> Venus/Saturn Conjunction March 28/29th
> Mars/Saturn Conjunction April 4-6th
> Allegiance to self; remember your "why"
MATURITY, CONSISTENCY, RESPONSIBILITY Venus will conjunct Saturn on March 28th/29th
Venus rules art, culture, heart, our desire to connect, money (cash, stocks/bitcoin, property etc.) and things we find pleasure in. Venus will meet with Saturn on 28th-29th March where these areas of life will experience a healthy dose of 'realism' as Saturn rules responsibility, limitation, discipline and structure.

Although the God of pleasure (Venus) and the God of karma (Saturn) usually experience a healthy relationship, for those who struggle with limitation and discipline, Saturn is the a$$hole that says "Nope. Not the time for fun now honey".
Venus says "but I want! XYZ".
She's now dealing with the the fun police... Think Devil Wears Prada; a room filled with the worlds most brilliant and creative minds under significant pressure to create works of art through photography, fashion and style of the highest calibre in order to influence the masses in their fashion choices for the upcoming season.
During this time, Venus is asking us to pay respect to our duties by remaining disciplined and taking a mature approach in achieving what we desire. Pleasure and duty CAN work hand in hand, if we consider what makes sense for the long haul over the 'frivolity' in being too caught up in the 'what I want'. If you experience restrictions during this time in either your money or creative self expression, accept this as a temporary pause necessary so that you don’t fall off the rails with hedonistic tendencies.
For some, this may mean significant upgrades to the way we conduct our business, at work and in our relationships by considering what is the most practical thing to do. For others, significant blocks to the heart or financial situation may be felt.
How to work with this constructively?

Remembering our Sādhana is the first step; our daily practices that have helped maintain our sanity since the start of 2020.
Since the beginning of 2020 to January 2023 (with a brief hiatus from May-June 2022) Saturn's transit in Sidereal Capricorn has asked us to remove what is no longer necessary; to keep only what makes us feel stable, honest and 'down to earth' (people, places, ideas, titles, ego, concepts and prejudice). Saturn in Capricorn operates in dignity, meaning we have been pushed to take our spiritual practices more seriously, so that we don't allow ourselves to develop significant addictions to alcohol, food or drugs in order to 'escape'. No matter what level, or how much time we dedicate, it is our Meditation, Yoga, physical activity, or ANY activity we can do that focuses our energy into a CONSISTENT daily practice that is THE only thing that helps keeps us balanced.
Our daily practice is our reminder: we only have control over ourselves.
A logical, realistic and practical approach to the things we desire is what is needed - and a gentle reminder to wait until Venus moves into it's exaltation (by mid April/May) to once again feel her dancing amongst the stars in the la la land of eternal bliss... this is promised, and we will feel it when the time comes.
Mars, God of War conjunct Saturn, God of Karma April 4th-6th
Mars the solider and Saturn the commander come head to head on April 4th-6th that will lead to sudden anger and antagonism that historically leads to necessary change.
Physically, Mars is fire; our fight/flight response and rules the blood, bone marrow, head (natural 1st house) and sexual organs (natural 8th house). Saturn says I am the wall, built of the hardest materials known to man. I am freezing and I will cause damage only if you do not do 'the hard work' I assign. Physically, Saturn rules the spine/skeletal system and teeth.
Specifically, watch for injuries to knees (natural 10th house) and calves (natural 11th house) both co-ruled by Saturn.
BOTH Mars and Saturn are in dignity, meaning although they will create major upheaval, they're transiting together in a sign that is ultimately for the greater good, using strategic methodology that leads to progressive change, albeit a little explosive.

Ideally we’d see this played out for the good in the Russia/Ukraine devastation and total self centred wrath of Vladimir Putin.
Will this war and the drastic sanctions placed on Russia have a ripple effect on other countries future decisions of "invasion"? Are other countries paying attention to how the world is responding to this level of violence and death?
On a personal level, this will be an intense time as Mars and Saturn together demand that we focus our energy and discipline through concentrated effort; to do what may be difficult or a significant amount of work, but what needs to happen - the 'right thing' to do.
If you've been doing 'the work' you will be rewarded.
As humans, we naturally seek comfort and with our ego so fragile, at any time we may easily become un-disciplined with our vices if we allow external influences to affect us or instil fear into our natural sense of self and inner freedom to express who we really are.

Now however we are reminded of what we have strategically setup for ourselves, to benefit us in the long term, not just for the impulsiveness of achieving some small milestone in the moment.
What benefit comes from a quick fix?
Mars can cut through like a knife, it hurts. His energy transiting over Saturn can cause significant damage if we aren't aware of the practices we need to integrate DAILY in order to develop enough strength to face future disruptions.
This is what is being tested now.
Since the start of the pandemic, what have you faced within yourself that required the "next level" of daily practice to help you both physically and mentally achieve greater strength?
It's what we do over and over again that may not be evident to the outside world, but what we do in our own time to get stronger as time passes which is what we will be reminded of in order to feel empowered.
Remember your "WHY"
Ever been broken?
How about shattered?
Do you remember the moment it happened?
Did you change something?
Or did some part of you finally become completely obliterated into a million pieces until you finally gave up on everything you were trying to control?
The universe does that. Well...more specifically in a material sense, Saturn's transit will do that to us.

But we're still here.
We just forcefully upgraded to 2.0 with a renewed understanding of the impermanence of all things... and what our subjective minds comprehend as the world around us.
The irony?
When these moments change us so significantly that we question what it is exactly it was that we were fighting for.
But does that signal a real change? Or does it merely see us take a brief hiatus only to come roaring back...better, stronger, smarter and with new found respect for ourselves and ability to regenerate?
Your choice. You should know your pattern by now.
As explained by OG Vedic Astrologer and Author Sam Geppi, our ancient ancestors had a healthier relationship with the cosmos than what we do today. They knew better than to exploit people by "predicting" things.
They knew that the only useful tool for tracking cosmic activity was to understand and analyse patterns in human behaviour in order to truly observe how taking risks and experiencing growth is necessary, not merely a means to achieve the next "milestone".
Once we understand WHY the patterns are setup the way they are, suddenly the game becomes a lot more fun.
Say goodbye to confusion, guilt, resentment and self pity. Welcome truth. Welcome freedom.
Einstein had an incredible experience on this earth.
Through the river of his thoughts and imagination, he was able to receive theories out of nowhere - received as "revelations" PRIOR to manifesting the creations based on what he "saw".
Similar to the artist who sees the beauty in all things and is able to capture these moments in a photograph or painting. It is what is not so evident, which is where genius exists.
A loving reminder in the upcoming of weeks to remember your "why".
Forget what was, or how, or when.
Remember-your-why; recall what your heart has been calling for you to do for as long as you can remember.
This is why you are here.