


I disagree...we’re certainly seeing progress.


*looks back at list*

And what is this “can we normalise”...sounds intriguing?


Pretty much Gen Z’s TikToks summing you up in a nutshell and what you’ll be doing with Jupiter; focusing different 'cultural groups', and well, almost anyone to do and create whatever they want without discrimination…with a LOT of noise.



So any changes this time?

Jupiter is pretty in your face with my energy...

*conceals a cheeky smile*


Well, there’ll be the usual rebellion, inspiring the collective to think outside the box, new tech etc.

Our 'quiet achiever' geniuses running around behind the scenes on Earth at the moment have a LOT they've been working on, so it's their time to shine. Mainstream is almost dead, well, it will be pushed to the side for a while.

Value, optimism, luck and focus on what's very much eccentric, and mind blowing...let's bring them something they haven't seen before.

Efficiency in productivity within business is well under way so revealing your advanced methods with a bit of flair that will actually benefit everyone from the top down will also explode as people learn to work better collectively.


Can you be a little less vague?

What about the economy?

Covid? Vaccine Success?

I know I've been busy in the lab but I know what’s going on..

I practically created social media...well, no I lie, Sagittarius did...I just made the word 'algorithm' popular hahaaa...

*thinking back*

Ahh Saggi man, he just has to publish eeeEEverything.


You really want me to assign YOU the task of breaking down all the inner planets going through every Nakshatra and explaining it all to the people? How about free readings? Free design? Those poor designers...


Oh...Jesus no...that would be almost impossibly time cons...


The asteroids too?

What about aspects? Conjunctions?


Ok Ok dude, sorry I just wanted to...never mind.


You’re the scientist. Much of these answers will come to people when they see common sense in what you and Jupiter will teach.


I also see Cancer copped it recently with all the Capricorn energy...couldn’t cry loud enough!


Harry's Mrs. rising sign...the shining example.

Someone had to acknowledge the emotional state of the peoples hearts.

And which sign do you think was responsible for all those on the front line during lockdown?

Don’t hate on Cancer.


ohhhh G you know me, I don’t hate... I to keep it real.

Just all those emotions dude...I don't process that way.

I usually hit up Aries for a good gym sesh, or go hang out with Pisces on the Yoga mat for a while.


Your approach is smart, and yes you can be exceptionally 'real' sometimes, but not everyone can handle your aloof 'let’s be friends with multiple benefits' approach.


Haha SO true.

*Looks at another screen*

And LOL are the Vedic Astrologers still arguing with the Western Astrologers?

And the Chinese Astrologers?

And Persian?



They’ve settled... some have figured out the most accurate system; the most complex one of course, that's why I saved it for your genius'.

Most are still sticking to their own methods… it’s all subjective when you’re describing situations.

Predictions on the other hand…silly me, I forget sometimes about what I created.. but that’s part of the fun of why I created you!


I still don’t get why you did what you did to Tesla. Poor Tesla...


Jealousy really does breed evil hey…the people are learning.


And don’t get me started on Tupac..


OK OK enough..

*thinks hard*


He really was a special one...too soon...too soon

*wipes a tear*


*Guilty look*

Now..where were we?


When is Jupiter coming again?


Ah yes..

The Guru will knock on your door from 6th April 2021.

But Aqua man, please know...


Aqua man? I’m all air!


*ignores him*

To re-cap, you and Jupiter will focus attention and inner wisdom to see expansion, lessons, inspiration and luck through large networks, organisational structure and thinking outside the box..

*Checks notes*

Apply an almost scientific approach to reorganise and improve these structures within different cultural groups too.


This is my time baby...

*thinks of all the bullies*

New world now.

I’m already witnessing…wow...there are SO many ways to do this!

*checks dates*

G, why have these methods been delayed?

Does Jupiter really need to step in before people take action on my ideas!?


After the train wreck he often leaves in Capricorn - yes - all in my divine timing!

If I may continue…


Carry on.


Teach people about their inherit intelligence; that of the cosmos, the study of time, physics and Astrology - the classic Astrology Jyotish and Mahadasha system.

