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Jupiter and Rahu conjunction 2023

"Guru Chandal Yoga"

22nd April to Mid June

Exact on 28th May

Inspiration is a beautiful experience.

When you're inspired you become uplifted as an energetic jolt of hope and optimism generates an inner seeing that wasn't previously clear in your mind.

It allows you to see a clearer path for you to accomplish your goals and proceed from a purely authentic state.

An invisible chain is broken and replaced with the freedom to make your moves from the heart and exceed ones own expectations with ease.

This strong and powerful rise in energy is usually due to unexpected epiphanies, music, or the words of another that infiltrate the mind with faith and wisdom.

That is, of course, if the intent of the inspirer is well intended.

Sometimes we meet people or follow those with words that generate this feeling naturally in others through their loud, well-marketed, quick-witted and high-vibe communication style with a 'trust me, I know what you need' approach.

Others with equal confidence use reverse psychology, acting clueless and waiting until their targets reveal themselves to expose areas of insecurity or weakness to later be taken advantage of.

It's interesting when audiences easily absorb information without discerning whether the person delivering the message is genuine or corrupt and simply full of sh*t.

Common sense usually goes out the window when this occurs. Inspiration can equally be a lethal weapon if the seeker is susceptible or in a space of vulnerability.

The law of cause and effect tells us that any message of inspiration aims for the same result; draw in, use and control, for better or worse. We are exposed to this method everyday.

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." - J Rohn

Jupiter is the cosmic Teacher or Guru. It teaches, blesses, expands, brings luck, wealth, children, money, and a multitude of positive manifestations. When less dignified it can bring these energies in through fabricated stories, lies, addictions, underworld figures, false teachers, etc.

Rahu (North Node) is the Dragon's head, cut off from the rest of it's body. This means it's never full, it continuously consumes without ever being satisfied.

Wherever Rahu is in your natal chart is what you are obsessed with, mess up, yet continue to follow in this lifetime.

Ketu (south node) is the opposing energy that you bring from your most previous past life that you have already perfected, and like a magnet are the things you attract and easily manifest in this life.

Ketu however, causes separation, disinterest and to liberate you - you're ultimately here to follow Rahu.

Rahu is a shadow planet that creates explosive energy wherever it transits in the sky. It can take anyone from 0-100 overnight. It can blow things up, both literally and figuratively speaking.

Jupiter and Rahu will form what is known as Guru Chandal Yoga with effects commencing on 22nd April when Jupiter first enters Sidereal Aries and peaking on 28th May when the conjunction is exact in the lunar mansion of Ashwini Nakshatra.

Jupiter and Rahu will remain in close conjunction until mid-June, and as Kapiel Raaj so brilliantly put it in this video - the result will be like watching leaders, teachers or Gurus at a bar, completely intoxicated.

They preach loudly aaaallll night making promises or threats and expose their ideas to the world or whomever will listen and follow. Yet they aren't aware of the extremities and potential damage of the messages coming out of their mouths.

The positive influence of this combination will see a new cycle of hope and inspiration wherever Jupiter and Rahu is transiting in your natal chart. It will not only uplift you but bring essential break-throughs in areas you may feel stagnant in.

Ashwini is one of the fastest moving energies of all the Nakshatras; Horse power, Formula 1, Emergency Healers/health care system, etc.

It also rules Tarot and those working in the occult using their hands (more on Ashwini below).

Due to the malefic influence of Rahu it is highly recommended at this time to watch for false messages from those who are all talk and no action.

Want to know if something or someone is worth your time?


Consistency in action, behavior and follow through. The first inkling of doubt should never be ignored - ask questions, or be prepared to walk away. Save your own sanity as deception will be high at this time. Trust yourself.

Check in with your higher intelligence to discern the information received.

How do the people, places, jobs or groups you associate with make you feel?

Nervous and anxious? Or calm, happy, warm and loving?

The former is usually more exciting and short lived; the latter always wins in the long term. It's up to you.

You'll likely discover that what you deem inspiring in others is not only what you're able to generate within yourself but also a major clue to what you are yet to create on your own terms.


20th April 2023

Solar Eclipse in Ashwini at 5 degrees (conjunct Rahu)

Effects felt from 6th April to 4th May

An impulsive shift from the old to the new; past to future through pure self will and growth

When Rahu joins the Sun during an eclipse, it brings power, obsession and desire almost hypnotically. A sense of volatility may be felt as the eclipse approaches; not only fueled by Rahu but also occurring in the Nakshatra of Ashwini (0-13 degrees Aries).

Ashwini features heavily during these weeks with the Jupiter and Rahu conjunction AND the Solar eclipse joining the party.

Ashwini is the Nakshatra relating to new beginnings and the very beginning of the Sidereal Zodiac of Aries. Aries, however, is also the God of War.

Changes will manifest quickly with a high probability of military power moves, potential for vehicle related accidents (Ashwini rules fast cars) due to hastiness and impossibility to slow down as impulsiveness will seem almost unavoidable.

In day-to-day life you may feel a sense of urgency for change as the people and circumstances around you begin to move at a rapid pace.

The Ashwin twins in classical Vedic texts are youthful trickster twin horsemen travelling in a chariot drawn by horses. They bring in the dawn or first light to 'end the darkness' and 'bring things to life' in the medical field.

