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Acknowledge, Transform

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

On the 14th July Mars & Chiron will meet. This occurs approximately ever 2 years. The 'wounded healer' (Chiron) meets the Warrior (Mars) exact at 6:55pm AEST. 

Chiron is where our internal psychological wounds and pain reside, usually stemming from childhood trauma. 

Chiron is the Achilles heel, the soft spot, or the "insecurity spot" and depending where he is placed within your chart, will tell you much about what in your life is your greatest weakness that often, when effectively developed can turn into mastery.

He has just turned retrograde & will be teaming up with Mars tomorrow evening.

This week is an opportunity to:

- Identifying anger, aggression, and tension  - Release tension through understanding & acceptance of sensitivities  - Gaining courage and strength in areas you are weak  - Acknowledge and transform weakness when pursuing what you want  - Transforming anger, guilt, and shame into strength and compassion - Speak up! We are here to pursue what drives us - despite any perceived fear


"Whatever appears in the mind has no reality, like clouds passing...there’s no permanence about them. Neither time, nor change exists without you...the one who observes them.

The ‘You’ who perceives the suffering (of I) is not suffering at all. Leave every thought, every intention, every seed of memory... do not combine yourself with any thought or concept.. let them come, but don’t attach your attention to them. 

Now, see, are you not still here?” - Mooji


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