They seem to have been stuck on the Akash..



I knew they'd find that one 'mysteriously delicious'.

Ohh G all the false reports I've seen...


I knew that would happen.

But no problemo...We’ll inspire and infuse the Science of Light too…

The accurate teachings that is…

I’m ready..


Yes, but Astrology isn't what’s most important...there are real issues to attend to, despite what all the other planets decide to do.

And I must advise...


Oh oh...


From 20th June to 14th September 2021, I’ve asked Jupiter for a full report on how well you’re working...he’ll be looking at what you may have missed and anywhere you may need to review or intensify your efforts.

This will be an intense 3 months for the masses, the collective, & social groups for healing and ‘community’ all represented by YOU and your energy.


*dismissive attitude to being reviewed*

Ok ok got it, try not to let the people go too overboard….but surely the people are going to do what they’re going to do?


Yes, but do your best to work with Jupiter in teaching them, especially in their beliefs on what needs to change.

And if you can permanently remove toxic plastics that would be great... Pisces is already working with the Vegan's but she cannot do it on her own.

Venus gets too excited sometimes with her pretty little packages.

And...umm...erm...I must also advise…


*blank worried face*



*holds breath for 5 seconds*

That on 14th September Jupiter will re-enter Capricorn.




But only for a couple of months!


OH come on!?


He must return. But he'll be in the same neighborhood as you anyways so it won't be that bad.

Things are not quite as they seem at the moment in April...and there are a few critical things to be collected and finalised once and for all.


*complete sarcasm*

What? How to play the game? Dodgy, shady behavior?

What’ll happen in the Royal Family?


I wouldn’t put it like that...

We all know the Guru feels equally...erm, uncomfortable.

That’s what happens every time when Jupiter visits the wealthy. The people do try to adjust, really.

Their methods however are questionable when the teacher tries to educate them. Sometimes it works, sometimes not..

The media are having a frenzy at the moment with Oprah vs. the Queen of England.


Ahh sh*t so I guess Cancer again will cop it too as a result...

I see now, real estate, home, health care industry, farming, nurses..the health system… we ‘look after’ one another?


OK, let's firstly address the elephant in the secretly love Cancer cause she's got what you don't have. But it never works because for you, love = friendship at the heart.

Cancer doesn't roll like that.


*Unimpressed that his ass just got handed to him*



Yes yes so drama; the crying, pleading, listen to me, emotionally heightened energies will be ten fold...

But pay attention…

From September 14th to November 21st Jupiter will make us look at the themes of early 2021 which are currently playing out.

You two will then make amends to make some final changes to help clarify your message and assist people by testing that their heads and hearts are aligned.

*silently laughs*

Aquarius and God together

Be careful what you wish may just come true.

*both crack a huge smile*


So we'll call this time ‘tweaks’ before the door closes for another 12 years.


Cool, as long as Jupiter doesn’t spend too long at Capricorn's place that’s OK.

Soooo you gonna allow us to teach everyone wan’t we want?

*reviews the list*

Seems we need more effective lessons to boost equality, charity, human rights, environmental movements...and the rest.

*looks at a random screen*

Crap I missed this section over here...what about...


Jupiter will be all yours from November as promised!


So the bottom line is to inspire the people to work on…

What will last beyond this life.


Indeed. You’ll help them use their unique individuality on a universal scale for the benefit of mankind.

And seeing as I’m bringing in the old man at the end of 2022 and start of 2023 - you know what he’ll do...


How can i forget...


So you won't mind working with him when the time comes to ensure full execution of what has been learnt in 2021-2?


May need to get Libra involved here...


No no, no need! I'll relay the message, but not sure if Jupiter will be keen whilst we’re partying together…

You know how excited we get, it's explosive…


Yes, who do you think called the police...and the Army last time?




*unimpressed face*


Yes, ill remind everyone that whatever they create in the next year or so will require serious hard work, refinement and practicality to be applied in 2023 and beyond.


Don’t 'remind'. You must force the message to the collective awareness that with any type of expansion comes great responsibility, humble service….