Translate Ashwini dominant energy in 2023 and we see the embodiment of:

- Emergency doctors and nurses - and the funding (or lack there of coming to the surface)

- Pharmaceuticals and medicine men/woman including alternate healing/Chinese medicine

- 'Karma' of having to heal people and animals (Vet's)

- Obsession and love of sports cars, going fast

- Ruthlessness and the first moves in war or battle

- 'Jack of all trades, master of none'

- Sincere yet dominating personalities

- Fast/exotic cars (F1 related matters)

- Alcoholism due to overwork or stress

- Demand for tarot readers and mystics for answers

- Change agents

Ashwini Remedies:

- Connecting with horses

- Cooking with Honey or using with hot water to drink

- Ashwagandha

- Paying respect to father figures

- Do not commence too may projects at once

- Donate medicinal supplies

- Increase vitamin D or take in more sunshine

- Practice Yoga at sunrise

Ashwini is associated with healing, including negative programming passed down from your bloodline - this is a good time to identify the narrative and aim to heal through transmutation practices:

  • Kirtan Yoga (Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, Hanuman Chalisa)

  • Visualization techniques or

  • Helping others in areas of life where you may struggle


21st April to May 14th 2023

Mercury Retrograde in Bharani (Sidereal Aries)

With Mercury retrograding within 24 hours of the eclipse, whatever manifests will require an immediate response and shift of gear.

An imminent review and critical analysis of recent events will require a shift in your current processes.

Communication, admin experts, tech changes/upgrades and perhaps one or two overdue verbal battles over power and control will be evident.

Potential for intellectual warfare will be heightened at this time however, those that have proved themselves worthy of inner strength, leadership or an exceptional work ethic will benefit at this time.

Mercury is ready to integrate a new paradigm planted in early April by revealing to you whatever burden or challenge you've overly intellectualized to death and may still be carrying.

It needs to be dropped. Immediately. You don't need it.

"The truth" changes with every passing moment. Suddenly what seemed impossible is now your reality. Just. like. that.

Never, ever, ever assume. Ever.

We're all wonderfully flawed human beings bombarded by an infinite amount of responsibility. What may seem easy for one, may seem burdensome for another.

The 'Just Do It' style of Gen X may struggle with the highly intuitive and sensitivity of Gen Z, or the enigmatic 'military style' work ethic of Gen Y/Millennials. The differences in age, tech and skills are meaningless when it comes to matters of the heart.

Mercury is the cosmic communicator and for those of you familiar with this x3 yearly phenomenon, understand that most power or Wi-Fi outages, forgotten attachments to emails, forgotten paperwork, keys, shady business deals, 'friends' from the past or deals with hidden motives occurs during the retrograde cycle.

If any major purchase or deal occurs during this time, expect a few extra missing puzzle pieces to pop up after the cycle is complete.

In Bharani (ruled by Venus and ultimately our sensual nature), mercury is reminding us that unless you ask questions you never discover the reason for others actions.

When the heart is ignored for too long it causes sickness in the body - it must be followed regardless of the outcome, as no evil resides in this space. Evil action comes from fear.

If you only ever see through the lens of your own limited experience and comprehensive faculties, how can you know what or why another person is or isn't acting according to what you 'thought'?

Mercury retrograding in Bharani (the Nakshatra of life and death) will intensify efforts to re-examine:

- Where you're overwhelmed with responsibility

- Responsibilities relating to other peoples children (Bharani rules caring for others kids)

- Attitudes to sex, love and money (and the wonderful mix that brings)

- How you destroy or transmute the bullshit others bring to the table

- Your own bravery or courage to own your dark side or fears

- Your creative and sensual nature to 'birth to life' new things/people/projects

Fear is a powerful state and a necessary function for self-preservation and protection though you can remain stuck or stagnant, carrying 'burdens' way past their expiration date.

Don't do that - you've worked too hard to be here. Mars shifts out of stagnant Taurus at the end of March and enters into Gemini (Sidereal). You're coming to the end of a stagnant cycle.

Get ready to preach....speak up and never back down - own who you are!

With the energy of Ashwini preceding Mercury's retrograde cycle, there will be no choice but to face your fears wherever you feel a shift needs to occur.

What frustrations and burdens are you still carrying internally that should be discussed openly? Are you fairly compensated for the effort you're giving?

Close your eyes and imagine a world where every human looked the same. Same titles, same sex etc. How does the world receive what makes each person unique, and how do these gifts spread to assist others?

The colors, flavour, design all emanate from the individual's soul or spirit - it's something you energetically sense and feel rather than see.

Whom have you not yet considered that you know intuitively is more than capable of assisting effortlessly - the one born to do what you're trying to accomplish?

The 'birth and death' energy of Bharani means transforming from previously held belief systems and circumstances to allow new ideas, people and energy to flow with others that are ready to help you take what you're doing to the next level.

Be open to change and choose your pain.

"You either experience lifelong pain of wasting your precious time on the things God or 'the creator' never gave you. Or you're going to go through the pain of cutting ties with people places and things that are hurting you just for a little while and fully heal sooner than you think." - RCB

Talk to others about where you want to go and be humble enough to accept the help you need to elevate you to the next level. ❤️


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