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Pluto in Capricorn 2020-2039

Writer's picture: Loka CollectiveLoka Collective

What shifted in 2020? That which will continue for the next 19 years or so...

The long term socioeconomic changes taking place can be seen by the transit of Pluto, which takes anywhere from 15-20 years to move through 1 sign.

Pluto brings death and destruction in order to make way for the new.

Anyone who has experienced Pluto transiting their individual planetary placements within their blueprint (Vedic/Western Astrological chart) would have experienced near death-like experiences either physically or psychologically, which has been the catalyst of powerful life transformations.


Pluto transited Sagittarius (Vedic Sidereal) from 2005-2020.

Pluto brings change that cannot be fought against. It is the energy of death, transformation and renewal. When it transited Sagittarius he brought these themes to the sign of:

- Publishing and media

- Beliefs & new ideas

- Knowledge and expanding information/higher wisdom

- Teachings/philosophy and Gurus/fatherly figures


Twitter followed shortly after… People who once never had a voice, now had an opportunity… and it has certainly been an interesting show as we watched individuals own their own publicity.

The sharing of ideas, deeper awareness to Global issues, information (and misinformation), teaching & online courses suddenly became the new normal as businesses and individuals adjusted to the demand.

In addition, events that followed which contributed to transformation of old methods of publishing, belief systems, and increasing our awareness since 2005 include:

a) In 2005, Britain implements The Civil Partnership Act granting civil partnerships which include SAME SEX PARTNERSHIPS with the same rights and responsibilities identical to civil marriage

b) CANCER replaces heart disease as No. #1 cause of death for people ages 85 and under, and then in 2009 the complete genetic codes for both skin/lung cancer were identified; making way for drug targets for cures

c) FIRST GENERATION iPhone - the "phone" technology meant a connectivity device now used for more than just a way to call or SMS's others

- BARACK OBAMA elected the 44th president of the United States and was the first African American to take office


For the next 19 years, themes related to both Pluto (transformation) in how we ‘do Capricorn' equate to:

- Efficiency and practicality

- Power and pressure to the worker

- Discipline in business and career

- New monetary systems

- Living within your means; the essentials

- Transforming the use and misuse of power from Government/law institutions and senior management in big business

- Overcoming inequality of resources

- Not cutting corners

- Common sense goals with a no nonsense and methodological approach

- A critical look and change to how we live, our home environment, real estate and our emotional state (Pluto in opposition; 180 degrees to the sign of Cancer, which represents these themes)

Saturn is also here in Capricorn until January 2023, and strengthening the sign by being in its ‘own home’, meaning we have no choice but to adapt and work hard in our chosen discipline and wherever Capricorn rules in our Vedic Astrology charts.

From a financial perspective, as discussed here, we are currently experiencing a number of inner and outer planets in Capricorn bringing a super charged intensity and focus into the sign of practicality, that which is essential, our Government, the law, and any previous structures we have worked hard to build.

"Doing life, with less stuff" is a major key focus.

Adapting to the current limitations and what this means for you is essential in navigating through this transition.

We are being guided to simplify our lives, adapt to drastic change and be patient more than we have experienced before.


In this time of uncertainty, we are reminded that mother nature does what she needs to do in order to remind us of the impermanence that we call life.

Yogis around the world understand that time is simply filled with life and death and the stillness that exists in the observation of life is the only thing that remains constant.

Spirituality is not simply sitting on a rock meditating, nor is it doing Yoga or escaping life through intoxication. These are methods to achieve a connection (Yoga) to the stillness that exists in the present moment no matter what is happening around us.

Spirituality, which is what many people are looking for in a time of crisis isn’t finding ways to distract yourself…

On the contrary, its about doing what you do best which brings a level of bliss, without any external help, despite what anyone else thinks and no matter what it looks like. How you feel about your life and how you choose to live it is the only thing that will alter your state of being.

No one else is in charge of this.

No matter how much attention, money, popularity one receives, these are all temporary moments…part of the never ending list of wants that Spirituality tries to make us aware of; the impermanence of life.

Choose those activities which you can do daily, that does not rely on anyone else or thing that will help you remember what you are grateful for. You do not need anything from anyone to achieve this.

No one is in control of the external world, only we are in control of how we (our body/mind) chooses to respond under any given circumstance. Therefore, the need to accept, adjust, and be willing to flow with these changes without resistance is the only way to find new ways to approach how we ‘do life’.

This time is an opportunity for many to take a good hard look at what they have been spending their time, resources and energy on.

For those suffering internally, I urge you reach out, to help someone else in need without expecting anything in return.

Why are there so many ‘mental health’ issues? Because we’ve been so warped by expectation, that people are afraid to open up about how they really feel and what they really want. Ask, listen and make the time.

The more resistance to change, the more the body will suffer. Bringing the body and mind into a state of peace, acceptance and love that is not dependent on another (which includes maintaining boundaries) is the way to live life Spiritually.

Not by ego driven success, not wanting the next best car, house, deal, ‘thing’, not controlling, not demanding, not trying to be something or someone you are not, and not trying to please others in order to attain XYZ.

Healthy love, spirituality and life flows freely.


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