Yep yep got it, and not going overboard.


And not lose confidence or faith in themselves and their sense of identity, especially when Jupiter retrogrades later in the year.

Remind them that their individual special talents I bestowed upon each and every living thing means something!

If the people can approach this time with a healthy sense of ego and discover their uniqueness without throwing it in other peoples faces with sarcasm that you often do Aqua man, then you should be OK..




Are you mocking the fact that I am correct?


No no, sorry I lost interest there for a second.

I just remember 12 years ago...2009 the top songs..

Single Ladies

Poker Face

Love the Way You Lie… did you like those ones?


Yeh I did, they were pretty good. Do you remember 12 years before that? 1997?

Young Hearts Run Free

Bitter Sweet Symphony?

You both were loving it. Some of the other signs weren’t impressed…


Yeh well I’ll do my best with the Guru.

If my personal freedom, sarcasm, and totally out of the box ways rub some of the other signs the wrong way again...well they’ll just have to wait their turn…

I'm your ‘Genius Creator” am I not?


Indeed Aqua man you are…just remember as Jupiter is the ruler of intelligence, wisdom and faith he will work with your mentors, teachers, gurus, professors, counselors, lawyers and healers as well in the education systems that you set up.

Have you seen the software they’re still using?


Oh my yess.. Shocking. Snails pace.

I'll prepare them for Pisces too...teach them about Feng Shui, Vasta, meditation, mantras, chakra work, reading pulses, powerful healing techniques, using sports / athletic activities as a way of release…

Though I often think this would be obvious by now…

Thank you by the let Sadguru through the testing period. At least he is addressing my Science.

How many cycles do we need to go through!?


*thinking about his creations*

I really am proud of Mooji too.

He's already with Pisces.

He visits me often.


Yeh...still not quite connecting with that man.

Pisces is...


Not quite like you?

You have much to learn from each other.

You are both imperative to the influence of the next decade.


*looks at God*



But yes, indeed, every Generation needs a boost.

Just navigate through the extremist cult groups and violent preachers as best you can with Jupiter.

We will, of course, lose a few of those coupled up as your influence for independence sets in...yet we still need you to work with these couples, in love and business.

They can make it work, only if you show them the difference between independence and interdependence.



Am guessing Saturn will help me clean up after the party from end of 2022.

Ha...he’ll probably cut out much of the garbage of what Jupiter and I create...


That’s what he did in 2020 in the corporate world, he's still there doing his best in Capricorn, but he’s leaving behind what is necessary, efficient and practical.

Breaking a number of bones and spines in the process. And businesses, and people's material reality. He's also making people feel their real age...after...


...after Sagittarius tried to keep everyone looking young with his filters!




You knOw I'm right.

Haha, yeh he and Capricorn....Bones, Back, and Bo...



We aren't here to discuss medical Astrology!


Saturn is ruthless G.

Will the people be ready though?

It may get ugly, I may need to involve the USA, China, Australia, the whole of Europe…

Do you think another Pandemic?


Saturn will do what he needs to, I’m not saying Pandemic.

Positively speaking he will be highly beneficial in your sign. Indeed he will remove the mess, however he will solidify what you’re working on with Jupiter this year and in 2022.




Why must you love gore Aqua man?

And what do you think is low key happening now?



God Just do you for now and keep humanitarianism at heart...they’re only in human bodies.

We can expect a number of them to run amok as soon as Jupiter comes in...claiming their freedom from worn out belief systems etc.

Just ensure the overdue tech runs through their systems, which, come to think of it, our privacy is another thing you need to work on too…

Saturn will really come down hard on you there.


*remembers he may have forgotten to carry the 1*

ahhh yehhh of course!


I know the ins and outs of everything...I pretty much designed it all.


*Cocks an eyebrow*


I'll do what I need to do..

*says under breath*

...might even use my genius to make a billion on the cosmic stock exchange.


I heard that…


But only to show the humanites how it's done!

I'm talking about a LARGE SCALE change!


Remember what Saturn did last time in 1992?


Yeah dude, he makes me work - like I know he’s my homie and all, but sh*t I always have to say goodbye to what isn’t solid hey, and friends...or so called really, but he genuinely gives me what I’s just the grind you know?

And he reduces my hourly rate!


Only for a while before he triples your income in other, more workable ways.

That's why he exists.. you both show everyone how to expand with the RIGHT systems in place. And leaves you with what you need.

So don’t be too tempted this year.. Jupiter makes everything glitter.

When Saturn comes along you realise just how hard you need to work to see your dreams for a better world come true.


But you’re saying until 2023 we can just party and grow, and throw a little rebellion around?


Go nuts.

Whatever new opportunities you conjure with Jupiter between April to September 2021, and again from November 2021 for a year or so will be put to the test around the end of 2022 and with the pressure on from Jan 2023. Got it?


Got it!

Help people deal the cards they’ve been dealt in their work, love, health etc. & use it to help others.. get inspired now.. be ready for great testing time and formalities in 2023.


Meanwhile… in the other room...

Gemini and Libra are discussing Aquarius’s recent rant...


I guess what he said is kind of true...I don’t think Adonis would have said yes to sticking to 1 woman when he had 1,000,000 all lined up.


‘1 woman for every man’.....pfftt...

Created by a bunch of people who couldn’t get laid... this is actually written somewhere I’m fairly certain, but maybe this is just his opinion.


You do know I don’t actually agree...religion has kept my family together, despite what they’ve all been through.

Like...just look at the Queen of England...infidelity, death, kids issues, and all in the public eye! Yet that woman still charges on…


Yeh she’s kind of a gun, but are these relationship rules, or any rules really for the greater good?

Aqua’s ideas are pretty extreme…

I often wonder what would happen if we let the dogs out, and the murderers, and the psychos? Would things really be so disastrous? Or will things look exactly the same as they are now?


*appears with a coffee cup*

...suppressed, covered up by rules and regulations to ‘show’ that we’re somewhat civilised creating intensified anxiety and fuelling the monster within?

Cue the pharmaceutical industry!


Dude, Scorpio is here?


She’s always here, even when she’s not here…


Now now, Scorpio don’t be like that!

You wan't to let your kids out with paedo's running around?

And meds... your 100 year old self will thank you one day…


MY 100 year old self?

Who the F is supposed to live that long!?


What did Aquarius say about that again? Can’t remember…

But is it really so hard for people to just be themselves AND have happy relationships?


There’s no right answer – just ideas really.

We can agree though that the best part, traditionally, is when Aqua releases a new starseed...and they use relationship heartbreak to work with cosmic rythm to make music...and art of course.


So true...

*thinks of love...shivers a little*

We really underestimate rhythm...the people have been so focused on the visual, they forget that the human species attracts through voice too, sounds and powerful.

Like stop using text people!!

pick. up. the. phone.


...ever been so turned on or off by the sound of another's voice?


*eyes open wide*




*puts feet up*

Ahh music...Aqua's cosmic rhythm. Genius.


But what does Aqua mean to 'be ourselves'?

We just do what we need to do, and need rules to exist...


Yeh but we manage people and money for...what?

He says it creates power systems and poverty simultaneously...



What about overpopulation’?


Don’t open that one.


Aqua man said at the end of the day we’re a speck of cells from some sort of organism floating through space - or something… does it even matter?


*Looks at Gemini watching TV*

Are you listening?

Why are you watching mainstream news?


Huh? Why are you only listening to the Scientist and not the Guru or the people with actual life experience?


Exactly! It isn’t possible to attain quality answers from those who have not lived and survived to tell the tale...all opinions need to be taken into consideration but only from those with experience!


God would definitely disagree with you there Libra…that's why he wanted us to talk to Aquarius.

They both know that no 2 moments in time are ever the same…

*smiles at Libra*


*rolls eyes*


Gen Z are onto it…they’re already running the 'show'...


Umm HELL no. Can we agree to disagree on that one?



Like Pisces eeez what it eeez.

Hey you wanna go get some food?

*Taurus wakes up*

LEt's go


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